• Collier County FL Becomes A Constitutional Sanctuary

    September 23, 2024

    Powers Not Delegated Are Reserved

    Public Domain

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    The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America speaks of powers not delegated to the federal government, reserved to the states.

    Collier County government has just passed a Bill of Rights Ordinance, under the leadership of County Commission Chairman, Chris Hall, based on the Tenth.

    This legislation gives local law enforcement the ability to oppose federal mandates and actions which they deem unconstitutional. More importantly, this law has teeth for enforcement, including “substantial penalties” for violations within Colllier County.

    “We passed a sanctuary county for our Bill of Rights, Hall stated. . . .This gives the Sheriff of Collier County the teeth he needs to protect our liberties.”

    Chm. Hall spoke of how the citizens of Florida were compromised by the Covid mandates - and, I would add, a lot more.

    Federal overreach has been an increasing threat for years, as we all know. You have only to watch the video, ”Police State” to visit the horror of a few innocent citizens, close up. When we screened the film, our County sheriff attended and spoke passionatgely on this issue. The CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assn.), started by Richard Mack over 20 years ago, has been helping to bring awareness to this. Mack spoken recently in a symposiuim in Jacksonville, which was attended by many of Florida’s Constitutional leaders.

    Four years ago, Virginia passed, in 90+ of its 129 Counties and Independent City jurisdictioins, a 2A resolution. Constitutional citizens travelled the state, speaking in front of county commissions, and city councils. This effort was sponsored and led by a group which was only interested in retaining our 2A rights, and refused to help broaden the scope. Guessing that VA citizens wish the “Consitutional County” resolution wouldl have gone farther.

    Here’s hoping that counties all over America take a lead from Collier County, FL.

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    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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    Ed Vidal
    22 days ago

    Great, but the voters of Collier County need to stop electing a RINO Queen like Senate President Passidomo before I can take them seriously as grassroots conservatives!

    22 days ago
    Reply to  Ed Vidal

    Thanks, Ed. It's the concept we're going after here. Constitutional police force with teeth.keep the RINO's inline.

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