Four Tough Years - AND RUMOR OF DESANTIS As Possible Sec. Defense!

December 4, 2024
Image by Gage Skidmore

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To the relief of most of the world, Donald Trump was elected to a second term in the White House. He has won. The job he won would terrify any one of us if we had to do it.

He will be doing battle every minute of every day. — for his very life as well as for ours. He will be attempting to turn around this mess we’ve been living through. The Obama-Biden gang has wounded us, and has plans for more.

We have escaped totalitarianism by a hair’s breadth. THIS time…

BREAKING: DeSantis among choices to replace Hegseth at Defense. Talk about keeping your enemies closer! OMG. More later. But this shows what we are up against. While DeSantis disenfranchises MAGA and America First patriots in Florida, he is under consideration for a top-level cabinet poisiton. I believe Trump knows all this, and has plans for Florida (4th most electoral votes in the country) along with the nation.

The economy, our food and energy supplies, our freedoms to speak, defend ourselves, and even walk down a street safely. - ALL THIS and so much more were targets of the Communists in DC. Speaking of DC. and J6, , what about “innocent until proven guilty”??

Donald Trump has four years at 1600, to take this all on, for all of us. The world awaits, and, frankly, is pleased at what they are seeing even before his inauguration. Yet, we MUST NOT rest on our satisfaction. The Cabal has plenty of punches left to throw, and WE must be there to anticipate and block them for our POTUS where possible.

The American people MUST put it high gear to help. If they don’t, it will all come back in a flood that will drown this nation, even worse than the Regime did to TN and NC.

Yes, it is “off-the-couch-and-out-the-door” time, Earnest Patriots. Freedom lovers. There is not a day to spare. Just because a massive majority of us voted for Trump, does not mean we can relax. We must be out there doing what we can in our local communites. That is THE ONLY WAY we can retain what 2024 has wrought.

After all, you see what can happen with our vote in this still dangerously rigged system. First goal: MAKE PAPER BALLOTS AND HAND-COUNTS MANDATORY, IN EVERY ELECTION IN EVERY STATE. That is our first goal, our sine qua non.

Yes, it will take an army. An army of earnest, hard-working patriots who actively stand against the poison that remains in our system. Enjoy what “Too big to Rig” has brought us, but prepare and educate yourself to join the Patriots - in every small town, big city, and rural county. Just like the little kid on the logo, one “flag-waver” can reach those stars.

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You know that I give suggestions as to how to get involved. So, here, for starters, I ask you to:

* PLEASE educate yourself more deeply in areas of your personal passion - elections, health care, education, role of the churches, geoengineering, UN Agenda tricks, food supply, transportation, our Constitution and its mights powers, and so much more. Your choice!

*Try to team with neighbors and friends on getting active. If you want to start a neighborhood or family action group, make sure there are assigned roles, up front. That of the leader( is crucial. Assign each to a role that matches their abilities and interests. For instance, NEVER ASK A QUIET RESEARCHER TO BE THE FLAG-WAVER ON THE COURTHOUSE STEPS. Or, someone who can’t draw a straight line, to design posters and banners. Organizations accomplish much more when each member is working with their utmost energy and abilities.

There are national groups AND nationally respected people that have proven themselves to be highly effective and goal-directed, (usually NOT those always asking for donations, the infamous “red button gang.”) YOU donate to the group YOU respect after your research. More on those people and groups later.

Think with your head, act with your heart, but make sure they are connected for maximum results. More than ever before, we need to act.

The Trump election has given us one last chance to secure our freedoms. We must be up to that task, to keep them.



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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2 months ago

WHY would we accept the left telling us there is something wrong with Pete Hegseth? In what universe is DeSantis more qualified?

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