• Globalism In Retreat?

    August 2, 2024
    Image by Becker1999

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    Larry Schweikart, the historian who gave us the revolutionary “A Patriot’s History of America” – in full rebuttal to the Marxist “A People’s History of America” by Howard Zinn – has turned his gimlet eye on globalism, humanity’s second greatest scourge after Marxism. (Some would argue that globalism is the backdoor entry for Marxism’s long-sought domination of the world.)

    The book’s subtitle, “Its Rise and Decline,” neatly summarizes Schweikart’s thesis: that since the dawn of the modern age with, say, Napoleon, globalism has relentlessly expanded its influence and lethality. The peak of its long-term lust for total global control came with the Covid Plandemic and, according to the author, is in full scale retreat. Hallelujah!

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    Humanity has lived through a very dark 4+ years, with the scales falling from our eyes as we realize the very nation inspired by God to become the political, economic, and cultural light of the world has turned its vast weaponry against its own citizens, willing and eager to maim and kill millions via experimental injections – as well as the leader of the anti-globalism forces – and impoverish the country’s backbone, its working and middle classes. Much that was good and great about the United States has been destroyed in the elites’s lust for power and control.

    This has been a difficult reality to adjust to, and the depths of evil which the Marxist and globalist forces will stoop has made for non-stop depressing news these handful of years.

    Thank God, then, I took up this book which is the most optimistic and uplifting I have read in ages!

    We need to define terms: what is globalism exactly? In his introduction, Schweikart cites a few academic definitions and then cleverly turns to social media, where he sought definitions from average Joes like you and me.

    Among the eight listed, my favorite was: “A new international order that promotes the interests of the world’s financial elites at the expense of every nation states’s sovereignty.” [p.xi] I would modify the definition, removing the word “financial” – expanding it to all the world’s elites – and adding at the expense of nearly all citizens.

    Thereafter, Schweikart takes us on a whirlwind (worldwind?) tour of globalism’s history, starting after 1814 with the Congress of Vienna – which worked feverishly to keep the nationalist Napoleon down and out – continuing with the failed Treaty of Versailles a century later, and culminating with the last century’s Bretton Woods (financial) accords and the formation of the United Nations post-WWII.

    While these are the meeting-markers, Schweikart characterizes the various waves of rising globalism tides with themes. The first – ushered in by the Congress of Vienna – was Monarchical Globalism quickly followed by its Militaristic form; the next was Diplomatic Globalism, epitomized by Versailles’s carving up the world along new geographic and political lines. Without entering into details, the latest waves were Scientific Globalism (the U.N. rapidly erected out of fear of the atomic bomb), then Financial (Bretton Woods) and Spiritual (the climate hoax), and finally Medical Globalism, which came to full and deadly fruition during Covid.

    Needless to say, the greatest enemy to globalism has turned out to be the U.S., specifically under the leadership of President Trump – who is universally as hated and demonized by the elites as Napoleon was.

    Schweikart returns to his well developed thesis on why the U.S. is/was exceptional in so many regards, as elaborated in his Patriot’s History. The foundational pillars of American exceptionalism are: 1) Common Law (a bottom-up political structure derived from God’s Natural Law); 2) Bottom-up Religion (Protestantism/Puritanism); 3) free-market Capitalism; and 4) the Sanctity of Private Property.

    Historians usually lose their sharp-sightedness with recent history, being trained in analysis of more distant history. But Schweikart is as perceptive as ever with the horrifying events of the global plandemic and economic devastation caused by the evil shutdowns.

    With the globalists’ (and Marxists’) successful removal of President Trump from power during the Covid Plandemic, the U.S. rapidly joined the forefront of what Schweikart rightly calls the “Covid Cultists,” by mandating the experimental and lethal jabs. Worse, it was the first (and nearly only) developed country to authorize medical experimentation on babies and young children – which many Marxist states then mandated.

    Yet with the final, wonderfully optimistic chapter titled “Globalism in Decline,” Schweikart describes how the U.S. avoided (just barely) turning into one of the full-on tyrannical states epitomized by Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, some going so far as to establish internment camps for “vax denialists.”

    He attributes why these fellow Anglophone nations fell so far to lacking one of more of the U.S.’s foundational pillars, specifically they were either Anglican or Catholic (which are top-down religions) and never fully developed the same bottom-up political potential as they remain, nominally, under the British Dominion system.

    Furthermore, the globalists almost, but not quite, implemented a vaccine passport system (currently being test-run in 5 European nations) which would have been the precursor to the Social Credit Score system being implemented in Communist China. This, combined with the move to digital currency-only systems, promises to usher in the full, tyrannical control of all citizens.

    In the end, American patriots did exceedingly well in pushing back against the worst of the Biden regime’s initiatives on the desired route to total, tyrannical control. Had they not, the U.S. could have transformed into the darkest possible of states, with the rest of the world rapidly following our descent.

    Schweikart details the immense victories, which seemed small or incremental at the time, but in total represent a massive turnaround from the globalist’s destructive path. The prime elements of our historic success were the common sense of the American people (with many able to resist non-stop governmental propaganda) and the rapid growth of alternate media, which disseminated truthful information despite the desperate efforts of Big Tech, Corporate Media, and our Marxist masters in government to suppress it. (The efficacy of ivermectin as an early treatment is one such victory.)

    Given space-constraints, this review can only treat the book’s content in the broadest of terms. But Schweikart is also the master of detail. To give two examples:

    “So desperate were American companies to show they were not racist that in the wake of the George Floyd death just 6 percent of new S&P jobs went to white applicants.” [p.220]

    In other words, massive, race-based discrimination occurred, which violates both law and conscience.

    I was also gratified to learn some needed pay-back against our Big Tech overlords:

    “Overall, threads and daily active users on Facebook/Meta fell by half as people stopped using the site.” [p.238]

    Any of us who used Faceblock during the past 5 years are painfully aware of the massive censorship/suppression/shadow banning of any conservative posts which went against the Left’s narrative.

    Are you in need of a strong dose of hope these still dark days when all of government and most of corporate America has turned against patriotic Americans? This is your book.

    “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” [Psalm 31:24]

    One last note: for those even remotely familiar with the New Testament, globalism – whether achieved via Marxism, the climate hoax, or digital currency – clearly paves the way for the coming of the One World Government as led by the Antichrist.

    Ben Batchelder is the author of four extended travel yarns and has been a Contributor to The Miami Independent since its inception. Contact him at his author site benbatchelder.com



    Ben Batchelder

    Ben Batchelder was born into leftism and has been a black sheep ever since. A writer now for several decades, he first converted to conservatism after college during a world trip on $10 a day, to Christianity at a later date, and to populist nationalism after Trump. A graduate of two Ivy League schools, he has had to unlearn most of what he learned there.

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    Ed Vidal
    2 months ago

    Great book review!

    Another component of the enemies of liberty, in addition to:
    1. Globalists, and
    2. Communist, is
    3. Jihadists, now entrenched in Europe and growing in America!

    Ben Batchelder
    2 months ago
    Reply to  Ed Vidal

    Much obiged, Ed, points well taken, the Red & Green alliance is real - until one wins and then bumps off the other!

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