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DeSantis Shares A Malfunction Of Judgment With Two VA Dems

November 4, 2023

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While reading breaking news this morning, I happened onto a couple of stories that I wanted to share…because we all coud use a laugh. They come from each “party”, if you still insist on using those terms, “R” and “D”.

First, the “D” news. Dumb and Disgusting. Nothing really new for them, but get this. Jessica Anderson, a far-left Democrat running in VA 71, which encompasses the Williamsburg of our historic beginnings, posted a picture of herself urinating in public, on the snow. It is kind of the epitomy of D-esperation and D-isconnect. (That is, until the Left thinks up new ways of demonstrating their insanity.) IF that blatant stupidity and self-immolation impresses any voter, I’m pretty sure that their votes will be more than outweighed by those (even those voting D) who refuse to send something like this to represent them in Richmond.

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Speaking of Richmond, VA, another Dim-ocrat is running up there, for VA57 delegate to the state Assembly. Her name is Susanna Gibson, a 40-year-old mother of two. She thought it good campaign strategy to post a video online, of her having sex with her husband. It was entitled, “Hot Wife Experience”. Apparently, she forced unsuspecting hotel staff to be part of the show, and, somehow, allows viewers to do drugs off of her body. I don’t even understand that part, but, oh well…. Guess she still has SOME morals, bercause she rented a hotel room instead of performing in front of the kids. She’s one step above the drag queens, at least.

These “things” are running on the primary ticket of the Democrats in two of the nation’s most historic places in the founding of our Republic. They cannot hope to be earning repect and votes by doing what they’ve done - in a sane world. No wonder people are incredulous about what is becoming of our world (my next subject on my Substack, Kat’s Meow, which I was working on when I read this article.) I know you see the connection; who can believe this stuff?

Then, I read one more thing this morning, on the “R” side, which was nearly as self-destructive to a political campaign as having online sex and peeing in public for publication. Ron DeSantis, whose campaign has all but imploded, pushed his chances further into the dumpster by declaring that the GOP shouldn’t nominate Donald Trump if he is convicted by the exercise in Marxist lawfare currently being waged against him. Clearly, he doesn’t care about what the country thinks, and we do NOT need a nother such person in the White House.

Ron DeSantis knows that his own campaign is failing, and that seems to be all he can think about. He knows that he has fallen and fallen again in the national polls. He knows that some of his biggest RINO donors have started to give their millions to VA Governor Glenn Youngkin’s PAC instead, hoping to bring Youngkin into the race for the Globalists. WHY, then, would he come out with such a blatantly acid statement against the candidate who leads everyone - on both sides - in the polls by huge margins? Rhetorical question…never mind the answer, because we already know. The comments under the article were, for the first time, about 99% negative about his decision to say what he did.

Maybe DeSantis can plead temporary insanity the same way those two Commonwealth cuties should. This would not, of course, save anyone’s floudering campaign, but, might be a good thing to do, just because.

Frankly, I do believe that there is a fair measure of occult insanity in our governance today. Who or what is causing these kinds of things to enter the process of running for office? Any rational person is truly incredulous at all this.

Stay tuned for more on THAT subject. My substack, Kat’s Meow is taking on why you feel that way, and the reality of what has been happening to our Republic. If your head it still spinning about any of the above acts, or anything else that’s happening in America today, you are NOT alone, and it is important that you know that.



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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