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Florida Republican Party Continues The War Against Its Citizens

March 4, 2025

Why Is Tallahassee Ignoring The "Best Evidence Of Voters' Intent"??

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In 2023, FL SOS, Cord Byrd, stated, “the paper ballot is the best evidence of the voters’ intent.” Check out the link to X above to see his statement for yourself.

Floridians want their intent to be registered by their cast ballots, as SOS Byrd said. This is not complicated.

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The People of Florida want free and fair elections which can be audited for certainty, using the ballots they cast. They have asked repeatedly to vote on paper ballots, watermarked, and hand-counted. NO MACHINES, chain of custody in place.

In return, they got HB 7050 which MANDATED the use of machines and made any citizen canvassing a possible crime.

In truth, the most informed and educated Florida citizens in the election integrity field, have told me that all they really want is for the each county to produce, count and verify its own results. THEN, transmit those totals to the state.

It is not for the state government to call the shots on totals. They are to receive them from the counties, as happens across the country.

The obvious question becomes, if Byrd is correct (and we all know that his statement is true) WHY NOT USE PAPER BALLOTS TO VERIFY/AUDIT RESULTS??

A recent bill, SB1414, submitted by Sen Blaise Ingoglia, F11, ignores the use of paper ballots (unless digitized) in favor of “images” of ballots, in any future election audits.

SB 1414 requires post-election audits to be performed - in every county - without using actual ballots, and forces the use of a system, ClearBallot, which has caused many suspected inaccuracies around the country. Once your paper ballot is digitized (taken a screen shot of), the paper ballot is ignored, and stored away, not to be seen again unless an election is “close”, as defined by the law. Then, the law goes on to obfuscate this. No one would, then, ever be able to compare the actual paper ballots to the digitized format. WHY?

In addition, SB 1414 addresses the party’s unconstitutional ban on the use of any name or logo, or advertising, without permission of the Party. This was the first obvioius smack at other Republicans, and it continues. However, an “AFFILIATED party committee may use ANY name, abbreviation or political symbol of the political party of its leader as defined …” Heil Hitler!

Oh, AND, SB 1414 requires the purchase of a $50,000 + ClearBallot machine by every county, in case audits are required. Good sale for ClearBallot.

SB1414, is 135 pages long and addresses “certain exceptions”, et. al. without, of course going on to define them. Looks to me like a powder keg of controversy, at a minimum. other freedom-limiting things like not being able to serve on a canavassing board if you have endorsed/donated to a candidate in that election.

A brilliant Florida election integrity activist says that SB 1414 would make elections LESS SECURE, for five reasons. The bill:

*Prohibits manual hand-counting of actual ballots for purposes of audit, while requiring pre-certification audits to be done only on an automated vote validation system which utilizes images (like screen shots)- not actual cast bellots.

*Requires personal voter information on any petition forms which would enable the theft of voters’ identities by “bad actors”. These petition forms (submitted by a citizen in the event of susptected irregularities) become public record, exposing citizens’ or citizen groups’ confidential personal information. WHY?

*Limits investigation of election irregularities to only irregularities which have criminal penalties. For instance, insertion of illegal ballots and removal of valid ones would not be addressed because that carries no criminal penalty. This, I believe to be key.

*Removes the requirement for an election staff member to monitor secure ballot intake stations.

*Creates barriers to transparency/voter challenges, by requiring a SEPARATE OATH FOR EACH VOTER CHALLENGE; exposing the challenger’s signature to voter(s) being challenged; giving no feedback to challenger as to results; disallowing photography, video or audio recordings in the polling room, even after hours, to prevent taking pictures of tabulator counts, or completion of clerk forms at beginning and end of day; OR even video monitoring of poling pace entrances and exits.

Clearly, Ingoglia had other things than free and fair elecitons in mind.

Lets review for a second.

A ballot image is a digital rendering or computer-created picture, kind of a screen shot of the recorded vote. THE ACTUAL BALLOT IS NEVER SEEN.

* Even worse, these images are done either at the polling places (where you cannot take pictures) OR at the central election offices. This in itself is a HUGE CHAIN OF CUSTODY ISSUE.*

Read Kris Jurski’s The Peoples Audit) Substack as he explains. Many left-leaning states use images instead of paper ballots, and several are still not sure of their 2020 results, even though certified. Jurski compares the use of images to determined the accuracy of elections, to purchasing a fancy car, handing over the money, then being given a picture of your vehicle instead of the real car.

The business of machines is just to transmit totals, NOT to total each county’s elections, and choose the winner. The machines are NOT to choose the results. That is the business of the citizens’ voting in each county. The counties should each, then, be able to verify their own counts - whether by hand count, or machine. THEN, each county submits their results to the Secretary of State.


In the years that DeSantis has been Governor, the Republican Party of the state has increasingly drawn away from its constituents. Even though the RPOF has a trifecta (both houses and the Governorship) there has been much division behind the “united front”.

First it was just cold-shouldering new people who wanted to join county RECS. Then, battles were waged within the party over leadership and direction. Election integrity began to rise as a continuing issue, and the state Supervisors of Election seemed to circle the wagons to protect themselves against valid criticisms.

In 2022 just before the midterms, and DeGov’s reelection, DeSantis established, quite grandiously, an Election Crimes Unit (ECU), which became an instant laughinig stock when it rushed to arrest several recent parolees who were told they could vote.

Under the leadership of an attorney who was respected by both parties, Peter Antonacci, the ECU began to deal with a true controversy, the printed ballots voted in the 2022 election, which had been returned from already-marked UAA (undeliverable addresses per the USPS). There was 100% signature match on these.

No records were kept of these ECU meetings, including the one where Mr. Antonacci suddenly rushed from the room, dropped and lay unattended and dying in the hall of the Governor’s offices in Tallahassee. He had left the meeting after tense discussions, according to those who were there; many believe that the discussion may have centered on those UAA voters.

The meeting was called to discuss "an election topic," according to Shane Desguin, Chief of Staff for Florida Law Enforcement, and an attendee at the meeting, but other details on its agenda appear to have been redacted from the records. The records also contain references to surveillance video (without audio), but that material wasn't included with the public records release. Requests for public records were told that no notes were taken at the meeting.

OK, this Kat will always think that smells.

As voting took center stage, both in Florida and nationally, DeSantis performed frequent “dog and phoney shows” to assure people that their votes counted. People became more engaged in the process, and several groups, The Peoples Audit and Defend Florida, made real and functional efforts to engage in assuring safe voting practices.

When the people asked for eleciton integrity legislation in 2023, they asked for no machines and hand-bounted paper ballots. HB7050 - making machines MANDATORY and citizen involvement in any audits illegal - was what they got.

Why would a State Senator sponsor a bill like this, which clearly makes elections in Florida antagonistic to the wishes of Floridians?

Just tossing this out but, Blaise Ingoglia is the State Senator from Florida’s 11th District, which contains a lot of undeveloped property.

He sits on the State Legislative Committee on Transportation, Tourism and Development. In many cases, such as in Mantee County, where the whole REC was shuttered, those disenfranchised were against big developmentOther counties faced similar questionable and probably illegal moves from The RPOF.

Development is king in the Sushine State.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce is all about supporting big UN Agenda 21-style “sustainable” development, urging Floridians to look past the present to the future. Transportation, Tourism and Development is a big issue in the state. Now and in the future. Just sayin’.

Power and Money. Money and Power.

A lot of “interesting” things have been occurring in Florida politics lately, much of it to do with Power. Evan Power, the Chair of the RPOF AND the power to control. Much the same.

Power and Money. Money and Power. Think on it.



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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