So, Why Is "The 800-pound Gorilla in Florida Politics" Going After Trump Conservatives?

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Why, indeed, has an “800-lb gorilla” - an anti-MAGA ape - appeared in Florida politics?
State Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, recently told the Miami Herald: “(Governor DeSantis) is still the 800-pound gorilla when it comes to politics in the state of Florida.”
It appears that DeSantis is now DeApeman! Hmmm…
Why, when we are at a point in American history when the strength of one political party has performed the amazing task of wresting control from a totalitarian government, and heading us back to our Constitutional Republic; WHY is one of the more well-known Republican governors leading a movement to rid the Florida Republican Party of MAGA supporters?? Yes, I know he’s a “RINO”, that he’s embarrassed at his massive defeat to Trump, but there’s more.
Yahoo suggests that the “800-lb gorilla” is an expression for an entity so powerful that it can act without regard to others or the rights of law”. Why does Gov. DeSantis need to go there? Follow the money? That is one of the next nasties we’ll dig for in the litter box. Today, is just a review of attacks already in place, on MAGA conservatives.
The anti-MAGA gorilla act certainly could explain the RPOF’s year-long open attack on Trump supporters . . . . “An entity so powerful that it can act without regard to others or the rights of law.” Tallahassee has gone ToTALLYtarian, it seems. Why? Trump had yet to win, or choose a cabinet containing Floridians which DeGov is now empowered to replace, when this all began. I’m very sure that the next months with the Trump appointee replacements will help DeApeman to line up his band. (In gorilla land, a band=herd, troop. Kind of like a hairy “covey”…:
Clearly, these continuing blatant acts against MAGA Republicans in a number of counties in Florida are ludicrous at best and unconstitutional, at worst. If you don’t remember what these were, let me refresh your memory. Florida legislators might want to review these goings-on as well, if they don’t already know…but, I’m guessing they do. Let them explain to their constituents…
The Rules Committee of the Party started the proceedings against MAGA, by making a rules change last May, about the use of the name, “Republican” and use of the symbol of an elephant. They decided they were the only ones in Florida who could use those tags. Within a week, a “cease and desist” order was issued to the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA), a Judeo-Christian group of MAGA supporters with chapters in 18 Florida counties. For the crime of using an elephant logo (NOT like that of the RPOF, btw) and the name, “Republican”. Why? Others around the country do so.
Not only could this be interpreted as an attack on religious groups, but also, a pointed attack on Donald Trump supporters. The use of the word, “Republican’, for the political party and the symbol of the elephant have been in practice for over 100 years. Why now, in a state which voted “hyugely” for Trump in both the Mar., 2024, Presidential Primary, and again in the general election? Is Tallahassee anti-Trump?
Getting back to the national shift to voting Republican, recently, it was announced that all 50 states had an increase in Republican votes in the 2024 election! All 50 became more red.
NY, NJ, CA, TX AND FLORIDA were the top 5 states whose voters in the 2024 general election shifted the most to the right. Each gained 10% “or more “R” votes over the 2020 election. Good news, for sure. It had little to do with DeSantis.
Why does the RPOF not recognize the work of all Republicans who have made this come about? Take for example, The People’s Audit group, under the leadership of Kris Jurski, which developed a program for the use of each county’s election officials, to remove undeliverable addresses from their voter rolls. Over 1.25 million, usable only for fraud, were cleaned away. This was the biggest single factor in making Florida look more red at the polls. Think the DeGov might have at least tipped a hat? Yeah. No. He took all the credit.
From just after the March primaries (and DeGov’s distant 3rd place finish), through Trump’s landslide victory in November, the RPOF has worked to remove America First Republicans from their rights to participate in the process of politics in the state. DeSantis’s RPOF has mounted a full frontal attack on MAGA/America First Conservatives in the state. I think it’s more than jealousy.