• Modern-Day Traitors Betraying the American Republic

    October 18, 2024
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    This article argues that there are numerous Americans and political leaders today whose actions qualify them as traitors betraying America’s very special republic. Further, these persons need to be publicly called what they truly are---traitors.

    The American Heritage Dictionary defines traitors as persons who betray their country, a cause, or trust (in contrast with patriots who love, support, and defend their country). Today, one of the most egregious displays of traitorous actions deals with national security and the safety and welfare of American citizens.

    A Daily Signal September 1, 2024, report cites US Bureau of Justice Statistics stating that total crime (reported and unreported) in America has soared under the Biden-Harris administration. Millions of Americans are being subjected to very high rates of crime due in large part to the criminal actions of over 400,000 illegal aliens (including violent gang members) known to have previous convictions, many for murder and sexual assault.

    Democrats claim that they tried to protect America’s borders in The Border Act of 2024 but were prevented by Republicans. However, a close examination of the bill reveals that a prime reason for its defeat is that Democrat leaders would have the discretion to catch and release up to 5,000 inadmissible migrants per day amounting to almost two million illegal aliens per year with little or no vetting!

    In January 2024, Speaker Mike Johnson wrote to President Biden advising him that “The Immigration and Nationality Act coupled with recent Supreme Court precedent give him ‘ample authority’ to ‘suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.’” Until very recently and just prior to the November 2024 election (!), Democrat leaders have taken little or no action to secure America’s borders in nearly four years!

    Thus, we have a situation in America today where hundreds of thousands of known criminals have been allowed to illegally enter the country, thereby putting the safety and security of the nation and citizens at great risk in towns and cities throughout the nation. What a travesty and purposeful dereliction of duty, all for political gain.

    Those responsible must be called out and called what they truly are---traitors betraying the American republic and their fellow citizens. Lastly, why in Heaven’s name would anyone vote for such persons to ever hold political office in these United States?

    Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, University of Alabama, and the US Army War College.

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