Happy Boxing Day-Lawsuit Filed Against RPOF

December 29, 2024

or... How The Grinch Stole Christmas

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Originally posted at Robert Valenta's Substack

No, I’m not referring to the British and Canadian tradition of trading class roles on the day after Christmas, nor some American tradition on the day after Christmas, where we ‘box’ up gifts, to return for store credit.

I’m referring to the gloves coming off. And, it’s about time. I will be breaking down the lawsuit against the RPOF, which was recently filed by Duval County Assembly President and REC member Robin Lumb, amended to include the Florida Republican Assembly, and all members thereof, in an upcoming article. Today, I will just mention a few problems that the RPOF has, in their witch hunt against Trump supporters. More on that below.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

And New Year’s Day… And Inauguration Day…

Evan “Almighty” Power as the Grinch, with Tara “Max” Jenner at his side.

I was torn between portraying Evan as the Grinch, or the Tin Man… ♪if he only had a brain♫

Evan worked with cooperative REC boards

Why bring Lee County REC Vice Chair, Tara Jenner into this, you might ask?! Especially, since she reportedly insists she had nothing to do with it, right? The problem with that claim is that she was acting as stand-in for an AWOL chair, and only REC members from counties with cooperative county boards were harassed for having the “audacity to exercise their freedom of association” by also belonging to the Assembly. Let me say that again… Only Assembly members in counties with a cooperative REC board were targeted. Many Assembly members are still in their county REC’s.

Florida Republican Assembly, Est. 1998

I won’t waste much time on the insanity of the Republican Party attacking fellow members for belonging to a Judeo-Christian Republican organization, which has been in continuous operation in the state of FL, since 1998. I mean, I’m often asked why this is happening, and why the party would choose to divide, rather than multiply. The simplest answer is either they are really democrats trying to paint Florida blue, or they want control and power, and they don’t care if their behavior risks destroying the party.

However, the root claim leading to this attack is premised on the erroneous assertion by the RPOF that the FRA was in violation of F.S. 103.081, which requires organizations not chartered for 10 years, or more, to charter under the RPOF. But the Assembly has been in continuous use of the name Republican since November 1998.

So, then they claimed that we are required to always be the same corporation to maintain the same charter under the National Federated Republican Assemblies. This is not legally true. Every attorney knows this. Any Paralegal, or even third-rate research assistant, should know this.

Even still, the FRA has obtained ownership of the original corporation, which was replaced with a new corporate structure in 2018. This original corporation’s inactive status has been brought up to date, is active, and per FL statutes has the effect of law, as if it had never gone inactive. So, the chess pieces continue.

To be absolutely clear… the FRA has been in existence since 1998, continuously.

So, the next time Terror Jenner says “They’re in violation of F.S. 103.081”, ask her if she’s lying. After all, she’s a J.A.G. attorney, Constitutional attorney, and healthcare attorney, per her own claims. So, her legal assertions are above reproach, right? Attorneys are never wrong. Right?

If attorneys, and judges who are also attorneys, are never wrong, we wouldn’t have Appellate, Superior, or Supreme courts. Attorney’s are advocates for a client or cause. They are tasked with bending, twisting, and painting a legal matter in a way that benefits their client, to the best of their abilities. And, we have seen Tara’s best. Many times. She has been weighed and measured, and found wanting. If someone were an equally adept plumber… the toilets in their house would never flush, and they’d have to run the kitchen faucet to get the shower to run. If one were an equally adept electrician, life would be ‘shocking’. Tara is to the legal industry what Tim Taylor is to home repair.

Just think about it… does the word “attorney” conjure images of Angels and Saints, or snakes and cockroaches?“ If men were Angels, we wouldn’t need government” -{Hamilton/Madison/and of course, Sansone}.

By the same token, if attorneys were Saints, jokes would be written differently… “5,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea” would be a travesty, instead of a “good start”.

So, again, next time you hear her pontificating… ask yourself what her motivation and skill level is. Better yet, ask her.

The Cease and Desist

Earlier in the year, the RPOF sent a Cease and Desist letter. Here was the FRA attorney response to that wad of toilet paper… FRA Response

The Lawsuit

I know Tara has told many people that there has been an ongoing lawsuit, but that’s simply not true… until now. But, it’s not the RPOF suing the Assembly, but the other way around.

The initial filing of this case can be read in its entirety by clicking here… Robin Lumb v. Evan Power/RPOF.

And, Mr. Lumb’s case is pretty damning against the RPOF. To break it down..

If the RPOF believed the Assembly was violating the law, they would have simply brought it to court and obtained an order from the judge, forcing the Assembly to stop using the word “Republican”. Instead, they rewrote the RPOF rules, in violation of several FL statutes, to concoct a contrived rule violation. Then, instead of targeting the Assembly itself, they chose to target their own members who belonged to both organizations.

But, let’s be clear… the RPOF and the 67 REC’s aren’t “clubs”. They are the party machine, whose members are duly elected representatives of the voters in their respective precincts.

Does this not boil down to subverting elections? Read the case history… they clearly removed members without due cause, and certainly without due process. These are irreparable harms. County board elections were subverted, by denying members in good standing the right to vote and choose the leadership team for the next 2 years. No matter how this turns out, the stain of this won’t wash off. The current LeeREC board will carry the stains with them for the next 24 months, no matter how many showers they take with Lava soap, or even Brillo Pads. A 10” grinder won’t even work.

Not only were the county board elections subverted, but the RPOF elections in January are stained as well. Because who wins the county chair elections makes up 1/3 of the electorate pool in the January elections, as well as potential candidates for RPOF Board.

Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee was weaponized against conservative Republicans, even to the point of violating their own Committee bylaws. Grievances must be put on hold within 90 days of an election. That means 90 days before… until 90 days after, Primary, General, and I would argue… county board elections. And yet, these were fast-tracked anyway. Multiple other rules were violated by Evan Power and the Grievance Committee, also. Such as the number of days to respond, being presented with an actual grievance, and full due process including hearings.

One of the most egregious actions was to suspend REC members who submitted their affidavits, showing they were not members of the Assembly, including a few who had never even heard of the Assembly. They were suspended, anyway. This had nothing to do with the Assembly, but election interference at the core of the Republican Party. I remind you, the RPOF “leadership” also believes the voting machines are great, the 2020 Presidential Election was fair… Biden won fair and square, and that it should be a felony in FL to question the election results. Tallahassee, we have a problem.

Is the RPOF, under Evan Power’s leadership, painting themselves into a corner, covering up the red paint with baby blue democrat paint?

Republican, RINO, Establishment, Democrat?

Are these the actions of conservative, Judeo-Christian, Constitutional Republicans, or democrats? You decide. My money is on RINO, Establishment, Bush-League, Never-Trump, Deep-State, Uniparty.

I don’t know what else to call it, when you make up rules, to create lawfare against Pro-Trump Judeo-Christians, in order to maintain the status-quo in the Uniparty. More details to follow.

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Christian since conception, American since birth, Republican since adulthood, liberty-minded since awakening. Taking the Republic back, one feckless, reckless, nansified, sissified, castrated North American RINO, at a time.

Robert Valenta

Christian since conception, American since birth, Republican since adulthood, liberty-minded since awakening. Taking the Republic back, one feckless, reckless, nansified, sissified, castrated North American RINO, at a time.

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Ed Vidal
1 month ago

RINO’s may not be communists, but they make communism possible!

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