• Lee County Republican Assembly Issues Resolution For Immediate Removal Of Sheriff Carmine Marceno

    January 25, 2025

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    The Lee County Republican Assembly has issued a resolution calling for the removal of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno.

    It is public information a grand jury was convened in this matter.

    Resolution for the Immediate Removal of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno


    Whereas, an investigation into allegations against Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
    includes accusations of money laundering, misappropriation of funds, and the acceptance of
    expensive gifts from Ken Romano, who reportedly settled Marceno's gambling debts and
    provided other high-value items; and i

    Whereas, a federal grand jury has convened to address the aforementioned allegations against
    Sheriff Carmine Marceno, with the outcome of this investigation currently unknown; and ii

    Whereas, video surveillance allegedly depicts Sheriff Carmine Marceno receiving a significant
    amount of cash from Ken Romano at his jewelry store without any apparent lawful or ethical
    justification for the transaction; and iii

    Whereas, Ken Romano was engaged in a $5,700-per-month consulting contract with the Lee
    County Sheriff's Office (LCSO), under which he claims to have been a "ghost employee"
    performing little to no work; and

    Whereas, evidence, in the form of a receipt obtained by the Florida Trident, confirms that
    Sheriff Marceno accepted a $9,000 digital piano from Romano, who was previously described
    as a "ghost employee" of LCSO; and iv

    Whereas, Florida state ethics laws (Section 112.3148, Florida Statutes) mandate that elected
    officials disclose gifts valued at $100 or more, and Sheriff Marceno has allegedly failed to report
    the piano and potentially other gifts in his financial disclosures; and v

    Whereas, Ken Romano has filed a criminal complaint against Sheriff Marceno with the FBI,
    with the investigation's status currently unknown; and

    Whereas, under Florida law (Article IV, Section 7(a) of the Florida Constitution), the Governor
    holds the authority and responsibility to suspend and, if necessary, remove county officers,
    including sheriffs, for causes such as malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, or conviction
    of a felony; and vi

    Whereas, Lee County citizens deserve a Sheriff who is beyond reproach, free from distractions,
    and fully trusted to uphold the law and serve the community with integrity; and

    Whereas, the mission of the Lee County Republican Assembly includes advocating for the
    protection of taxpayer money, good governance, transparency, and accountability in elected
    officials vii ; and

    Whereas, Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno refuses to sign an agreement with
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement viii to identify and arrest criminal illegal aliens since
    his appointment on September 21, 2018. 46 other Florida Sheriffs have signed working
    agreements with ICE, most in 2019. President Donald Trump has declared a national illegal
    immigration emergency and ordered mass deportations. ix Governor Ron DeSantis has called
    for a special legislative session for Monday, January 27, 2025, to adopt laws to mandate
    maximum participation in the ICE 287(g) deportation program x, with penalties for non-
    compliance, including suspension of officials like Sheriff Carmine Marceno xi ; now, therefore,

    Be it Resolved that the Lee County Republican Assembly calls on Governor Ron DeSantis to
    immediately suspend Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno from office and proceed with the
    formal process for his permanent removal; and

    Be it Further Resolved that the LCRA calls for a special primary election to be held in August
    2025, followed by a special general election in November 2025.

    Adopted this day, January 24, 2025

    Media Links



    i https://www.nbc-2.com/article/lee-county-sheriff-carmine-marceno-accused-laundering-money-
    ii https://www.nbc-2.com/article/sheriff-carmine-marceno-grand-jury-convenes-history/63097557
    iii https://winknews.com/2024/11/26/federal-investigation-involving-sheriff-carmine-marceno/
    iv https://floridatrident.org/receipt-shows-sheriff-marceno-received-9000-piano-from-same-lcso-ghost-
    v https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2018/112.3148
    vi http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?submenu=3#A4S07
    vii https://leerepublican.com/development/leg-dev/
    viii https://www.ice.gov/identify-and-arrest/287g
    ix https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/declaring-a-national-emergency-at-the-
    x https://www.cfpublic.org/politics/2025-01-15/desantis-lays-out-immigration-policies-ahead-special-session
    xi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQg_WQSIZWk



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    Miami has long-suffered from a lack of opposing opinions to the corporate media narrative. That changes today with the launch of The Miami Independent. We aim to create Miami and Florida's premier investigative newspaper and will bring truth no matter where it lands.

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    John Peletier
    21 hours ago

    FAFO in action! We need many more of these actions to get the Marxist Democrats to understand Elections have consequences and that Cutesy Time is over and done with. American Voters spoke Loudly and Clearly in the 2024 Election. Business as usual id Finished! Adults are back in charge now!

  • Miami has long suffered from a lack of opposing opinions to the corporate media narrative. We aim to create Miami's and Florida's premier investigative newspaper and will bring the truth, no matter where that truth lands
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