• It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times

    October 15, 2024
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    It was the Best of Times: It was the Worst  of Times. I cannot get that phrase out of my head, because it reminds me of today’s America. I wondered, How many people know where that phrase came from? Why is it important? How can I get it out of my head?

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    This phrase is from the famous opening paragraph of Charles Dickens’ novelA Tale of Two Cities. The novel opens with, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …"

    Although this passage is from a Tale of Two Cities (London and Paris during the French Revolution), I think it accurately depicts what is happening in America, today.  It tells a story of contrasts and comparisons, chaos, conflicts, and despair, as well as happiness. It, in fact, tells us about a time of extreme opposites, without any in-between.  It is a contrast between the Communist/Globalist Democrats and the Nationalist/MAGA Republicans. Because classic literature can set a stage, show people what to look for, give them clues and prepare them for future decisions, classic literature must be replaced.  The Obama administration removed classic literature and replaced it with porn. 

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    Have you listened to the speeches of Comrade Kamala and President Trump? Nothing describes two totally different Americas, than the actions and policies proposed by each candidate. Many of you out there have the attitude of, “I don’t like either choice for President.” This is true, but I urge you to put aside your bias from the perspective of Personalities. Like Governor Ron DeSantis said, when Kamala complained that he did not take her phone calls: “It’s not about you, Kamala!”. This race is NOT ABOUT PERSONALITIES. It is about Leadership and a Track Record of Achievement. It is about a Vision for the future of Americans. It is about the American People.

    Comrade Kamala's Collective

    Taxes are high. Comrade Kamala has already promised to raise Federal Income Taxes to 70-80% of your pay. Otherwise, Kamala cannot pay for all the free giveaway programs.  For those lucky enough to have a job, the Government is their new employer. It takes about 10+ private sector jobs to pay the salary of one government worker. You will, of course, get a free phone. 

    Individualism and the Collective are mutually exclusive of each other and cannot co-exist. The concept of Individualism and personal choice has fled away.  Independent thought, with opposing questions, are now considered Misinformation or Disinformation. Beware, the Thought Police will put you in jail. Just pretend you live in China, you will get used to Comrade Kamala's Collective. This reminds me of the movie, "The Minority Report." where people are jailed for future crimes they might commit.  If you want to have a glimpse of what your future life is like in a Kamala Presidency, watch the first few minutes of the series called, "Persons of Interest."

    You will own NOTHING. No house, no 2nd vacation home, no car, no land, no business. Comrade Kamala has promised, "You will own Nothing, and Be Happy". I don’t know about you, but I can’t live on 20-30% of my paycheck. It won’t cover my expenses. I can promise you, I certainly won’t be happy. So think about this, if you are considering to vote for Comrade Kamala everything policy is done, "For the Good of the Collective.” 

    The food, your car (if allowed), housing, healthcare, energy, and money are all allocated and determined by the Federal Government. Your previous life as you know it, comes to an END.

    Everything changes overnight. 

    Comrade Kamala's interviews do not disappoint if you are looking for a comedy routine. If you are looking for the answers to problems created by the OBiden/Harris regime, you are all out of luck. Comrade Kamala told us through her actions that she is in total agreement with the current policies in place. So. how can she say she is now in favor of fracking? Will close the border? Tax the people more?  Support the Green New Deal (job killing, expensive), tell the corporations to lower prices and create more government jobs? To fix inflation?  The regime just signed onto the United Nations  Summit of the Future Pact giving America's sovereignty to the United Nations. Did you know about it? Did you vote for that? Did the Senate vote for that?  Talk about a Dictatorship! Nothing she says makes sense, because she approved of these America-destroying policies in the first place. Exactly how will she "fix" them?

    Trump’s Vision

    President Trump seeks EXCELLENCE.  He seeks capable people to help him achieve great things. He is a decisive and thoughtful leader, evaluating all variables and probabilities. Trump may say things you don’t like, but he is a LEADER, while Harris is a FOLLOWER. The questions is, WHOis she following? Harris’s actions show Americans that she is part of the worst regime ever to govern in American history.  Trump and his actions show us he is part of the best that America has to offer. Trump wants the BEST for America, and Americans.

    It is up to Americans to choose the best LEADER, Cabinet, and Support groups for Congress. 

    Make your voices heard, VOTE.  Make this election, Too Big to Rig.             

    It was the Best of Times: It was the Worst of Times. The choice is yours. Is America worth saving?

    If the Republicans win the election, we have a 50-50% chance to keep our country, but only if we elect the RIGHT Republicans, and conduct vigilant oversight. That means, everyone. You cannot just vote, and expect Congressman Smith to handle everything, while you roll over on your couch, go back to sleep, and are complacent. This won’t work. The Constitution and our Rights are living, breathing elements of our lives. If we don’t cherish our rights and freedoms, and stand up and make our voices heard, it will be TOO LATE. If we don’t act, these freedoms we take for granted are going to slip away forever, and this will likely be our last election, EVER

    The choice is clear: Slavery or Freedom.  

    Join the Florida Citizens Alliance  goflca.org    Help save America mentor a child.

    Show Link https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-prism-of-americas-education/

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    Podcasts and Articles:    karenbschoen.com      karenschoen.substack.com



    Karen Schoen

    Patriot, Talk Radio Host (Prism of America's Education on americaoutloud.com), Educator, Marketing Consultant, Journalist, Advocate and Citizen Lobbyist, and Public Speaker - Small business owner. My podcasts and articles can be found on karenbschoen.com Advisor: Florida Citizens Alliance goflca.org, Advisor: We The Kids wethekids.org Former candidate for Florida House, former teacher and business owner. I reviewed and helped revise the civics curricula for FL. My life and work experiences have given me an in-depth understanding of education and its effect on our students, economy, and country. My focus as an educator is connecting the dots, writing and sharing my experiences as the relate to current culture and policy. My business experiences in marketing brought me to multiple industries like telecommunication, insurance, real estate, mortgages, financial, fashion, Wall Street and Main Street.

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    Ed Vidal
    17 hours ago

    Great points made by Karen Schoen!

    I would only add that the progressive Democrat leadership is not only globalist and communist, but also jihadist.

    We can see:
    1. The Obama-Biden-Harris administration has stopped Israel from fully defending itself from the jihadist clerics in Iran.
    2. The pro-jihadist demonstrations in American cities and campuses.
    3. The failure to choose for Vice President the popular Governor of a key swing state, Shapiro of Pennsylvania, because he is Jewish!

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