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How was the 2020 presidential election stolen ? Right in front of our eyes !! They were able to add the votes they needed to secure victory in the swing states of Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. All after the polls were closed !!
Prior experience with “Absentee” Voting has previously established that the easiest way to cheat in elections is through the manipulation of the vote by mail (VBM) system. It should be noted that most states did not use VBM prior to 2018.
While it is difficult to get hundreds of thousands of people to the polls to vote in person, it is deviously simple to take a thumb drive of voters and plug them into the vote count. Very easy to do and not hard to track, as you will see. They can create a phony vote count; but they cannot show voter documents or the evidence of an actual vote. No transparency possible here folks !!
It starts with publicly available election data. The years 2016-2022 were used to vividly illustrate the wild fluctuations that defy logical explanation. Our information was acquired through the Election Assistance Committee (EAC) reports that they get from each state on election activity. Analysis of the voter registration data in the swing states noted above shows their total registered voters (TRV) for the years of 2016 and 2018 are very similar. In all the states reviewed (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, MI) their registration totals for 2020 all had substantial spikes in their voter registrations from 400,000 to over 700,000 new registrations.
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Further investigation indicates that a substantial percentage of this increase came between the primary election and the general election; a registration period of only two months. Was this possibly “Get Out the Vote” efforts by the Democrat party, supported by generous funding from Zuckerberg and Soros ? Maybe, but their efforts were ongoing over a longer period than just the two months prior to the general election of 2020. Why the unnatural surge in registrations 90 days before the general election?
Drilling down into the numbers we found the following:
All states had reductions in their voter registration totals in 2022, which reverted to the totals that were recorded in 2016 & 2018. This indicates that registrations were accelerated into the system in 2020 and then removed or pulled out of the system after the 2020 vote. The similar numbers going in and coming out, indicate manipulations that defy rational explanations.
We believe that these hugh surges in online registrations were never verified by the Secretary of State in the states reviewed. This was either because of the overload of registrations (almost 9,000 a day in some states) and the fact that during this period most election offices were busy preparing for the 2020 general election. Also, the real possibility of understaffing meant they were not able to do a proper job in verifying the registrations.
The other part is that they were complicit in the fraud and allowed phantom voters to be registered. Checking the records of registration during this period should and would indicate whether they have copies of the signed registrations equaling the increase in voter registration. It is also our belief that voters who had moved out of state or out of the jurisdiction that they had voted in were tracked by ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) and given to the democrats to re-register or vote for, if they remained on the rolls. By the way, ERIC was created with funding from George Soros. ERIC received information from several agencies of the member states (mostly red ). This information included the name, date of birth, party affiliation if any, last four digits of their SS#. This information was ostensibly provided by the states to ERIC in an effort to keep people from registering and voting in multiple states. In our opinion that is not the way the information was used. We have traced and found many voters who have moved and are still on the rolls. The voting records shows the real story.
All of this fraud is easy to track. The registrations push that occurred 90 days prior to the 2020 general election should all have the evidence of individual voter registration forms. That data which includes the name, age, and last four digits of your SS# plus the email address of the voter needs to be obtained and reviewed. The next item to obtain is a list of all of the registered voters who requested to be removed from the voter rolls in the six months after the 2020 general election. Match the two lists and it will give you the phony, phantom voters. They are the ones on both lists.
If there is no voter information available or the number of registrations does not match the signed applications on record with the EAC information published, the voter count in these states was enhanced without voter participation. In other words, forged. This type of registration “ migration” fraud has been previously used in Venezuela.
The cure to this problem and the way to stop it is : #1 - Require that VBM be received NO LATER than 72 hours prior to an election. There also needs to be an audit done prior to the election that matches the total VBM ballots counted with the total VBM envelopes received. This would keep phony, plugged in votes from being counted. #2 -Signature match viewed by third parties should also be required of all VBM or a copy of the voter’s driver’s license or other proof of identity should be enclosed with the ballot in the VBM envelope. These administrative actions can be put in place by the state SOS or elections divisions as rules and regulations. They do not need to be legislated items.
The above changes to the VBM process and the due diligence of the good people of our country is the cure to our cheating problem. If you doubt our theory, then please explain the following:
Arizona primary election information from their SOS shows 3,985,210 registered voters in their database. Two months later they show 4,281,152 registered voters in their database for the 2020 general election. That is a 351,000 increase in registrations over two months or 9000 new registrations a day. This equates to a 9% increase in total registrations in two months. Is that possible?
Pennsylvania- The EAC report shows 2,623,687 VBM ballots counted in the 2020 presidential election. The SOS for Pennsylvania records shows VBM ballots voted of 2,273,490. This is a 350,000 difference between what the state has on their records and what was reported by the state to the EAC (federal agency). What makes up this difference? Phony counts or made-up numbers. Either way, this is enough to throw an election and cheat.
Michigan- Voter registration surges between 2016 and 2020. 600,000 new registrations to vote appear on the rolls. Note: the population of Michigan as recorded by the census of 2010 compared to the census of 2020, the population increase in Michigan was 200,000. I wonder where all those voters came from?
We could continue to describe the problem with other examples but we need to conclude our thesis and we are confident that you get the point by now.
Our Secretaries of State CANNOT CERTIFY FEDERAL ELECTIONS WITH DIRTY VOTER ROLLS AND FRADULENT VOTES. Until the administrative actions we have described in this ETT are put in place to make sure that every VALID VOTE is counted, the fraud WILL continue and our country will not trust the results of any election.
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dimocraps cheat, always, on everything. get over it.
It's "polls" not "poles". Everything else is most probably correct.
State participation in ERIC (David Becker's Electronic Registration Information Center) commits the member states to doing mass, taxpayer-funded voter registration efforts every 2 years (in even-numbered years) right before the November elections. ERIC is directly and intricately intertwined with Becker's other private non-profit CEIR (Center for Election Innovation & Research), and together ERIC & CEIR coordinate the mass voter registration mailings.
According to James Rink and Laura Eisenhower, the U.S. unconditionally surrendered to the Antarctic Nazis in 1952. Paperclip initially involved 50,000 Nazi scientists, technicians, etc., who were put on the boards of every multinational in the U.S., Europe, and Canada, and in the governments as well.
"The Omega Project to Bring In the Fourth Reich and the New World Order"