• Candidate Kamala Harris Is The Michael Dukakis Of This Millenium, So Far

    October 23, 2024
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    Doral, Florida - This year’s presidential election is starting to shape up much like that in 1988. In that election, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis had a 17-percentage point lead in the summer, but lost 40 states on election day. That was back in the last millenium, when generally we had only one election day.

    There are some similarities in the presidential campaigns of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Dukakis: (1) They both hailed from progressive bastions, California and Massachusetts, respectively, before we had Blue and Red States. (2) They both looked awkward in doing things that did not come naturally to them: Dukakis in riding a battle tank, and Kamala in speaking without a teleprompter. (3) They both had full support of a fawning mainstream media. Some 36 years ago conservative talk radio was just getting started, so the three broadcast TV networks and one fledgling cable TV network were mostly unchallenged.

    Pollsters say that close elections often break late, near election day, when swing voters make up their minds and one candidate wins decisively. This year’s presidential election, however, appears to be breaking not near election day, but near the start of early voting in most states.

    In this column we have reviewed how Kamala has not run a serious campaign, and how Biden is undermining her campaign in revenge for her role in his defenestration. Now, however, we are starting to see that the wheels are coming off the Kamala campaign, as set forth below:

    1. Kamala’s interview with Bret Baier on Fox News was a disaster for her. She was evasive and argumentative, confirming that she has no command of substantive solutions to policy issues. Facing hard questions on the border, she had no answers. In particular, she would not answer how many illegal aliens the Biden-Harris administration had allowed to invade America. She arrived at the interview late, and her staff cut it short.

    2. She continues to insist that she would not change any of the policies of the Biden-Harris administration, while at the same time pitching her Obama-Harris administration as a new way forward. Imagine wrecking a country, and then running a campaign on how you will solve all the problems that you helped to create in the first place. Only airheads would hire this loser as a leader.

    3. Despite her claim to forge a new way forward, she insists that her values have not changed. In the past, her values have included: (1) being rated the most leftist United States Senator, even to the left of Bernie Sanders; (2) supporting the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and belittling the border wall; (3) defunding the police, bailing out Antifa and BLM rioters, and releasing violent offenders without bail; (4) raising tax rates and taxing unrealized gains; (5) banning fracking, ending the use of fossil fuels, and prosecuting oil and gas executives; (6) confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens; and (7) diverting funds from Medicare to the Green New Deal.

    4. She criticized Florida Governor DeSantis for not returning her call, on a day when the Governor was focused on responding to the damage from Hurricane Milton, and she had spent the day mostly posing for glamor photos on Vogue magazine. Even Biden said that DeSantis was doing a great job.

    5. Last weekend, Kamala was ridiculed on NBC’s Saturday Night Live show. This show has consistently sided with progressive Democrats since its start in 1975, with Chevy Chase ridiculing President Ford. If Kamala has lost SNL, then it is like when President Johnson lost the support of CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite after the Tet Offensive in Vietnam during 1968. LBJ said then that if he had lost Cronkite, then he had lost America. LBJ had won a massive landslide election in 1964, and Kamala has never even received any presidential votes before.

    6. The disenchantment with Kamala continued despite the three-on-one debate staged by ABC News, with their two moderators ganging up with Kamala against Trump. CBS News did its part by deviously editing Kamala’s non-sensical answers to her interview on its 60 Minutes show.

    7. The Biden-Harris administration fired unvaccinated military servicemen while allowing millions of unvaccinated illegal aliens to invade America, and passed the law directing the IRS to pursue taxes on tips. Now the FBI has quietly revised its statistics to confirm that crime has indeed been rising.

    8. She picked the wrong guy for Vice President, passing up the popular governor of Pennsylvania, a must-win swing-state, because he is Jewish and smarter than her. Instead she picked Governor Walz of Minnesota, a weird fool from a peripheral state who has further weighed down her campaign. She is worse at picking guys than Taylor Swift.

    9. She skipped the Al Smith dinner in New York this week, displaying her disdain for Catholics in particular and unborn people generally. It was just as well because she is incapable of engaging in the humorous remarks required of the speakers. The last presidential candidate to skip the Al Smith dinner was Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter’s Vice President, and he lost 49 states. The only state that voted for Mondale was Minnesota, which has now given us Walz.

    10. Finally, the Israeli army just killed the mastermind of the Jihadist pogrom on October 7, 2023, who was hiding inside Gaza. They did this despite the demand from the Biden-Harris administration that Israel not invade Gaza. Now, of course, Kamala has commended Israel for killing this terrorist, but that is not what she had said before.

    Kamala was one of the most unpopular Vice Presidents ever as of July this year. Then Biden was forced to end his campaign and on his way out, in a surprise move, anointed her as his successor. Obama had wanted an open convention to pick another nominee. Nevertheless, the Democrat-media complex has attempted to turn her into America’s sweetheart, running on vibes and joy, and unburdened by what has been.

    She accomplished this ascent without conducting interviews, press conferences or debates, or stating her positions on any specific substantive issues. She has no record of accomplishments, and no one voted for her presidential campaigns in 2020 or 2024. Her only two issues are abortion and Orange Man Bad. The Democrat party is so concerned about preserving democracy that they staged a coup to replace their democratically-elected presidential nominee with another selected by their leadership.

    Many voters fell for it, people with no discernment, or who are dependent on progressive government for a living, or for their food, housing and schooling. Nevertheless, not enough have gone along with the Kamala hoax, and the voters who are awakening from wokeness grow every day. More people are identifying as Republicans, and they prefer conservative economic and cultural policies

    The thrill is gone, but don’t get cocky, kids. Vote in person during early voting!

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    Eduardo Vidal

    Eduardo Vidal is a lawyer and political activist. His family brought him when he was nine years old from Cuba to the USA, but now the rule of law has been eroded in the USA as well, and we are turning into Cuba and the rest of Latin America.

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