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Dear Sabina Covo,
My name is Jessica Boudreaux and I am a resident of Park West. I see that you sent out a text today (below) regarding issues and voting associated with MDCPS. In said email you also reference the state of Florida. In my humble opinion, (and as a constituent who is anxiously waiting for you to do something to improve my part of your district) this is quite simply not your job nor should be your concern.
You represent District 2 of the City of Miami, not the County of Miami Dade nor the state of Florida. While I’m not part of the LGBTQ+ community, I think we can all agree that they are mostly doing quite well in the City of Miami. Your email was very transparent and obviously a failed attempt to play into trending partisan politics (again) for what should be a non-partisan position.
I can only speak for myself, or perhaps for Park West, but here’s what would be a better use of your time for real results we can see:
- Please put permanent trash cans on every corner of downtown like a proper major/world-renowned city should have
- Please ensure that the city maintains and dumps these trash cans (both of these would do wonders to keep litter out of our storm drains and bay)
- A little over a week ago an event was hosted an event in MAF Park and the event planner did a balloon release (unreal that there are people this clueless in 2023!), you never addressed this! You should have spoken out about it and it should have been QUICK! You should have also made sure that they were fined and paid for any and all clean up. You constituents should have been notified of your prompt actions.
- Every day there is trash floating in the bay in front of MAF Park which should be and could be the jewel of City of Miami. You should have it removed on a regular schedule by a city employee or employee of the park. I’ve heard we have a trawler for the job, but even a pool net could help!
- There are overflowing trashcans on islands and under the Macarthur Causeway which (I believe) also fall into your jurisdiction
- The Bayfront Trust recently cut down several trees in MAF Park. They lied and said they had permits to do so and that the trees were invasive or sick. They lied on all three fronts. What have you done about this?
Again, and in my opinion, you are not cut out for the job to represent D2 anymore than Ken Russell, in fact he may have been slightly more competent which is not saying much. Please do the City of Miami a favor and step down from this position for which you are not qualified. We do not need a puppet nor an echo chamber for partisan politics of which there is already a deluge. We are desperate to have someone who can represent us properly, not ignore us and certainly not rob us of trees nor tax dollars as has been happening for far too long.
Thank you,
Jessica Boudreaux
Jessica Boudreaux is a voter in Miami City Commission, District 2, and a member of the Libertarian Party
Your text for reference:
"it’s Commissioner Sabina Covo. Lately, extremist groups have been trying to tear away the rights of our LGBTQ+ community — and unfortunately, last night’s Miami-Dade School Board vote is just the latest example.
I’m deeply disappointed in the MDCPS Board’s decision to vote down LGBTQ History Month.
Despite having an attorney make sure the proposal was legal under Florida’s new laws, despite HOURS of comments in support from parents, community leaders, and students, the Board still voted no.
This is an attack on the LGBTQ+ community, and we need to fight back.
It’s up to us to ensure that Miami remains a safe, inclusive and welcoming place for ALL Floridians. And that’s exactly what I’ve done and will continue to do as your City Commissioner.
— Sabina Covo"