• Axelrod: No Help For W NC Because They Are Trump Voters

    October 11, 2024
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    Axelrod Admits NO HELP COMING To Republican Voters in NC!

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    David Axelrod, the slimy little operative from inside the Democrat Party has just said it out loud. On his podcast, Axe Files, yesterday, October 4, 2024, he said, about the lack of FEMA help to Western NC,


    Over 200 Americans are reported to have died in the storm, and Biden is “slow-rolling” rescure and recovery efforts. A source in NC reports that - DESPITE 1000 TROOPS BEING READY AND AUTHORIZED TO RESPOND TO NC, FEMA REGION 4 AND NC GOVERNOR, DEMOCRAT, ROY COOPER, HAVE NOT YET WRITTEN UP THE MISSION ORDERS THAT TROOPS NEED IN ORDER TO BE DEPLOYED. So, these troops are just sitting aroung, while people die.

    Hear the callous contempt drip: …”a bunch of these folks who had their homes and lives destroyed (outside of the liberal town of Asheville) they are going be as easy to wrangle for the Trump Campaign.” He admits they have been destroyed and their government is giving them the bilg middle finger.

    In MY book, this makes Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Roy Cooper and every other government Marxist complicit in murder. They should be so charged.

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    Hear that again:

    Hurricane Helene victims in NC are mainly Trump people, and will find it hard to vote in the 2024 election. That is why the federal government is holding back rescue aid.

    While the storm killed, Biden was lounging on the beach at Rehoboth, and Harris was out begging for money for her losing campaign. The Democrats/Marxists KNOW she is a loser, and they aren’t too worried, because they do things like this.

    They WILL steal the election, if at all possible.

    Democrats KNOW that Donald Trump would win a huge plurality of the vote in the November election, so they register illegals; make sure those who do vote, do so on insecure, unencrypted machines instead of paper ballots, as Trump originally requested; and steer storms. Yes, I said that. Keep reading.

    As you see on the map above, FL, NC, GA, TN and SC, together, have 71 electoral votes, which is 26.3% of the 270 needed for the win. FL, with 25, is more accustomed to dealing with hurricanes and should be able to compensate for damaged polling places and displaced residents — if DeSantis lays off the political hijinks; some questionable things have been announced, but I’ll cover that separately.

    Other storms have traversed the western NC area, says CNN, but never like this one. “Even the climate experts who call Asheville home believed they were insulated from the worst risks. Susan Hassol, a veteran climate change communicator and science writer, said she and others “have labored under the illusion that we live in a relatively climate-safe place.” Then, of course, the whole thing was blamed on “climate change” - the scam that has wasted more lives and resources than almost any other in recorded history.

    Let me give you the PROOF, not the Globalist-approved lies: Helene, and Ian before her, were engineered storms. Steered, if you will. Remember LBJ’s words, in 1962, “he who controls the weather controls the world.”

    My evidence is on the pages of geoengineeringwatch.org, compiled and posted by Dane Wigginton, the weather researcher who has a background in solar energy and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation. Dane was also a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. Wigginton is the authority, worldwide, on weaponized weather.

    He has written and produced a movie, The Dimming, which explains the weaponization of climate and our skies. You must see it, if you have not already. It’s free; click on geoengineeringwatch.org, which site has been visited over 48 million times.

    Dane Wigginton’s home has been featured on the cover of the world’s largest renewable energy magazine. He could be considered left of center on climate things, but he is despised and reviled by those who use weather (and chemtrails, et. al.) as warfare, because he has caught them in the act, MANY times.

    Here is his data on Helene. Watch her be moved.

    That storm was engineered to do exactly what it did. Those who experienced it know that Helene was it was not a normal storm. It raced over dry land, and did far more damage inland and 370 miles from landfall that it did in the NW sector of the cone.

    I have a friend who lives just 12 miles east of Tallahassee. Her property, and those all around her, got very little rain and wind, considering the advertised magnitude of the storm, and only one home in her community even lost a large tree branch.

    Yet, by the time Helene sped across GA, SC and into the NC/TN area, there was catastrophic wind and rain. Hurricanes usually lose speed and intensity as they cross over dry land.

    Ok, you get the picture. The purpose of my writing is to propel you into action.

    Our federal government has openly admitted they are not helping these people, and a member of their deep-bowel gang, Alexrod, says it is because they don’t want to help Trump supporters to be able to vote. Let me rephrase that: THE BIDEN REGIME IS WILLING TO LET TRUMP PEOPLE DIE SO THEY CAN CONTROL THE VOTE.

    That was their exact same message when two assassination attempts were made on Donald Trump, and they covered up as best they could. Murder means nothing to a Marxist, for they have NO morals and values, normally found in Judeo-Christian society.

    THIS MEANS WE MUST HELP. Here’s how:

    First, contact your local representative, AND your county election commission Chair. Ask what is being done to assure the ability for people in these areas to vote, or even register late to do so. Do this in ALL states. They should know; pretty sure they won’t, but try.

    Secondshare this article, and get a group of volunteers to reach out to their local Republican committees. When they ignore you, keep trying.

    Third, go directly to any elected representative who is a Constitutional Conservative - AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR SHERIFF - and would care about these disenfranchised Americans whose lives are at risk because the Left is working on stealing another election. Ask if they have ideas about what is needed. If you are lucky, some may. Please bring them up to date by sharing this article and those linked here, with them. Ask them to contact anyone they know in the election offices of these areas in W. NC, N. GA, and W. TN. While they might be affected by the storm damage themselves, they must be in touch with someone in the political chain by now.

    Get something going. You may have to improvise, but you’re all smart proud Americans and you have what it takes to help the criminally disenranchised.

    And, as always, pray. Paths may be opened to you; Lucifer is NOT, after all, in the drivers seat, as the Biden cabal would want you to believe. They fear Him and they fear us, His workers. Help the people’s choices to be able to be counted in November.



    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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