• Prism Of America’s Education

    July 25, 2024
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    Image by Adam Jones

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    Morality/truth has no role for dictators. All opposition must be eliminated. 

    I always find it amazing that no matter how hard the liars lie, no matter what they say or do the truth like cream always rises to the top. It always comes out. This is what we see  in America.  No matter how hard the left tries, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness always manages to be present for people have no desire to be slaves. 

    In 1917 the first communist revolution was created by the Bolsheviks. They vowed to destroy and kill everything that existed before the revolution. Why? They wanted a clean slate so they could mold the new communist man in their image. The hell with what the people wanted. They knew best. They designed the communist utopia. Since that time over 75 years, over 100 million people died under their communist rule. You might say how awful. They say wonderful.  We must depopulate the planet by any means possible they believe.  Too many mouths to feed. Too many people to control. Too many people cutting into their wealth. 

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    Personality traits that most communists/globalists possess are a big ego, selfishness, jealousy. and jealousy. They are condescending because they know best. We call them psychopaths and or, sociopaths for they have no regard for human life. After all we are just another mouth to feed.  There is no common sense to their actions, no opposing point of view allowed as they are right all the time. Their goal is to keep the people down and dumb because dumb people require less from their government.   They pick issues that can never be solved but will cost ridiculous sums of money they steal from non believers. They have horrific economy killing policies designed to keep the people poor and stresses on the government dole. After all if you are hungry you don't have time or thought to worry about the destruction of food farms for solar farms or some stupid war in Europe or AI.  You are just hungry.   They believe the people will not bite the hand that feeds them.  

    They were not evil for evil's sake or cruel for cruelty's sake for they have a purpose. They were remaking society in their image and must eliminate all competition and all policies and values that happened before the revolution. There could never be a good reference point. Never would anyone say I remember when we were free.  The elders have to go. Communists/Globalists are the creators of the New World Order where violence was love and war was peace. Who are these traitors:

    What do they want? Everything you own. 

    After the election in Europe the communists can claim victory. Although they did not gain seats the new Globalists leaders of France and England will try to set those countries up as the new world model for the rest of Europe to follow.  Will America follow? That is up to We the People.    Here are the new policies in Europe on their way to America... How do I know?  The Communist Dept of the Interior just closed Alaska to future leases and drilling.  That is part of the plan. No power for the people.

    The EU has developed its new censorship program:

    • The Digital Services Act (DSA) creates a unified framework for government-directed content moderation across the European Union. 
    • Each EU member state now has a “digital services coordinator,” with the power to penalize online platforms if they fail to adequately address “systemic risks,” including hate speech and misinformation.
    • These official speech commissars can deputize third party entities to act as “trusted flaggers,” empowering the global network of NGOs, research institutes, and private companies that make up the censorship industry.
    • Elon Musk’s X became the first platform to be investigated after the DSA took effect, after months of threats from EU officials over Musk’s attempts to restore free speech to the platform.

    The EU has developed its new guidelines for businesses. the new law requires corporations to do to protect people in their value chains around the world, its strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities for people in value chains and organizations representing them to protect their rights. ESG and DEI will be the norm.

    1. What is the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive?

    2. What are the most serious weaknesses of the new law?

    3. How will small and medium enterprises be affected?

    4. When does the new law enter into force and when can victims of corporate abuses start initiating legal action against companies?

    5. What role is there for trade unions, Indigenous Peoples organizations, and other civil society organizations, including those outside the EU?

    6. Beyond ensuring that the directive is incorporated in the national laws of EU member states, what other initiatives are required for strong implementation of the legislation?

    7. What is the role of audits and certifications, and multi-stakeholder or other industry initiatives in this Directive?


    Don't be naive. These policies will not stay in Europe. I believe this is why the DNC is happy to have a corpse in the White House who will just sign away successful American policies. They will use their unconstitutional agencies to close our successful businesses guaranteeing:  We will own nothing and they will be happy.  

    It is up to us to get everyone we know to vote. Recognize that they lie all the time. Charlie Kirk said this and I agree.  "Every time you hear 'democracy' replace it with 'our regime.'"  If you do you will understand their actions.    Trevor Loudon, author of "The Enemies Within" and his new series "House Un-American" is my guest on this week's podcast.  Join us as we explore the world as it will be under communism. https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-new-world-order-where-violence-is-love-and-war-is-peace/

    Is America worth saving? Do everything you can to energize you and your family and friends to vote.  Your life and freedoms depend upon it.



    Karen Schoen

    Patriot, Talk Radio Host (Prism of America's Education on americaoutloud.com), Educator, Marketing Consultant, Journalist, Advocate and Citizen Lobbyist, and Public Speaker - Small business owner. My podcasts and articles can be found on karenbschoen.com Advisor: Florida Citizens Alliance goflca.org, Advisor: We The Kids wethekids.org Former candidate for Florida House, former teacher and business owner. I reviewed and helped revise the civics curricula for FL. My life and work experiences have given me an in-depth understanding of education and its effect on our students, economy, and country. My focus as an educator is connecting the dots, writing and sharing my experiences as the relate to current culture and policy. My business experiences in marketing brought me to multiple industries like telecommunication, insurance, real estate, mortgages, financial, fashion, Wall Street and Main Street.

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