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An Honest Discussion Of The Abortion Issue

November 1, 2024
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Guest post by Ines Flax and edited by Eduardo Vidal

Miami Beach - Abortion is the forceful and deliberate ending of a human life in the womb of a mother. If we are to permit abortions as a civil society, we want to make sure that it is done as quickly as possible, and with the least suffering by an innocent unborn child. Accordingly, the heart beat or six-week restriction is compassionate and humane.

The dictionary definition of abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of a human embryo or fetus.” An abortion that occurs without forceful intervention is known as a miscarriage.
We understand that the only guarantee to not end up with an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy is abstaining from sexual intercourse, which require total control of your body. For those who choose some form of birth control, we know that no birth control is 100% guaranteed. Therefore, a woman may experience an unexpected pregnancy, which is a pregnancy that happens in spite of precautions. Nevertheless, an unprevented or unwanted pregnancy is just careless and irresponsible. In a civilized society every individual is responsible for his own actions or inactions.

Let’s be honest and agree that abortion is not mentioned, or an issue covered, in our Constitution. Therefore, anyone who claims that abortion is a Constitutional right is dishonest or confused. To argue that abortion falls into your right to privacy is irrational and/or amoral. Anyone committing a murder could resort to the right of privacy defense to escape accountability for their crimes.

Also, those who frame abortion as “reproductive freedom” are completely dishonest or deceitful, as abortion is the exact opposite of reproduction. Reproductive freedom is the right to procreate, create or bring another human being to life on this earth. Abortion is the opposite of reproduction.

If we can agree that abortion is not a Constitutional right or represents reproductive freedom, we can have an honest discussion on the subject matter.

Next, we need to define when does life starts? Is it at conception or birth? Is it at “viability,” as proposed by Florida’s Constitutional Amendment No. 4? The scientific consensus is that life begins at conception or fertilization, when a sperm and egg cell unite, in order to create a single-cell human zygote or embryo. This is the beginning of a new human life and person.

The American College of Pediatricians values all human life from conception untill natural death. Peer-reviewed journals in biology and life sciences support the fertilization view. A survey of 5,577 biologists from academic institutions around the world found that 96% of them agreed that personhood begins at fertilization.

Can we agree on all the points above? If so, then the next step is how we formulate a solution or compromise in an advanced civilized society on such a difficult question?

The Florida abortion law, as currently in effect, is one of the most humane and compassionate solution to this question. Under current law, a woman can have an abortion on demand (no questions asked) up to six-weeks after conception, or before the baby develops a heart beat. When your heart stops beating, then you are declared dead, so this standard makes sense. When an embryo develops a heart beat, then it is a confirmation of human life, alive!

In the case of rape or incest, then under current Florida law, a woman may seek an abortion up to 15 weeks after conception. Furthermore, if a pregnant woman’s life is at risk, hospitals are required to take action to save the life of the mother, even if that involves an abortion at any stage of her pregnancy. Abortions are legal in the State of Florida to save the life of the mother, prevent serious injury, or if the fetus is abnormal or defective, or suffers sudden death. All of these exceptions fall under the broader principle of medical necessity where healthcare providers must prioritize the mother’s life.

Florida abortion law, as currently in effect, is a sensible and humane solution that balances respect for human life with the mother’s right to abort her unborn child. It gives every woman the opportunity to end her pregnancy, while causing the least pain and/or harm to both the unborn child and the mother. It is a reasonable compromise in a very difficult situation. We need to work together to achieve a more humane and civil society of mutual respect.

Women of a reproductive age must keep track of their menstrual periods. If they are sexually active and miss a menstrual period, but do not want to have a baby, then they should go to their nearest pharmacy. There they should buy a pregnancy test, which only costs one dollar and is 99% accurate. They can perform the test, and if positive, seek help to end their pregnancy immediately. Early termination of their pregnancy is less painful and safer for both them and their unborn baby.

Abortions are not risk free. Abortion mortality rates increase with gestation age, from 0.3 deaths per 100,000 procedures if performed before week eight, to 6.7 deaths per 100,000 procedures if performed at 18 weeks or later. Every woman needs to be aware of the risk to her physically, emotionally and mentally that comes with such procedure. If you do not want to have children, then consider abstention. There are many ways to find fulfillment or happiness in life other than sexual pleasures.

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