• DeSantis's RPOF Infers That Trump Supporters Are Criminal

    September 26, 2024
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    Florida Republican Assembly Under Attack, Still and Yet

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    The same governor who heads a party organization which is hell-bent on destroying Trump supporters, cannot be a trusted to conduct an honest investigation into an act that tried to destroy the candidate they support.

    Following the second attempt on President Trump’s life during an unscheduled golf game at his course, Trump International, in West Palm Beach, FL, September 16, Governor Ronald DeSantis grabbed a mic to announce that Florida was going to do its own investigation into that event.

    If you remember, he wasn’t nearly so interested when the FBI raided Mar a Lago last year. Nothing was heard from Tallahassee for three days following that raid.

    I previously questioned DeSantis’s qualifications to lead an investigation like this, because of recent OVERT efforts by the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) to shut down groups of Trump supporters around the state.

    Now, that effort is gaining strength as the RPOF continues to escalate the battle. So, now, my objection to his declaration of independent investigation is escalating as well.

    Wait till you hear the latest, but first, a quick summary.

    This attack on Trump supporters started to be obvious late last winter, as the RPOF worked to remove pro-Trump convention delegates from positions of power. Executive Committee member, Peter Feaman, wrote a public letter about that, which I provided for you to read.

    April 19, the RPOF suddenly issued a “cease and desist order” to prevent the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA), from using the elephant as a symbol and the word, “Republican”! Apparently, it’s the best that Tallahassee could do, to turn members of the same team into enemies. Just what Florida didn’t need, in such a horribly contentious election year. Why does DeSantis need it?

    The FRA has been chartered in Florida since 1998, and using the verbotten word and symbol since then.

    The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, of which the FRA is a member, is the child of the California Republican Assembly and the Arizona Republican Assembly. CRA was founded in 1932, and ARA, in 1993.

    Cheered by former President Reagan as the “conscience of the Republican Party”, State Republican Assemblies have been using the name and symbol to preserve and grow conservative values, long before this kind of attitudinal aggression surfaced in the RINO/GlobalistParty of Florida. The decision by the RPOF rules committee is clearly rife with bad intent.

    Maybe it’s the “conscience” part that makes the RPOF squirm.

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    Whether or not the use of the word, “Republican” - which is in use around the world - passes muster with the RPOF, what’s with the mindset that is intent on silencing supporters of the man they SAY they want to win in November??

    The Florida Republican Assembly has always worked with the state party as fellow conservatives; it has16 chapters, and is growing, all over the state. They support Donald Trump. Apparently, that is their fundamental “sin”.

    Evan Power, friend of the Governor and a lobbyist with Ramba Consulting, has been serving as the Chair of the RPOF since the abrupt forced resignation of previous chairman, Christian Ziegler in late 2023, due to allegations of sexual assaultZiegler’s wife, who was also involved in the exposed sex play triangle, however, has KEPT her position on the Sarasota School Board, and as a DeSantis appointment to the new Reedy Creek Board (Disney).

    I have always found this most curious. Was the sexual kerfuffle in which both husband and wife participated, surfaced to open up the spot of RPOF Chair? Just curious. I have no evidence one way or the other, but I hear that Ziegler was a “good guy”, and has already won a suit for the treatment he received.

    Whatever, Evan Power is the leader of the anti-FRA movement. Correction. Make that the Anti-America First movement. Read on .

    These latest actions show that the RPOF intends to keep Trump supporters under the heel of their jackboot, removing them from offices, and dragging them into court to undermine their power and support for Donald Trump. And, to waste their funds, of course. As for Ziegler? Maybe he wouldn’t play DeSantis’ ball game.

    These most recent attacks on Trump supporters in positions of political power, continue with the removal of key people from county Republican Executive Committees. The latest was Conni Brunni of Sarasota, and Robin Lumb, of Duval . Both have been active Florida Conservatives for years.

    From a news outlet knows an the party mouthpiece, “According to Rep. Dean Black, R., Jacksonville, Mr. Lumb has turned into a version of Jacksonville’s very own Lincoln Project. His sole purpose is to tear down conservatives and sow division in the Republican Party,” Black said. (Who’s sowing divisions??) Mr. Lumb “can no longer attend GOP meetings, chartered parties, events, functions, or be a member of a congressional caucus.”

    Dear God, judge and jury, all within the RPOF! The ToTALLYtarians are at it, yet again.

    In truth, the RPOF Grievance Committee found Mr. Lumb ‘not guilty” of everything but belonging to the FRA, a group which is they describe as an organization that opposes the Republican Party, disparaging Republicans, and endorsing Democrats”. What a load. “Truth” is something sorely needed in Florida right now.

    The FRA endorses Donald Trump. Even if they endorsed Mickey Mouse, it would be their right. Or so we thought, in a constitutional republic. Just not in Florida under DeSantis.

    In Sarasota, Connie Brunni was removed from the REC, but, according to the Sarasota Phoenix, she reached out to the RPOF on several occasions, hoping to find common ground in this situation. When, unfortunately, we were not able to reach an amicable solution and decided the risk posed by these rule changes outweighed any benefit of keeping our ties with the RPOF ,simply to use the name "Republican Club''. Ultimately, we had no choice but to exit immediately from under the Republican umbrella, resign our charter and form a new organization adopting a movement better encompassing the moral culture of a majority of our membership. They are now the “America First Southwest Florida Caucus.”

    DeSantis’s RPOF is destroying unity in a time when building support for America and Trump is key to maintaining our very freedom. Makes DeGov a RINO/Globalist, for sure.

    This past week, Evan Power called Trent Wayman, from Manatee county whose whole Republican Executive Committee was suspended by the RPOF, because of “complaints”. Power told Wayman that he wanted to reopen the Manatee REC, and get rid of its chair, April Culbreth, about whom the complaints were lodged. Bovine feces, I say. Just two weeks ago, the RPOF Executive Board at the recommendation of its grievance committee, voted for that suspension.

    Remember, Manatee was one of the few counties who got past the fake voter guides that were sent out by minions of the state party before the August primary, and put America First Republicans on the November ballot. Wayman was one. They have paid for that act of freedom.

    Bill Helmich, Executive Director of the RPOF and former lobbyist, also called Wayman, who asked that Power’s promises be put into writing.

    Helmich got very angry. HOW DARE anyone ask to have something said by the Chair., be put to writing?? He began to rant about the FRA, insinuating criminal activities by the group and its chapters, and calling its Executive Director, Lou Marin, “a grifter”; that is, “a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling”. Lou Marin has actually worked for Trump.

    This is NOT how one should address CONSTITUENTS and supporters of the party’s Presidential Candidate. Handle your differences later, kids. The words and actions from the leaders of DeSantis’s RPOF are more the actions of dangerous unstable leftists, not members of the same party supporting the same goals.

    There is NO chance that DeSantis does not know about the attacks on the America First conservatives. His silence says he approves.

    Here is my favorite quote from his latest tome, The Courage To Be Free. When discussing censorship reforms he’d had enacted , he wrote, “Our goal was to provide a legal framework that guaranteed more, not less, political speech.” Let me repeat that:


    What else do I need to say? Coming shortly will be a more complete book report on DeGov’s thoughts, but there is one more I want to leave you with…

    On page one of the Introduction, The Florida Blueprint, he intones, “During times of turmoil, people want leaders who are willing to speak the truth, stand for what is right, and demonstrate the courage necessary to lead.


    THIS IS WHY OVER 82% of Florida Republicans voted for Donald Trump to become their candidate for president of the United States., and only 3.5%, for you.



    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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