• Is Team Trump In On The Election Fraud?

    August 27, 2024
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    Last week, in Pinellas County, FL, the incumbent supervisor of elections allowed the order of over 219,000 'vote by mail' ballots on a Sunday, when the office was closed.

    This was an impossibility.

    There is irrefutable evidence a large part of these apparently illegal ballots were cast, even if they were 'undeliverable'.

    This evidence, along with a trove of other findings, has been provided to the Trump Team via multiple vectors. We can confirm they have received the information.

    Yet, nothing is being done.

    No help has been provided.

    No interest has been shown in the case.

    All of this talk of winning and a new Trump administration is a facade.

    If the criminals can just create ballots, mail them out, harvest and vote them, then we are done.

    President Trump will lose in November if nothing is done.

    America and our children will lose if nothing is done.

    It's almost like Team Trump knows it's going to lose, even desires it.

    Why is that?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

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    23 days ago

    AS I continue to spew. Without election integrity, we have nothing.

    Mike Pietrich
    Mike Pietrich
    23 days ago

    Yes...of course Trump is "in on it".


    The Prisoner
    The Prisoner
    23 days ago
    Reply to  Mike Pietrich

    Of course, you are here to make trouble. That site is dangerous to go to. You are tyring to lure people.

    You cited no evidence, because, you have none, troll.

    The Prisoner
    The Prisoner
    23 days ago

    This is a ridiculous article. Trump does not operate Florida elections.

    You are not enquiring minds, you are trying to attack Trump.

    23 days ago
    Reply to  The Prisoner

    Doubtful Trump has even been told about this...but his staff sure knows, the same staff that won't talk about election integrity...

    23 days ago
    Reply to  The Prisoner

    Articles people call 'ridiculous' are the ones you should read...just sayin

    Claire Potter
    Claire Potter
    22 days ago

    Get Jay Valentine on Tucker Carlson's show now! Tucker will get to Trump.

    Claire Potter
    Claire Potter
    22 days ago

    Get Jay Valentine on Tucker Carlson's show now! Tucker will wake Trump up!

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