• FL Republican Threatened Luna In 2021

    October 4, 2024
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    Wm. Braddock Charged Under Harrassment Bill!

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    Wm. R. Braddock, III, St. Petersburg, has been indicted for threatening to kill two people, including Anna Paulina Luna, his Republican primary opponent in the 2022 election for FL13. The US Justice Department has just unsealed a case against him. Court documents didn’t say who the threats were targeting. (?)

    Most peculiarly, Braddock is being charged under the law developed by the Election Workers Legal Defense Network . Floridians know this as the “Harrassment law”, which has been tabled in the state Senate, since Dec. 2023. See FL HB721/SB562.

    This legislation, now the law in 19 states, was instigated after the 2020 election fraud became obvious, and citizens spoke up. Read on.

    ANNA MARIA LUNA was a candidate when her life was threatened. So was Braddock. Neither were election workers. Huh?

    This case (v. Braddock) is part of the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force. Announced by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and launched by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco in June 2021, the task force has led the department’s efforts to address threats of violence against election workers, and to ensure that all election workers — whether elected, appointed, or volunteer — are able to do their jobs free from threats and intimidation.

    Luna received a protective order against Braddock in FL courts in 2021. Many of you may remember this. Some, not, but it is equally important to all, because I smell another turd.

    I really don’t want to have to end anybody’s life for the good of the people of the United States of America,” the recording (of Braddock) said.

    “That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f***ing speed bump in the road. She’s a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood,” the recording said. ON THE ROAD TO WHAT???

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    This is not about the threat, nor about the fact that Braddock fled to the Philippines after making the threats in 2021. He has been brought back to the US for trial and charged with interstate transmission of a “true crime” If guilty, the penalty could be up to 5 years. This is about more.

    Why Braddock? Why now? His opponent is a “speed bump in the road”. On the way to WHAT? This stinks, badly.

    I repeat, and I’d love your thoughts on this. Why the use of the harassment bill - in a state where it is not (yet?) law - for building a case against someone who was clearly NOT an election worker?

    Seems to me that the US government is going to a lot of work when they are busy doing so many other nefarious things against Republicans in this tense pre-election season. Why this man, why NOW? My Kat brain says he’s connected to something or someone that we should know about.

    Ok…had to get that out in the fresh air before telling you about what Kris Jurski and the team at The Peoples’ Audit have on four key states; FL, GA, NC, and TX. Voter rolls that will make your stomach roll…

    Kris Juski and his team at The Peoples ’Audit, have a system that shows this, and more.



    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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