And, it's About Tallahassee Control

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Equality under the law is in our Constitution. It’s called “the 14th Amendment”. It is one of our basic rights. Which brings me to a question…
Why are some America First organizations in Florida allowed to use the elephant symbol and the term, “Republican”, and others, not? Put another way,
Here, are two examples:
First, the Republican Liberty Caucus of Lake and Sumter Counties’ Logo, as well as its explanation of its conservative mission.

The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.
“The mission of the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) is to return the Republican Party to its ideological roots of limited government, free enterprise, and personal liberty and responsibility.”
The Florida Federation of Republican Women use the word, but a slightly more feminine symbol. Their mission statement follows.

“Our mission is to help conservative Republicans get elected that uphold our values of less government. We believe in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Our founding Fathers gave us these important documents for a reason, and we should use them. . . . We must always remember the government works for us and we do not work for them.”
Neither of these groups have been targeted by Tally, as have other MAGA conservative organizations.
The answer may well be, that these groups, whose mission statements sound very “America First”, are registered with the Party as “Clubs”. Clubs can be controlled by the RPOF. Here is THEIR statement to that effect:
CONTROL OF CLUBS: As of Jan 14, 2017, Chartered Republican clubs must conduct their affairs in compliance with applicable state and federal election and campaign finance laws.
If an organization is a “club”, it can be controlled.
In March of 2024, the RPOF tweaked one of their rules, Rule 1.A(2), making the attack on groups who meet without the RPOF “oversight”, all about use of the elephant and the word, “Republican”. Pretty interesting move, when you think about it, trying to hide the concept of control behind an elephant…
Principally, the RPOF is actively trying to shut down the large organization, FRA (FL Republican Assembly). Is this because it is not a “club” which they can control?
That is also the issue with county RECs which are constitutionally solid and America First. These county executive committees choose their leadership by vote. The RPOF is now removing Committee members and officers from the most America First RECS. Not all, just some. No one really knows how those removed are “chosen”, aka targeted, but everyone knows it’s not the correct thing to do. A large proportion of them are also members of the FRA.
Here we are, back to “why”? If all Florida Conservatives have common goals, why is control so important? The only answer is that the RPOF in Tallahassee has other plans than the choices of free people in their own counties. Tally seems to lean “RINO”.
FRA is part of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, and subject to the rules and mission of that organization, born in the 1930’s in California. They don’t need Tally control. There are FRA Chapters in 26 States. The organization has been praised by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Phyllis Schlafly, Rand Paul, Mike Huckaby and other famous conservatives. As Ronald Reagan termed it, Republican Assemblies are “the conscience of the Republican Party.”
Is it the “conscience” part that bugs the RPOF? Or the “Constitutional part? If so, WHY? Why does this bother the RPOF and its leadership, Evan Power, Bill Helmich, and DeGov? Never leave out Governor DeSantis. He IS still the 800-lb. gorilla in Florida politics. He must approve of this action against his constituents as well.
The clear answer, I believe, is that Tallahassee wants something different than the people do. I believe that this all centers around development.
Development and more development, for which local counties would have to vote to approve. It seems that America First counties ask too many questions, or refuse to give carte blanche to the wholesale alteration of their communities. Maybe, they just can’t be bought … darn those Judeo-Christian morals.
The fake voter guides were sent to areas ripe for development, which lands were sought by big developers. Think about that.
Morals can get in the way, when developers want what the people don’t. So, in the final analysis, it may well not be about the people’s choice, but rather, about the almighty dollar. Party “control” helps the people to “choose” the party way. The development way.
The future of Florida development is pegged to the dastardly UN Agendas. To refresh your memory, these UN Agendas were signed onto by HW Bush, in 1992, as a “soft treaty” which did not require Congressional discussion or approval. The UN Agendas have been at the heart of the destruction of the nation, with the introduction of “NGO’s’”, or non-governmental organizations, who are empowered to take our tax dollars and use for a myriad of local projects without our approval.
There are a number of websites revealing information about this, although, lately they have been changing. The Florida Chamber of Commerce, just this summer had a bright and bold website praising UN Agenda goals; now, I cannot find it.
Here’s one which took some digging, but is very informative.
Then, there is a YouTube piece, Florida 2030 which runs 8 minutes, and sheds more light on the situation. Among other things, Nikki Fried, chair of the FL Democrat Party, addresses “climate change”, a real UN Agenda buzz word. Listen to this one, if your can.
Increasingly, in a new America under Trump, we are questioning and discrediting many of the One World agendas, for our health, use of natural resources, and control of our own property, among MUCH else. This is, I believe, where the RPOF is at loggerheads with America First patriots. Tallahassee is majority RINO/Globalist.
The UN Agendas and other of these non-violent Globalist putsches. have been with us for decades. We need to face and stand them down, ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, peaceably and intelligently, through our Constitutional laws. Trump’s election is shining a bright light on so much of what has wounded our Republic, and getting in the way of un-American control on many issues.
Including that coming from Tallahasse.
Same problem with the “party” in Virginia
Yup,. Just different methodology.
Likewise in Georgia.
Here in Jacksonville, OUT OF THE BLUE, from NOWHERE-we got the "bubbleheaded bleach blonde who comes on at FIVE!" for mayor-Donna f'ing Deegan...mnarried to a surfer.
Now, EVERY DAY-NOTHING BUT blaxx, women, and blaxx womens, who are "victims" of the devil white man. And blaxx gangs fighting for FREEDUM!!!
People need to hang for that.
You can rest assured, when Dems are in full power they fight amoung themselves in private, when Rep. are in full power they eat each other and accomplish nothing because of it.