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Cliff Notes For Today's World

July 15, 2024

Learn the Players. The Test Is Coming Soon.

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NB: This article written before assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

While many are questioning the perfidy apparent within the RNC and state Republican Committees, that is just the tip of the iceberg that threatens to sink our ship of state. Sadly. To be ready for the coming impact, we must look in a different direction - widen your stance, get your balance, and do a re-think about who is is really working for and against America.

We in America have a problem with more than the Globalists, and it’s been going on for decades. Brace yourselves.

To clarify the alphabet soup of organizations, which is out there to confuse us, I’ve taken a few of the biggest and most powerful organizations, and tried to spotlight them, define them. Please learn their call letters, and what they stand for.

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On the Left is a triumverate of organizations, all related and all dedicated to One World governance that will destroy our republic. These are the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). They are openly dedicated to destroying our Republic first and foremost. They have been at it for decades.

On the Right, there is a group of 400 or so of the most influential conservatives in America. They, too, have been meeting for decades, behind the scenes until recently. They claim that they are dedicated to restoring our Constitutional Republic. I have some questions about that, in light of where we are today.

Red snake, Blue snake. Both are deadly in the end.

I’m going to unpack a lot here. Some, you may know, some may be new to you. Bear with me. Becoming a real student of the game will help you to stay sane and be ready. The information I’m about to share is the equivalent of your master’s degree in World Swampology.

You’re already enrolled in this theater of the criminally absurd, just by virtue of living in America in these times. I want you to understand the whole picture, so you can stay one step ahead, and help America to do the same.

If I just started naming key people on the world scene today, the sheer numbers of their associations and actions would be enough to blot out the sun. So, we’ll go at it by looking at key groups, to let some light in.

Some of the names of the “good guys” may well be familiar to you. You have donated to them and probably praised some of their work. They are on OUR side. We are so sure…. But, I have some questions for them, and, I believe you will have, as well.

One side works with illusory patriotism, to gather your donations and support, but little is seems ever to be accomplished in the long run. The other side no longer bothers with the illusion. That side, the Left, seems to have accomplished more over the last 40 years, than have the “good guys”.

Let me introduce you to them both.

Globalists first.

Meet the Bilderberg Group, named after the famous hotel in which they first met. Their first meeting was in 1954, at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. They are a gathering of the world’s most rich and powerful, and they are dedicated to calling the shots for the world. They have met every year since then,

They are known as The Bilderberg Group, and have met every year since 1954. The ostensible reason for their first gathering was to create a world with no more conflict. End all wars! What an attractive thought, after two World Wars, in which over 100 million people were killed and millions more displaced! They believed, correctly, that citizens of the world were ready for enduring peace.

ONE WORLD, with ONE set of LEADERS, ONE MILITARY and ONE FINANCIAL SYSTEM, then countries could not do battle against each other.

This concept, peace forever, became the bait. The New World Order, the plan of action. They are closing in on their goal.

Their goal is a One World Society, with themselves as the government. The US Constitution is just in the way, they feel, and must be shredded.

The latest wrinkle in their plans is the weakness of the American leadership, which is interrupting the Bilderbergers’ end-stage moves. World conflict has elevated, instead of gone away, and the world is now less inclined to accept One World Rule than ever before. The Blue team in America is panicking. The Red team is…(?) But the One World group does NOT give up. Warning.

Look them up on their website, You will see a membership list of the world’s rich and powerful, AND a few they have chosen as tools, like Stacy Abrams, the failed gubernatorial candidate from GA. Big names like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger, Brzyzinski, Ford, Kathryn Graham (WaPo empire) and many many more. Heads of industry, finance and government; Central Bankers; Ambassadors; high government officials such as Cabinet members; heads of think tanks and foundations; news outlets: and politicians including state governors.

Some of their latest guests, at the recent gathering in Montreaux Switzerland, including Jared Kushner and Mike Pompeo. Tools or something else?

Nearly ever US Presidential candidate, from both parties, has ties to them.

I was stunned to find the name of a banker I’d once worked for, in Chicago, on their membership list. He had gone on to become the President of the NY Federal Reserve Bank and a Bilderberger!

Over the years, as they have become more confident in their power (my read anyway), the Bilderbergers have become less secretive. Whereas once, they arrested people who asked questions, they now have their own website,, where you can look up lists of participants. What they never reveal is exactly what they’ve discussed or planned.

There are other “specialist” organizations which are similar to the Bilderberg Group, and tightly related. The ones that we need to understand for now, are the Round Table (Britain) and its US branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. You already know the King of England is in on this, so I’ll focus on the other two.

The origins of the CFR date back to 1921. A little history here helps us to understand. That’s why it has been removed from our educational curriculum in America.

One of CFR’s founders was known Marxist, Edward Mandell House, chief advisor to Pres. Woodrow Wilson, 1913 - 1921. During Wilson’s Presidency, House lobbied for a state-controlled Central Bank and a graduated income tax, a Marxian concept. He wrote the plan for the League of Nations, precursor to the UN. He basically managed both of Wilson’s presidential terms.

At the end of Wilson’s second term, the CFR was formed, “of like-minded sympathizers”, in the words of Daniel Estulin, one of the world’s top authorities on the international One-World consortia, in his book, The True Story o f The Bilderberg Group. “From the outset,” Estulin says, “their commitment to form a one-world government attracted the strangest mix of socialists and Capitalists, opportunists and idealists.” Money and power speak loudly, then as now. “Strange bedfellows”? Not really.

According to historian Arthur Schlesinger, the CFR has become the “foreign policy establishment of the US”, “a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation”

Current members of the CFR include VA governor, pretend Republican, Glenn Youngkin. (I’ll tell you THAT story in another article.) Youngkin spent years as CEO and member of the board of a large defense contractor, the Carlyle Group, then retired and crashed the race for VA governor. It’s a good story. Remind me.

Those defense contractors tend to like those endless wars.

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith, once a CFR member himself, calls the practices of the CFR, a “scandal”. Guess he should know. Galbraith felt it wrong that businessmen be briefed by the US government on information not available to the public, and smaller businesses. Ever wonder about those exorbitant profits, made time after time? Like Big Pharma, around the Covid years? Yeah. Listen to Galbraith. It happens a LOT. The CFR is the engine for it.

Today, it’s worse. The business consortiums pay the members of Congress to vote as they choose.

The Trilateral Commission (TC), yet ANOTHER One World organization exists to represent global trade alliances. It was founded and funded in 1972, by David Rockefeller, after testing the concept at that year’s Bilderberg meeting. Many members of the TC and also members of the CFR. Can’t let good greed go unsupported.

Here’s a stunner. stuff of which I wasn’t aware before reading Estulin.

“To appreciate the extent of power” of the Bilderbergers, CFR and TC, says Estulin, know that “almost ALL of the presidential candidates for both parties have been members of at least one of the three groups. So have many US Congressmen and Senators, key positions in foreign relations, most of the leadership of the CIA, FBI, IRS and many other governmental organizations in DC.

This certainly clears up the mystery about those decisions recently outlawed in SCOTUS’s Chevron decision, and how they came to be.

The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) are more recent spin-offs of these world power brokers, as they try to control every aspect of our lives.

NOW, to the other side, the Conservatives’ group called The COUNCIL ON NATIONAL POLICY.

The CNP is a private organization of 400+ of the nations leading conservatives. It has met three times a year in secluded resorts around the country since it was formed in 1981 . Very little of their agenda is released. The New York Times calls it, “a little known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the county, so tight-lipped that it tells its people not to admit membership or even name the group.”

Some of the names of these “good guys” may well be familiar to you. You have donated to them and probably praised some of their work. They are on OUR side. We are so sure…. But, I have some questions for them, and, I believe you will have, as well.

The CNP are , like the Bilderbergers, are now less secretive. You can look up their membership roster online at I’ll front you a few in case you don’t have time: Larry Ahrn, Hillsdale College; J. Christina Adams, Public Interest Legal Foundation; Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch; Morton Blackwell, Leadership Institute; Wayne LaPierre, NRA; Cleta Mitchell, attorney and former Democrat; Jenny Beth Martin, True the Vote; Mark Meckler, head of the Convention of States. 

Their stated goal is, “A united conservative movement, to assure by 2020, policy leadership and governance that restores religious and economic freedom, a strong national defense, and Judeo-Christian values under the Constitution. Could they have missed that goal more completely if they tried?

This is where the questioning starts.

The election of 2020 was, as the whole world knows, a Coup against the legitimately elected candidate for POTUS. WHAT HAPPENED?? The top Conservatives in this country have met for FORTY YEARS with a 2020 goal of “assuring policy leadership and governance to RESTORE America, and they blew it! None of them even stood up against it as it happened??? They didn’t even change their website! They have no shame.

Their membership includes specialists in finance, education, law, public service, the arts, health, industry, religion, advocacy, urban renewal, et. al. They should have power similar to the Globalists, at least here in the USA.

How can such an influential group spend 40+ years crafting a plan for an better, more free country and seemingly do NOTHING to stop our decline? CNN calls them “Influence beyond dispute.”

Where IS this influence, and WHY is it not working for US??

What I challenge are not their goals, because they are ours, too. What I challenge about these noted Conservatives are results. WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN?????

Where were they before and after the Coup in 2020? It was evident even before the polls closed on that fateful night of November 3, 2020, that things were NOT right. Donald Trump had been headed for a second term. Then, the numbers on the TV screens in America began to move backward. In large batches, and only those that had been posted FOR Trump.

I was an activist in Virginia at the time. I called the RPV chair and asked what they intended to do about the fraud. Called it by name before even 24 hours had passed. Forget the answer. It was pitiful, but I liked the guy so I let it pass.

If little old ME, a relative nobody, questioned this immediately, WHERE WERE our top Conservative leaders?? They had to have known enough to at least QUESTION the results.

We heard nothing from any of them, over the critical period between Nov. 3, 2020, and Jan. 6, 2021. No conservative leader spoke up, even when innocent people were killed and imprisoned. These CNP leaders had it within their power (and bank accounts) to have jumped in to force a recount, according to our Constitutional law, or at least a reassessment of key states’ totals. WHY DID THEY NOT ACT??  What about the innocent people on January 6?

The names on the CNP list have every connection, and plenty of our donated dollars to have got to the bottom of the election fraud that stole our government. Where have they been?????

In the ensuing three years since the election was stolen, we hear from one or two of them pursuing the accuracy of the voter rolls. They ask for donations so they can do great things. Then nothing, or only very partial things, happen. A movie about drop box stuffing, 2000 Mules, came and went. It certainly opened the eyes of the country, but then, nothing.

They scurry to litigate for voter rolls, making money all the while.

David Becker backed off on his baby, ERIC, and pushed, instead for litigation to arrest and imprison any citizen asking questions about election proceedings in their state. He kept every name and address, from anyone who ever lived in an ERIC member state, in his massive data base. Never heard a peep from the CNP folks.

One CNP member was hosting a meeting of her group in Florida when a citizen - who has spent thousands of his own hours and dollars to clean the state’s voter rolls of bad addresses - stood to ask a question about ERIC (David Becker’s Electronic Registration Information Center). The microphone was grabbed from his hand and taken away. That subject was apparently off-limits, as I had found it to be when I queried a CNP member about it, the year before.

Where was the CNP when the RNC met with Chinese Communist Party Officials to Discuss “campaign strategy” in Jan. 2024? Were any of them there, too?

Where is the CNP on the RNC’s push for mail-in voting, early voting and ballot harvesting - all of which promote fraud? Do they support it?

One of the CNP’s speakers in March, 2024, was a climate alarmist, advising them that Republicans must take up the cause because “THAT IS the one thing the Left is doing right”. Forty years and a climate huckster is the best motivational speaker they have?? In the year of the most important election in our history????

These are our Conservative leaders! MIA, except to solicit donations.

Their relative silence and lack of real leadership speaks volumes.

Is all this talk, this continual begging for donations sans results, just illusory patriotism? Have our national Conservatives been helping to engineer failure? This all leads us to think that way.

These are the people this country must rely on, yet, if they are powerful and connected, why have they not been able to stop the steal, the criminal behavior in our government, the lawfare being used against their own standard bearers? I will BET that Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Rudi Guilianni, Peter Navarro, Alex Jones, Tina Peters, and others are asking the same question.

I have begun to believe that there is not much difference between the One Worlders and the CNP.  Red snake, blue snake. You know… If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. If you’re not with us, you’re against us. Those tried and true adages always apply.

* * *

Let’s face it.

The enemy has literally re-thought the world and most interactions in it. The only thing they cannot change is US. Our personal strength and goals, how we spend our time and money. This, they cannot change us unless we allow it. This is THE most local of local actions. Knowledge is strength. Keep your mind and eyes open., and act on what you learn. Stand strong, and know the truth.

Do not give up!

I hope that the information provided, the questions asked here will help you to sort out who is actually helping our Republic, and who is just in it for show - and, of course, donations. It’s a subject that has really bugged me for years. Where are all the Conservative leaders when strength and power are most needed?

We may know the bad guys better than we know our own. We understand who is lying to our faces about climate change, our ownership rights, our choices about care for our own bodies, and the latest Control Scamdemic? Who has weaponized gender, turned our public education into indoctrination and caused virtual insanity in our youth?

Who votes with the Globalist Bloc in our government. . . sadly, this is becoming more apparent by the day.

PLEASE, trust and support those who produce RESULTS, not verbiage, on timely issues. Time and again, it is the LITTLE GUYS, across this country, who are out there, spending their own time and money to clean voter rolls, design systems to recognize bad addresses country-wide, and expose the voting machinery for the sources of fraud that it is.

Where are the real good guys?? They are the people who are out there working themselves to the bone, too busy working for America to stand in the spotlight.

Oh, and the extra credit question at the end of the test is: WHO really are the Merchants of Menace?

You’re going to pass with flying colors - red, white and blue!



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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