• BREAKING: U.S. Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon Has Been Assigned Federal Election Integrity Case Against DHS Sec Mayorkas, FL SoS Cord Byrd, FL AG Ashley Moody, Others

    July 31, 2024

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    This story is developing...

    U.S. Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon has been assigned a Federal election integrity case against DHS Sec Mayorkas, FL SoS Cord Byrd, FL AG Ashley Moody, and Others.

    Amongst her initial rulings are 'no redactions' of documents, and all of the defendants have to answer together.

    The Miami Independent will report more, along with court documents, shortly.

    The entire file is available for download at bottom of article.

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    1 month ago

    May be just may be, after four years we may start uncovering the 2020 election theft

    1 month ago
    Reply to  Çâşëğ

    No we have been all over . We got the receipts .

    Hugh Jorgan
    Hugh Jorgan
    1 month ago

    Correction: DHS Sec Mayorkas, more specifically, impeached DHS Sec Mayorkas.

    1 month ago
    Reply to  Hugh Jorgan

    IMHO, Mayorkis should be tried for treason for what he has allowed to take place at our border, and the many thousands who have died because of the influx of drugs and violent criminals his decisions has allowed into. our country

    28 days ago
    Reply to  Hugh Jorgan

    Wasn't he impeached only by the house and not the senate?

    1 month ago

    Wow! An excellent judge! No redactions! Public access! Don't wake me if this is just dream.

    1 month ago
    Reply to  WBaker

    She's the best! Hope she has THE BEST security!

    1 month ago

    This tells me that maybe the courts in the US have seen and had enough of what's going on in the country, specifically the continued leftist attacks upon the Constitution, the political persecution and prosecution and attempted murder of Donald Trump, the political assault on MAGA voters, the current administration's absolute disregard for the courts and the law, the FBI's and CIA's continued disregard of Congress and the Constitution and...

    1 month ago
    Reply to  Bluto

    Here's hoping!

    1 month ago

    I am sure that her appointment is sending shockwaves and disappointment through the ranks of the puppets of the deepstate who will be affected by her rulings

    CB Man
    CB Man
    1 month ago

    this will go nowhere...there have been ZERO victories for integrity, until i see a few...nothing will change..chicom machines already have the ballots counted in their little RED memory sticks for 2024.

    Gail Cotten
    Gail Cotten
    1 month ago
    Reply to  CB Man

    It certainly won’t do anything for 2024, and by time of trial will be determined mute. Damages will be unrecoverable.

    Mark Generales
    Mark Generales
    1 month ago
    Reply to  CB Man

    Sad and pathetic that finally we see a light at the end of the tunnel and you deny it and don't get involved. Reminds me of the Republicans who whine and complain saying the Party isn't doing anything while they sit on their butt doing nothing.
    You want change, get involved.

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