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Medical tyranny is the gateway drug for Marxist forces worldwide. As an Epoch Times headline from Sept. 2021 accurately claimed, “America Lives Under Health Communism” – but that was just the start of it.
I am won’t even mention the WHO treaty – slated for a vote 5/27-6/1 at the World Health Assembly – soon to strip much national and personal sovereignty over profound medical decisions.
Brazil has recently begun to implement a truly malicious requirement. It has mandated the Covid jabs for 6-month through 5-year olds in the national (and soon to be obligatory) child vaccine schedule, titled the National Immunization Program (PNI). Brazil is far less a federal system than the U.S. Enrolling one’s child in public school will be difficult – while schooling is mandatory and homeschooling is prohibited.
Here a brave Federal deputy, himself a medical doctor, gives in Portuguese a complete takedown of any medical justification for the mandate, ending the video by saying that his children will never be forced to take the jab. (Notice how a Brazilian Federal Deputy needs to disguise the words “vaccine” and “Covid” in the video’s texts, to avoid You Tube’s and other censors.)
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It is difficult to fathom the depths of evil that Brazil, under its convicted felon and communist dictator named Lula (for Squid) who stole the presidential election in 2022, has plummeted.
By this act alone Brazil has become the most evil ostensibly-Western government in the world, displacing the U.S., which was the first and one of the only countries to mandate Covid jabs for babies and children under emergency use authorization (now suspended).
For anyone paying the slightest attention to risk/reward or informed consent, especially for babies, children, and adolescents who have no measurable risk from contracting Covid, such policies can only be characterized as kill–off-your-population and destroy-your-country’s-future. Who could imagine that men such as Lula and Biden are capable of such heinous crimes?
One contact (who preferred to remain anonymous) in the interior of Brazil informed me of a visit by the local Health Inspector with several lawyers warning him he must give the Covid jab to his 5 year old daughter – who has escaped it so far. He replied if anyone gave her a jab at school, they would have to answer directly to him.
Fortunately, the state in which he lives has a populist, non-Marxist governor, who refuses to implement the mandate for state schools. (Federal schools have no choice; municipal ones may or may not exempt students depending on the mayor’s beliefs.)
While the United States – barely – has escaped the kill-off-your-children-or-make-them-infertile policy for now, it is no time to relax.
For those paying attention these past several years, it is amazing how the Marxist tyrants in both countries – the largest and most important of the Western Hemisphere – learn and copy from each other.
Two years after the Jan. 6th hoax and psy-op, the Brazilians pulled off the same on Jan. 8th, 2023.
Learning from Mar-o-Lago – with a copy-cat raid on former President Bolsanaro’s home on Feb. 8th this year – lawfare was used to sideline the Free World’s most intelligent leader during Covid. He was charged and convicted of purely political crimes, and has had his “electoral rights” – that is, his ability to run for public office – removed for eight years. (This was only the first trial of over a dozen in process, so chances of imprisonment are high. Last week, for example, he was absurdly indicted for falsifying his Covid-19 vaccination status, which is punishable by 12 years in prison.)
Just as in the U.S., the police state is going after his top advisors.
In the fight against tyranny, Brazilian patriots have been braver than many. While America Firsters have avoided any large-scale protests since Jan. 6 – out of fear of more entrapment and draconian crack-downs – Bolsanaristas took massively to the streets of São Paulo, Brazil’s economic lodestar by far, on Feb. 25th at the behest of President Bolsanaro, deemed by some “the most engaged [popular] leader in the world." While 'official' and legacy media estimates of under 100,000 were absurdly low, more accurate ones reach into the millions, aided, for instance, by drone footage of the massive human waves spilling over from Av. Paulista into all intersecting and adjoining streets.
So what can American patriots learn from Brazil, besides the need for more courage?
At the next pretext, no matter how flimsy, American Marxists will mandate mRNA death-jabs for babies, children, adolescents, and adults as the one best, single instrument to make a population compliant – while imprisoning all sentitent and sensible Americans who resist this invasion of both body and family – for 'the good of the country,' of course, during the next 'national emergency.'
We are one stolen election away from total medical – and other – tyranny. You can bet your child’s life on it, as Brazilians are being forced to do.
Dick Borden (a pseudonym) is a Brazilianist who has published numerous articles and a book on Brazil, as well as lectured on the country to various audiences, including to the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in New York City and Brazilian diplomats. While a resident of Florida, he spends time at an undisclosed location in Brazil.