• The Awareness Patriots

    September 18, 2024
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    J6-ers Join 9/11 Victims To Show Us Painful Realities

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    There is a special kind of American patriot who has made a huge contribution to their nation, whether or not they have ever been aware. Many were murdered by their government, and have been rendered unable to know their precious value to us.

    I believe that their sacrifices, in the events of both Sept.11, 2001 and Jan. 6, 2021 are awakening their countrymen to the real face of the enemy, as it raises its ugly countenance in our lives. If we learn the real evil behind the dark clouds gathering around us, those patriots will understand their real worth. That enemy is our own government, and that is more apparent every day.

    Those who left their blood on both of these pages of history are whom I call our “Awareness Patriots”.

    Now, I share with you the personal story of one. a gentle man named Jesse James Rumson, from Citrus County, Florida. Jesse is a J6 victim, AND a victim of his own state government. His rights have been violated in the most obvious and unconstitutional ways. Jesse is an awareness patriot.

    Jesse is not only was a J6 victim, but also a victim of the local election machine. He won a place on the primary ballot this past August, but was removed by the Citrus County SOE because she was “getting pressure from upstairs.”

    In some ways, his is story of Florida under the rule of DeSantis, where the free choices of the constituents seem to be falling behind Tallahassee’s desires.

    Jesse James Rumson left his fiance, his brother, and his elderly grandad, and went to Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, to show disagreement with the results of a national election, as did nearly a million other patriots.

    On that day, Jesse and friends were on the opposite side of the Capitol building from where the Capitol Police stood atop temporary scaffolding, firing flash bangs, tear gas and rubber bullets at patriots standing peacefully on the ground. This is a side of the building which has generally escaped much of the publicity. What happened to Jesse Rumson would never be told, of course, because it did not fit the published discourse chosen by Pelosi.

    When the Capitol doors on Jesse’s side were opened FROM THE INSIDE as is always the case in top security buildings, the citizens’ group standing there was invited in, and greeted with over a dozen police in riot gear. Jessee hopped over a railing to j oin the entering group. He walked in, invited, along with the others. They walked through under the watchful eye of armed guards, then went out and back into another area. As Jesse approached a group of officers, he raised his both hands over his head, showing that he had no weapon, and extolled the officers to act as friends, telling them that “we’re all in this together.”

    But the pre-purchased Capitol Cops did what they were paid to do.

    Jesse Rumson was suddenly struck hard, with a baton to the temple, knocked to the ground and beaten dozens of times. One of the Police welcoming committee put a knee to his neck to hold him down while they beat him more. He suffered a concussion, broken ribs, and shock. He was helped from the building by other patriots. All because he said he was coming in peace.

    That walk through the people’s house nearly cost Jesse his life.

    He was luckier than Roseann Boylin, of course, who murdered by the same Pelosi gang.

    Jesse’s doctor, on his return to Florida examined him and concurred with the extent and probable cause of his injuries. She has testified to this on his behalf. Mattered not.

    Jesse was surveilled, at his home in Citrus County, from March 2021 until Feb 27, 2023, by the FBI, even though there is NO evidence that he did anything wrong. They followed him, his family friends and neighbors, a 24-hour reminder of the presence of the Junta.

    Then one day, the FBI raided Jesse’s home, at 4:30 a.m. In the true totalitarian style, they hurling percussion grenades, and flash bangs at Jesse’s home, and that of his grandfather, who lived next door. Although Jesse came out with his hands up, the FBI entered his home, took phones, and computers, and broke down three interior doors in their search. They terrorized his family, especially his poor dying grandfather.

    Since we have just had another assassination attempt on Donald Trump, I want you to check out the pictures of the would-be assassin and how the FBI captured HIM. Note the difference. Ever so gentle, hands behind back. Charged with possessions of firearms, and nothing more. Since the Miami field office is headed now by a virulent anti-Trumper, Jeffrey Veltri, whose social media had to be scrubbed of anti-Trump stuff, I’m sure the gunman will get good treatment.

    Jesse was dragged out in handcuffs and taken away, to an interrogation center where they slapped him in shackles and leg chains. They questioned him for 90 minutes before taking him to the detention center in Ocala. Remember, Jesse’s “crime” was coming forward in peace with empty hands raised.

    That trip to DC, to express his discontent with the coup, has cost him eight criminal charges, which he is still fighting off three years later. His sentencing is scheduled for later this month. Sept. 2024.

    The FBI, you see, had no resistance to their treatment of an innocent citizen. They had been harassing Jesse and his family with the full permission of the Citrus County Sheriff, something a constitutional sheriff would never have allowed. Funny how gentle they were with Routh, the latest assassin they found in Trump’s bushes.

    In other states, such as AL, constitutional sheriffs met the federal invaders, as was the law, and forced the production of warrants before being allowed to approach the target residence. Other sheriffs have told me that, in person.

    Apparently Tallahassee was ok with all this.

    Those same Federal attackers, have been welcomed into the state of Florida, and allowed to set up home bases with the Capitol Police, in Tampa. The US Government claim they have the right, by law, what they did once there was neither legal nor ethical.

    “What in the hell is the Capitol Police doing setting up an office in Tampa, Florida?” Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz said at a recent rally in Largo, Florida, on July 31, as part of his “Florida Man Freedom Tour.”

    “I mean, they couldn’t even protect the Capitol in Washington, D.C.,” Gaetz said. “And I am a Florida man, so I am an expert on this, there is no Capitol in Tampa, Florida. It’s not even our state capital. And so I’m increasingly concerned that our federal government and many elements within it are using these exquisite national security authorities to turn against our own people. I will be opposed to the Capitol Police deciding to have mission creep right down the road in the Sunshine State.”

    Well put, Matt.

    Here is another person who can verify that national security authorities have turned against our own people. Meet Stephen Friend, FBI Whistleblower, who has spoken to America patriot groups in Florida about the situation.

    A devoted FBI agent, Stephen Friend, was assigned to domestic terrorism task force in Jacksonville, in October 2021. He is married and the father of two small children, and had worked for years to attain the “honor” of being an FBI agent. Once he got there, he saw things of which a man of conscience could not be a part.

    “As a law enforcement professional, I suspected the Jacksonville Field Office’s executives were aiding the FBI to violate citizens’ due process rights and protections against cruel and unusual punishment.” (excerpt, True Blue by Stephen Friend.)

    Hear Friend’s reaction to the Second Attempt on Trump’s life, here.

    In January of 2021, Governor DeSantis said the January 6 patriots belonged in prison. He never spoke publicly of it again. He told the families who came to him for help, that it was a federal matter and he couldn’t get involved. Except to allow the Capitol Police to set up a field office in Tampa.

    Who in Florida stood up for the constitutional rights of these men and women? If anyone in Tallahassee did, we all missed it.

    What was that book about the constitution that DeSantis supposedly wrote? “The Courage To Be Free”. No one in his government seems to have read it. DeGov clearly doesn’t remember it.

    Ok, NOW, the rest of the story.

    Jesse Rumson is now in his late 30’s, engaged with no children. He works as a property manager doing cleaning and repairs for remote owners. He owns his own home, where he and his fiance reside; his grandpa once lived next door.

    Jesse ran for a position on the Citrus County Commission in this past primary, which I find more than admirable, in the face of all else. A lesser person might just have shied away from everything “government”.

    He ran with no money, just talking to folks wherever he met them. They liked him and his ideas. He made it onto the ballot for the August Primary.

    But, the Citrus Co. Supervisor of Elections, Mo Baird, removed him from the ballot; allowed as to the fact that she was being pressured from upstairs. Mo also keeps a full-time FBI agent in her office. Hmmm. Is she a proponent of that Harrassment bill that died in the Florida Senate last year? David Becker, ERIC’s “daddy”must have scared her with all those faux tales of election workers being attacked by law-abiding Americans.

    Jesse’s platform was “back to the people”, less development, more local input on decisions. This may well have been the reason behind his removal from the ballot. As hard as “upstairs” worked to get developer-friendly candidates on ballots in other counties, they couldn’t have this guy messing it up in Citrus.

    Jesse was championing less development!! Horrors.

    At least, in Manatee county, the RPOF let the election happen, without trying to remove candidates, hoping for the fake voter guides to do the trick. But, MAGA patriots won their places on November’s ballot. A slip-up in the Voter Guide Scam, that was quickly rectified by shutting down the County’s Republican Committee for a year. Awkward, but what are a developer’s best friends to do?

    Since then, Jesse James Rumson has fought for his rights within the Florida judicial system. He was told that he had to “prove that he was allowed to run for office,”though, of course, it was his Constitutional right.

    There’s that pesky Constitution again.

    He took his election case to the FL Supreme Court, which first accepted it, then, 30 days later, rejected it. Guess THAT came form”upstairs”, too.

    Even the USPS got involved; just warming up for the fake ballot hustle in November, I guess. Jesse’s over-nighted documents for the Court in Tallahassee have been mysteriously and permanently halted in the Gainesville P.O. He has had to deliver them himself, a 6 hour trip.

    Are you sick of this yet?? I sure am. Jesse needs the help of good Americans.

    This is all happening in the Good Red State, Florida, run by Ronald DeGlobalist (who is an attorney, remember) who has no respect for our Constitutional law.

    Today, we must understand that this is an ongoing attack on the freedoms of American citizens. Now you know Jesse’s story. He has committed no crime except to disagree with the government - both in Florida and DC. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN IN A FREE COUNTRY.

    It is up to each of us to do what we can. He is in search of a Constitutional American with the knowledge and the ability to help him rectify the situation in Florida. Jesse is doing this all with little to no financial help. He has a Give-Send-Go, “Help Jesse Fight For Justice” . In truth, he needs good legal representation; some of those who tried to help did more harm than good, I’m told. If you would like to help with either, please do.

    Jesse not only believes in free speech, he believes in the Constitution of the USA. If citizens do not want more development in their town, that is allowed. Or used to be.

    Remember, DeGov’s latest tome, “The Courage to Be Free”? Jesse James Rumson does. Ronald DeSantis does not.

    Developers mean big money in the pockets of politicians and anyone in power, willing to go along. The average constituent does not.

    In closing, I’ll remind you about an other grant to rural Florida, announced Sept. 10, 2024, in one of DeGov’s famous dog and pony shows, or “press conferences”. The $122 million will go to benefit developers, not the choices for infrastructure improvements made by each county, as advertised by DeSantis. People like Jesse who might not want citizens to have a say, are most likely out of luck.

    But the best part of THAT press conference was when someone asked Gov. DeSantis about his latest effort against voter fraud, in petition signatures for Amendment 4 to appear on the November ballot. DeSantis stood right there and told everyone that fraud has no place in his administration! Let me rephrase that.

    Fraud has become the hallmark of the DeSantis administration. Promises made but never kept; think medical freedom, and election integrity for two. Think FAKE VOTER GUIDES! So much from which to choose…

    The Sunshine State needs a lot more good citizens like Jesse Rumson, who will stand against that, and so much more.

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    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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