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Here We Go !

January 4, 2025

New Year, New Hope, New Awareness

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On New Year’s eve Dec. 31, 2024, a massive lightening bolt struck the Capitol Dome in Washingtron DC, as the old year moved on to the new, and the old regime is pretending to leave.

Pretty direct message from above, I’d say. There have been others, too, of late. In NC after Hurricane Helene was sent to ravage and kill conservatives in TN and NC, a Bible was found, skewered to a post and open to Revelations 14-15.

We recognize that these messages from our Creator. There is no two ways to look at it, IMHO. What we are to do with them will be learned with time. Right now, we are being told to pay attention. THAT is for certain. This kind of message certainly fine-tunes our senses of awareness.

Donald Trump has been chosen to be our leader, by over 77 million Americans. Thank God for that, as the alternative would have meant the official and definitive end of our constitutional republic. He is a brilliant man who is fearless and focused. He genuinely cares about America, and learned from his first White House tour that enemies will be everywhere trying to bring him and America down.

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Trump DOES have enemies despite (or because of) the size of his victory at the polls. God gave us a hint in Butler, PA, and West Palm Beach, FL Who they are becomes more clear by the day. I don’t have to say it, but Donald Trump’s enemies are OUR enemies, and may be lurking in some unexpected places.

We KNOW that the likes of Schumer, Obama, Pelosi, Biden et. al., are on that list. We KNOW that the Secret service and FBI have responsibility in these two assassination attempts; the DOJ, the CIA and others are in that same treasonous group.

But, now, many are questioning DJT’s new bestie, Elon Musk. How is he suddenly so close to Donald Trump, that he is living on the grounds in a $2000/night cottage at Mar a Lago?

Elon Musk was once very anti-Trump, and even provided the DOJ with all Twitter (X) users who posted MAGA things. This, from Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse. Remember, too, that Musk was a part of the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum on Sea Island, a confab of billionaires in 2016 who plotted against Donald Trump to prevent his candidacy.

Musk was even behind DeSantis, the Globalist candidate, until he wasn’t. Is the Musk move to the Trump camp related in any way to the RPOF purge of America First Republicans from the State Party? Could it be that DeGov is being DeSmallman again? His rousting of the MAGA Republicans from the state party can’t be about petty jealousy. Can it?

Makes as much sense as anything else, I guess. He is, after all, still the 800 lb gorilla in Florida politics.

OR, is Musk still ON the DeSantis team, in some nefarious sense? Does any of this explain why Trump has said nothing about the RPOFs lawfare against MAGA Republicans??

Is Trump playing Musk or is Elon Musk playing him, or is there a genuine working relationship to further a common goal? Stay tuned.

More questions…

In an interview with Alex Newman, noted psychologist and author, Dr. Peter Breggin, suggests that the drone saga might be a psyyop to bring about a DOD/DHS “Orwellian” power grab. After all, Donald Trump has spoken of cleaning house at both agencies. Where does Mike Waltz, with a failing Liberty Score (67% lifetime, in voting according to the Constitution) fit in? He is Trump’s pick as National Security Advisor.

Then, there are the attacks in New Orleans, and Las Vegas. The perps are said to have both been in Special Forces together at Bragg. The FBI, of course, says they are unrelated. Why do we even ask them anymore?

The concept of terrorism in these United States has been SO far stretched to focus on White Christians that our government goons can only go after innocent J6-ers and grandmothers who sing hymns outside of abortion centers. The Isis underground is all over the nation, and our current government sees only Conservative citizens as enemy combatants.

Are and of these attacks tied to the attack on the Russian military official a few weeks ago?

If we are going to understand and deal with any of this, our best chance is to stay on top of it all; keep our senses alert. Trust your nose as well as your eyes and ears. Things that stink are frequently rotten.

Keep your spirit heavenward.

I wish I had more answers than questions. I pray that they will be found. In the meanwhile, we have to rely on some simple truths.

Truth #1

We cannot trust our own government. The drones, mass killings, bombings, even ISIS connections within our own military are more proof, as if we needed any more.

(see and

By electing Donald Trump, we have put all of this in his hands, but how much can he do and how soon? The closer we come to his inauguration, the more charged the air.

The election of Donald Trump showed us that we managed to outvote and outthink the election fraud machinery. That, in itself was the thrill of the decade; America managed to catch itself before our ship of state crashed on the rocky shoals of totalitarianism. We managed to man the rudder at the ballot box, to change our course enough to have another chance to live free. Yet, just look at the work still ahead of us. Donald Trump cannot do it all. We MUST help.

God granted us the opportunity to work for our freedoms, when he saved Trump’s life in PA and in FL. What we have is an opportunity, not a guarantee.

Truth #2:

People act and VOTE according to their morals and values NOT their race or creed. Racism is a learned behavior on both sides. The truth IS, that we will always be friends, compatriots if you will, with those who share our morals and values. If this nation is to be saved, it will be by people of ALL backgrounds and nationalities, and even political parties who want to live in freedom and understands what that takes.

Truth #3.

We MUST WORK to keep the freedom we love. It’s one thing to win an election. Building meaningful results is another. It will involve thousands of small course corrections, working with others who share the goal of repairing and reclaiming our freedoms. This work must take a top priority in our lives.

Keeping our senses tuned to what is happening daily, is a part of this.

“The People’s Audit”, (FL), which is Kris Jurski and his group, is ready to come with a system for all to use, on any project, in any state, The Peoples Organizer. (Want to replace a local councilman? Give the people a megaphone on a certain issue?) More on this very soon. The People’s Audit is, of course, the group which deserves the credit for removing invalid addresses from Florida’s voter rolls, Not DeSantis as uninformed media would have it.

Finally, the right to question is a master tool we must keep in our action box. The truth will never be uncovered if we cannot question what we see, feel and hear, and dig for answers.

Remember Ronald Reagan saying, “trust but verify”? I believe he meant to question question a lot, from those we see as friends, as well as our foes.

My hope for our future is that we can all walk the road ahead with clear vision and linked arms, on our way to a stronger and better union. Without divine guidance and each other, we will not succeed.

Blessings for the season, and WAY beyond!


PS: For news on Petie and Prince, several people spoke up for them, but didn’t leave me any personal information by which I can reach you. Go to my Substack chat, please, and leave me a spare email address or phone number by which you can be contacted. Thank you all so much!



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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