You Must Make SURE That it DOES

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If you want political power to be with the people, make SURE that your state party structure provides that. If it does not, We The People will be overridden, lied to, and taken where we do not want to go. Never forget the power of Big Money in politicians’ pockets, to determine the direction of government. As of today, we are a long way away from government by and for the people.
If you need to be reminded, see RFK, JR.’s masterful reality attack on some of Big Pharma $$$ that has found its way into certain Congressional pockets, via “Healthcare Campaign Contributions”.

In Florida, the Power of the state’s political engine lies with the State, not with the people. This is not as it should be in a Constitutional Republic, and it allows for things like the RFK. Jr list. Nearly every state has a number of elected representatives in its what I call its “Grift Gallery”. Make certain that your state’s politicians are working only for YOU.
On top of the organizational reduction of the people’s power, the RPOF has been literally disenfranchising the people’s ELECTED representatives if they are associated with MAGA/America First organizations. They get by with this because of the party structure.
Florida has a real problem which needs to be corrected if they want to be a real Constitutional state.
The following explanation of Republican Party structure in Florida was provided by Trent Wayman of Manatee County, in his substack, Please go there and see how the power of the people is diluted by the organization of Florida State government.
Trent is a dedicated and focused activist, and an elected County Committeemen - chosen by the people to represent them. He has experienced the heavy hand of Tallahassee, as he is one who has been disenfranchised by the state party.
Trent Wayman is not alone, as many other America First Republicans are being taken out by the RPOF. Their experience is a vivid reminder of why it is important for everyone to understand the political party structure of your state - how it works, and what YOU must do to be an effective part of it. This is THE KEY to taking back our government, nationwide.
As the Florida Republican party is organized, the Republican majority of six million people end up being represented by just 34 people, in state government. Please refer to Mr. Wayman’s Substack for all the details. The structure is cleverly complicated.
In general, that happens because the number of those directly elected by the people is diluted by additions to the voting roster, by the State Party, the Governor, both houses of the Florida legislature, and national Congressional Districts as well. Here is how that happens, as set by Party rules.
“Each state executive committee includes - as at-large committeemen and committeewomen - all members of the US Congress representing Florida (if from the party); 10 Florida registered Republicans appointed by the Governor, if the Governor in office is a member of the Party; the Senate President (or minority leader if Party is not in power); Speaker of the FL House (or minority leader, as above); and 20 members of the State Legislature who are Party members, ten of those appointed with the concurrence of the State Chair; five, approved by the party leader in the Senate and five, in the House.”
Just a quick review of the Florida local structure which feeds into the state’s. . .
PRECINCTS are the geographic area where voters live. They are smaller than counties and usually, even than towns. In Florida, each Precinct elects at least one man and one woman as Committeemen and Committeewoman, the amount depending on the number of voters living there.
The Committeemen and -women have responsibilities. In Florida, they include canvassing, (systematic contact with residents), voter registration, influencing local party decisions, and keeping voters informed. These local leaders may have different titles in different states, but each state has equivalents. Learn yours.
The COUNTY organization is made up of all of the Precinct Committeepersons, who elect a County Chair from their ranks. For example, if a county has eight precincts, the County Chair will be theoretically elected from 16 people. At this level, is the responsibility for the Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) efforts as well as the funding for them. During Presidential election years, each County also elects one man and one woman as State Committeepersons to represent the county’s interests at the local and state levels.
Florida has 67 counties, each of which sends 3 people (1 county chair and 2 state committeepersons) to Tallahassee, for a total of 201 Republican party members, across the 67 counties, at state meetings. However, The Governor, the state party (RPOF), the House and the Senate, also appoint MORE committeepersons who have voting power at state meetings. This is the starting point for dilution of the people’s power in Tallahassee.
Add to this, each of the 28 Florida Congressional Districts elects a Chair for the RPOF Executive Board. Add to this, the state party officers (chr, vice chr, sec., treas, and national commiteewoman and man.
Both the Florida Senate and the House elect reps to the state party, as does each state congressional district . DeGov gets to nominate 10 random voters (i.e. special followers; most probably NOT very “random”) - and each the House and Senate, also 10. for a total of 30.
This amounts to your elected officials electing others. Did you even know to engage them about this? There are also federal Congress Critters on the state committee. Do you trust them to water down YOUR power with their own representative selections? Are they really working for YOU, or others?
As you read about all this, you can feel the power ebbing away from the people and northward to the state capital. It seems to be that the State Party has it organized so that “the power of the people” is so diluted that it barely causes a spark by the time it reaches Tallahassee.
You can see the problem in the Florida Republican Party, and the distance they feel from their constituents. The Party is protected by layers of their own choices of players at the table, while the people of Florida are kept at a distance from the game.
This is why and how Evan Power, Bill Helmich, and the RPOF get by with disenfranchising whole counties, and using lawfare to attack and destroy groups that are NOT under their control. They own Tallahassee and Tallahassee owns its citizens.
Should be the other way around. Florida, this must change.
As miraculous as Trump’s first days back at the helm have been, it is easy to see that he needs strong backing everywhere. He is one man, with an incredible brain and leadership skills, but he is not invincible. He needs our help in EVERY state. He, and therefore, WE, need to keep eyes-on, literally . These last days of suspicious air crashes only underlines this.
There are still powerful undercurrents of serious problems like election fraud, drug and human trafficking, indoctrination replacing education in our schools and universities. To understand how to go after and change these in our own communities, we must understand those vehicles of change; that is, local politics.
The party structure of every state is different, so you must learn yours. Here, I am using Florida’s because it has been clearly and thoroughly explained by a dedicated and focused activist.
If you’ve been following along with the development of the Totallytarian state in Florida’s capital, you know that you do NOT want the same to happen in your state. the people of Florida are being disenfranchised by their own Party.
You may locate quite a few weak links and/or similar situations between the government and the governed where you call home. Be the change in your state.
If you are a resident of Florida, double down. Get familiar with the party structure if you are not already, and what it is doing to you. THEN schedule a face-to-face with your elected representatives. Ask them how THEY select the “movers” in the RPOF; their selection process may well have very little to do with the your wishes.
This is our last chance to save our Constitutional Republic. The incursion of Marxism into our country will not change because we won a huge election. It will only hide, put on a different face, or lie. We need to expose it to the sunlight and let it twist while it burns.
Whatever you do, do something to move us closer to a real government by the people. If Donald Trump can sleep only a few hours a night, while he spends the rest of his every day to fix as much as he can of America, I figure the rest of us could call a few neighbors to get together and learn what we can do to help, in our own back yards.
Miami-Dade County has over 1.5 million registered voters, and slightly over 500,000 are registered as Republicans. Despite these large numbers, the most in the state, the Republican Party does not provide representation for the at least 750 precincts.
Instead, the Party has divided Miami-Dade County into 40 artificial districts, each with two Committee Men and 2 Committeewomen, for a maximum of 160 representatives.
As a result, many conservatives are not registered Republican.