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Florida's New Red Majority Comes From Its Citizen Activists

August 14, 2024


Image by FML

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In the last days, there has been much cheering about the NEW RED Majority in Florida. It is ALL thanks to hard-working citizen activists from The People’s Audit and other groups. Evan Power is trying to take the credit. Disgusting. What he is saying could not be farther from the truth.

Says the AP, “Florida Now Counts One Million More Republicans…”

Having this large of a voter registration edge is a win for the Florida Republican Party, who touted the party as “the most successful party in the nation,” according to a statement from Evan Power, the Florida Republican Party chair.”

Oh, gag me.

News flash! The increase in Republicans on the voter rolls is entirely due to the hard work and long hours spent by citizen election integrity activists, and those Supervisors of Election who were willing to clean their rolls. The RPOF KNOWS this.

The citizens gathered and worked the data to develop a program for each county to keep their rolls clean. The removal of all the ”undeliverable addresses” - most of which were NPA (no party affiliation) or D - was what caused the change. CITIZEN ACTIVISTS RISKED BEING JAILED BY TALLAHASSEE, to gather this data, and to produce a computer model that could be run by each county’s election office, for removing undeliverable addresses from their registration rolls. Kudos to those brave SOE’s who used the model to actually clean their county’s voter rolls. Most were glad to do it. Some, of course. . .well, you know.

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This work started long before Evan Power, a good friend of DeSantis, took the helm at the RPOF.

The previous chair was suddenly driven out of town and office, by a scandal, in which his wife was supposedly involved as well. SHE still holds her position on a local school board. That one always makes me wonder…

Since Evan Power became Chair, the RPOF has focused its efforts on undermining America First Republicans and trying to have THOSE VERY SAME ACTIVISTS ARRESTED for asking questions of elections. The facts speak for themselves.

Now, the RPOF is trying to take credit for the work of the same citizens whom they are trying to crush under their jackboot. Disgusting. If only they had morals…

A bit of recent history here will give you a better look at things.

In Dec., 2023, right after Power became chair, the lobbyng firm with which he was associated, RAMBA, began to lobby for the passage of a bill, SB 562, which would allow for the JAILING of these activists, and anyone else who dared question election workers at an SOE’s office or at the polls.

(You see, THAT is where the activists in 2022 found all those undeliverable addresses, racks and racks of returned mail, saved aside in the office of the Lake Co. SOE, Alan Hayes’s. These addresses - already known to be unable to receive mail - were then sent mail-in ballots, which were returned to the SOE. WHY??? There are many thoughts on this, none of them good.

The discovery of the racks full of undeliverable mail is what led to the focus on removal of those bad addresses as a method to clean up the voter rolls. You can see now why the RPOF has its shorts in a knot about these folks. The evidence of fruad came right from the people who were supposed to be administering elections!

In this bill, SB 562, (written and promoted across the country by David Becker of ERIC Electronic Registration Information Center) fame, under the guise of protecting election workers) the word of the complainant was sufficient; no law enforcement would be needed to determine veracity of said complaints. Question somebody, follow them through a parking lot as they toted away ballots in boxes, ask them why they were saving all those yellow labelled envelopes which had been returned…WHATEVER, and the citizen could go to jail. Had Alan Hayes had access to this law, he could have called for the incarceration of the innocent citizens in his office who had made the discovery.

Citizens could FORGET ever again having access to audits.

Remind yourself, that this is AMERICA, we’re talking about here. AND THE GOOD RED STATE OF FLORIDA, no less!

Today, 19 STATES ( mostly blue or purple) HAVE PASSED LAWS like SB 562, to prevent citzens from getting an honest picture of what happens during election cycles. Remember Ruby and her daughter in GA…? Yeah. So does most of America, but Becker’s legislation prevents any challenges to this kind of thing. To protect the Rubies of the world.

Florida almost was state #20 to adopt this law. Thanks to the RPOF.

THIS is the legislation for which Evan Power and his gang lobbied for several months. FL.SB 562 was introduced in Nov., 2023, and finally died in the Sen rules Committee in March of this year.

Right after THAT, the RPOF began its War of the Elephants. If you can’t get ‘em one way, then try another, I guess.

The timing is just TOO close to be coincidental. First, try to pass a law to prevent citizens knowing what was going on in elections in their state. Then, try to intimidate the MAGA enemies with a ludicrous legal trick. THEN, try confusing the voters with who is America First, and who is not.

Fake Voter Guides, you see, are Chapter 3 in the anti-MAGA movement.

NOW, citizen operatives, some of whom are actually officers in the RPOF, have been putting out the fake voter guides, urging citizens to vote for “MAGA” candidates, which are NOT MAGA. See how it all fits together? Crooked as hell, but there is it for all to see.

Yet, EVAN POWER WANTS TO TAKE CREDIT FOR THE GROWTH OF REPUBLICAN VOTER REGISTRATIONS IN FLORIDA, when the real reason is the work of those same citizens whom the RPOF is trying to chase out of local offices. What a tangled web they weave…

Kris Jurski, who founded The Peoples Audit, is at the epicenter of election integrity work in Florida, and has helped TX, GA, NC, and other key states with his technology. It’s not about “Mules”, he says. It’s about how they get those “voted ballots” which they deliver. It is about keeping clean lists and checking voters against them.

* * *

It is also about electing good political representatives who understand that America MUST come first. We were blessed with a constitutional Republic, a form of governance that provides freedom. The key to that format is Judeo-Christian values. Morals. Following the rules.

After WWII, the Marxist infiltration of America began to chip away at our moral bedrock. It continued through the decades, right up to today. Schools, churches, family structure - NOTHING was spared.

THAT is where we are today. Character and integrity which are ESSENTIAL to a functioning free society, are in VERY short supply. Look at the world of politics, if you can stand the stench. This is what has happened to Florida.

The politicians in charge apparently think nothing of lying, cheating and stealing. They do not even consider what they do to fall into these slots. But we do.

This is how, early on, “politics” became associated with devious, unscrupulous acts. Moral people backed away and wouldn’t consider getting involved. Today, many people still regard it as a dirty game, in which they want no part.

Sadly, this is how we ceded the controls to the dirty guys . Over the generations, with the media as their jackhammer, they broke up the bedrock of America, - education, family and church - and never looked back. Now, they think anything they want should be theirs for the taking. Want developers to get their way, or RINO politicians to have their pockets filled? No worries. Just insert public office holders who will play along.

THAT is what the fake voter guides are all about - getting THEIR preferred candidates into office, NOT OURS.

Ron DeSantis and his cohorts do not see themselves as bad guys, and neither do some of the “eyes wide shut” people who buy into the hype, and today’s sound-bite communications.

In DeGov’s case, it is what I have termed his “dog and pony shows” He is good at them. He and/or his co-operatives choose a message they want to deliver, call in the press, for a photo op and a quick summary of what DeGov wants us to believe he’s doing. NONE of them could even carry on an extended discussion about issues, such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk did over Twitter. That discussion drew OVER ONE BILLION people who were interested in deeper thoughts.

Donald Trump is not a politician. (Ok, thank the Lord for that…) He is a businessman, and knows how to make his customers happy. Over the years, he has become better at the giving the lap dog media the sound-bites they require, but he is the master at simple yet meaningful comms. With this ability, he is reaching millions MORE people around the world, of all races and bank accounts, VERY effectively. He is leading by large numbers, despite with the media wants you to believe. That is why the Globalists are terrified of him, and will do anything in their power to be rid of him.

July 13 was NOT a “lone gunman” event. Pray and be aware.

HONEST ELECTIONS are NOT what our government wants. Tallahassee and a lot of other Globalist governments are making that clear. Florida’s latest election integrity legislation MANDATED the use of INSECURE VOTING MACHINES, NO AUDITS BY OTHER THEN BY GOVERNMENT, and lots of drop boxes. Don’t forget that “harrassment bill” that would have shut down any questioning of election procedures and results.

It is more than “small man jealous”. DeSantis was raised as a shrub in the Bush nursery, fed and watered by a fancy Ivy League education. then catapulted into the NATIONAL political scene by their largesse. He is one of them. He was trained to expect things to go his way.

Election integrity is THE key to turn it all around. That is why, I believe, the RPOF is against it. Florida is LUCKY to have these citizens, working thousands of hours on their own dime for the most part. I have known a lot, and Florida’s are the best. They give us all hope.

Tallahassee should be thanking their lucky stars for these people, not prosecuting and persecuting them. Certainly, DeGov and his RPOF should NOT be taking credit for something that has benefited Florida, and the cause of freedom - ESPECIALLY when it was done by the very people the RPOF is trying to remove from having a voice in their state.

You’ve been outed, Tallahassee. Stand down, Evan Power. We know what you are up to, and it’s way past time to work together with your constituents instead of against them.



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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