Reports of issues with the touchscreen ExpressVote machines continue to surface in Florida and Texas.

Among issues reported:
- Votes have flipped from what voter selected on screen.
- Votes have disappeared when voters have paged back to previous screens.
- Small font on printed ExpressVote ballot is small and difficult for voters to verify, if they even try to.
- Reports from Palm Beach county of having to press screen 4 times to select candidate.
- Others reported having to press above the candidates name to select them.
- Machines were removed from The Acreage library early voting location in Palm Beach County due to "malfunction".
- The tabulators are said to read the barcode printed on the ExpressVote ballots which voters can't read nor confirm correctly represents their votes.
- Poll workers are discouraging those who request a regular paper ballot, if they even know they can request one.
- Longer wait times are quoted for regular ballots and fewer epollbooks for checking in voters are available at most locations for those who request a regular ballot.
- Voters have been automatically routed to the ExpressVote machines, unless they know to request a traditional ballot.
It is suggested that voters request a TRADITIONAL, HAND-FILLED PAPER BALLOT if your precinct or early voting center is using the touchscreen ExpressVote machines. If you must use an ExpressVote machine, DOUBLE CHECK your SELECTIONS on the printed ballot to make sure they match your intentions.
A voter in Palm Beach Gardens posted this:

Video of voters reporting issues can be seen in this post:
And reports of pushback from poll workers:
After being notified of these issues, Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, Wendy Link, claimed they were due to user error and said that she made sure that a stylus was available for voters. However, she also said that malfunctioning machines were being removed. This was after several days of early voting had already occurred. Whether the "malfunctions" are due to issues with specific machines or a system-wide software issue remains to be seen.
This issue is reminiscent of the hanging chads in 2000 when questionable punch card ballots in Florida - and again involving Palm Beach county - elevated the contentious election to the Supreme Court for the ultimate decision. We have no way of knowing how many voters' selections were changed by these machines unbeknownst to them and if the results are what the voters intended.
Please report any issues with voting here: Election Complaint - United Sovereign Americans ( This group, United Sovereign Americans, has filed federal lawsuits against election misconduct in 9 states, including Texas and Florida. If appropriate, issues reported will be used as further evidence.