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Urgent! Florida About To Give Over ALL Audit Power To NGO

March 10, 2025
Urgent! Florida About To Give Over ALL Audit Power To NGO

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“The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws.” Edmund Burke.

Say it either way you want; they both mean the same.

Two new bills, SB 1414, and HB 1249, are up for the vote in Tallahassee. Together they control election audits and who may call themselves a “Republican”. These bills seem to have the support of the Florida Supervisors of Election (FSE) Association, yet it is those officials who will be made powerless to secure their elections.

Something does NOT add up.

In the latest legislative offerings, Tallahassee is removing authority to audit from county election officials - Supervisors of Election and County Committee Chairs. from any involvement in post-election audits. These officials, elected by the people are being hamstrung. Perhaps, “castrated” is more accurate.

A hallmark of the Deep State is secret cabals working behind the scenes to take power from the people. Stupid laws.

When a lot of the rest of the nation is following President Trump’s request to do away with machines, and mail-in voting, Florida is heading in the opposite direction.


We know that the party structure has been working openly to disenfranchise MAGA Republicans for the better part of the last year. Now, Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (F14) has introduced a bill in the senate, SB1414, and , Rep Black, (FL15), HB 1249 in the House., which are NOT of, by or for the people.

If these two bills become law, not only citizens, but their elected Supervisors of Election in each county will become powerless to be able to AUDIT election results. AND, even to meet under the Republican banner, without conforming to RPOF rules.

First, SB 1414 and election security . . .

This piece of legislation should strike fear in the heart of every citizen of Florida. It is setting up the scenario for stolen elections, and making sure that nothing can ever be proven. It is set so that those who try will run afowl of this law.

SB1414 makes verification - using paper ballots - prior to certification, impossible. Every vote will be turned into a screen shot, and turned over to a third party company, who is not answerable to you, the citizens.

SB1414 turns over the responsibilities of your SOE to an organization, an NGO, which is not part of the government. This organization is Clear Ballot, whose only business is ballot IMAGE counting.

The simplest way to understand an NGO is to know that they are paid with YOUR tax dollars, but you have no say (or often, clear knowledge) of what they are doing.

This same company, Clear Ballot, has been involved in election audit controversies (aka inaccuracies) in several states.

Clear Ballot’s technology is currently used in thirteen states - CO, FL, MD, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, VA, and WA - according to their official website, with specific mentions of expansion and use in states like New York (serving 85% of registered voters by 2021) and certification in Virginia for the ClearVote 2.4 system. The company’s ClearVote system is EAC-certified and has been highlighted for use in various elections and audits across these states, including statewide audits in Maryland and South Carolina, and county-level implementations in Colorado, Florida, and New York.

Please look at that list again. A large majority of those states have been, or are still, involved in election controversies.

Secretary of State Byrd calls the paper ballot the “best record” of votes. Why, then, even consider a bill which locks them away from audit? SB 1414 DOES just that. From the time a voter drops their completed ballot into the box at the polling place, it is never seen again. Screen shots are taken of it (as well as any other piece of paper that someone may want to add, I guess) by machines from an outside vendor, and the original ballots are locked away, not allowed to be seen again.

Tallahassee knows that people do not want this, but they have stopped answering or returning communiques. Concerned citizen groups have submitted text for consideration, to call for paper ballors, hand counted, as president Turmp has asked.

Citizens who tried to tell Tallahassee’e Elections Committee, just last month, about issues of irregularities they had already found, were all but ignored, given four minutes to speak, and often interrupted during that time. The Florida Supervisors of Election (FSE) organization was allowed lengthy testimony, somehow insisting that poor SOE’s were misunderstood and mistreated.

I would be very interested to hear what the other SOE’s in Florida say about that.

As the law stands currently, SOE’s have the right and Constitutional responsibility to verify that the vote totals coming from their county are accurate. See their own website. Now, Tallahassee doesn’t want it that way, and the state FSE association seems to be supporting that theft of their own Constitutional powers.

Supervisors of Election and County Commission Chairs must step in and speak up, if they take their Consitutional duties seriously. They are the ones whose responsibilities to run honest and clean elections, will be taken from them, under the law. No one would be allowed to check, if they suspect something amiss. The voted ballots would be digitized then locked away, permanently inaccessible, until the 22 month-hence date where they will be disposed of.

Removing any evidence of election crimes makes the crimes disappea\, that is for certain. Easy.

So, citizens of Florida, the Supervisors of Elections that you have chosen in your counties, will no longer be allowed to act as mandated by law, for the responsibilities you chose them to assume, should your legislature pass SB 1414.

WHY?? It behooves Floridians and their elected election officials to find out. NOW, before this law is passed.

Tallahassee is attempting not only to disenfranchise Trump supporters, but also to remove the powers of county election officials, Supervisors of Election (SOE), who are elected by the people in each county. In essence, it is another way to disenfranchise YOU.

I would like to hear from each of the Florida county SOE’s on this subject. Alan Hayes (Lake) has already made his prfrence known. I know there are many who simply want to uphold the responsibilities of their elected office. The list of current Florida SOE’s is on their website, linked above.

Back in 2023, when The Peoples Audit developed a computer program for ech county to use, to clear all bad addresses from the voter records, MANY SOE’s expressed pleasure at having been given a tool by which to do so. Quite a few were shocked at the inaccuracies found in their voter records.

Some SOE’s, however, may be afraid to speak up, after what had been done to folks like Kim Weeks, in Flagler, in 2017. Kim was was fined and briefly jailed for recording a meeting where Obama’s DHS was allowed into the state and attacked her for using good judgment. Her “crime” was allowing ballots to be dropped through the door in her office, into a drop box where she and her staff could be sure they were gathered and recorded properly. THAT became a clear message to other Florida SOE’s: just do what you’re told and don’t try to think. Kim had resigned her position long before the jailing. The state did nothing in her defense.

Keep in mind that the year 2017, was the year that, as Obama was leaving, and Trump45 assuming office, then AG Jeh Johnson dubbed elections as “critical infrastructure” which gave the feds the right to interfere, under the Russia collusion hoax.

That has been changed, and DHS is no longer to be involved in our voting. Thank God and Trump.

Just like Tina Peters in CO, an honest election official trying to do her job, was charged with felonies. Message received. Has that message been absorbed by those in office now? Quite possibly so.

The people of each county CHOOSE the official who is responsible for their free and fair elections. If a county votes to have hand-counted ballots, for instance, that should be what they have. If they want machines, then so be it. What is NOT ok is that the state deny the citizens their right of choice, and take control of what the people have elected their SOE to do.

As for HB 1249 (no, I didn’t forget about it), the use of the name “Republican”, and the symbol of the elephant is, yes, being made into law. Who may use it and when. Under 1249, Floridians would not be free to assemble and name their groups as they chose. A list of regulations for group activities and election activities (such as producing voter guides) is laid out.

This is NOT a totalitarian country. Florida government has NO rights to control with whom their citizens assemble when no laws of safety or health are broken. However, there IS a reason that I’ve been referring to the Tallahassee Legislature as ToTALLYtarian….

Heil Ron?

Recently, US Rep. Pete Sessions (TX) has proposed a national effort for more secure elections, which he has dubbed, MESA (Make Elections Secure Again). MESA proposes getting rid of machines and early voting, along with a shortened early voting period.

To that I say, I’m glad they are noticing, after all the games of “election fraud-dodge” Congress has played over these last years, but the KEY TO SAFE ELECTIONS IS DECENTRALIZATION, NOT another federal program. The US government needs to stay back from our elections. Getting the DHS out of them was a good assist, but the best and most secure Elections must be dealt with at state level, where counties run their own, and are responsible for the results.

Of, by and for the people. You remember.

What is wrong with the RPOF?

My guess is that they want things that the people don’t. Our republic doesn’t work that way.

County officials, PLEASE contact your state lawmakers. TODAY. Remember…

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke again.



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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16 hours ago

It truly sucks that neither the government "or" the organizations that they may hire, can be trusted. Strict conservative oversight can indeed be counted on to be honest, but what guarantees are there that those folks haven't been compromised?

16 hours ago

Seems like a losing battle. Between corrupt Democrats and activist judges retarded Republicans and a do nothing AG and a RINO Speaker of the's a hell of a current to swim against...

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