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My Personal Experience Attending The Rally In The Capitol On January 6, 2021

September 4, 2024

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[Edited by Eduardo Vidal]

CORRECTION: There was a mistake that 'two pipe bombs went off' but we have changed to 'planted'.

Miami Beach - I attended the Trump rally in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, along with three friends, and I am glad that I did. Had I not attended, I would not know who to believe, or perhaps I would have fallen for the false narrative that the mainstream media and Democrats concocted, repeated and amplified, until this very day. They produced selective footage and images made for TV (Tactical Deception), which millions of our fellow Americans watched over and over again.

Because I was there, I know that it was not an insurrection: none of the demonstrators were armed, but two pipe bombs were planted. One pipe bomb at the Democrat National Committee headquarters, and another at the Republican National Committee headquarters, which were planted by someone who has not been publicly identified by the FBI or any other authorities. To this day, three years later, they are still a mystery. The Federal Bureau of Investigation likely knows, but so far no report on the identity.

Following are the Facts:

Speaker Pelosi, who had the final authority on securing the Capitol, and Mayor Bowser of the District of Columbia, refused President Trump’s offer of 10,000 National Guardsmen to protect the Capitol on January 6. Why? Were they in on a plot? Did they want to create a “soft target” for the protesters to penetrate?

Why did the Select Congressional Committee to investigate the events of January 6, 2021 never interview or question Speaker Pelosi? Why has the Chairman of this committee since deleted the evidence and files collected as part of their investigation? Why were texts between those in charge to protect the Capitol, on such date, erased?

The legal rules of evidence include a doctrine of “spoliation,” whereby if a party has control of evidence, and that evidence is destroyed or tampered with, then the court and the other parties may make reasonable inferences against the party doing the spoliation with respect to the evidence spoiled.

The United States Defense Department, State Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation withheld intelligence and information from Steven Sund, who was the Chief of the Capitol Police on that day. Why did the FBI deploye 200 undercover agent among the crowd? Were these agents provocateurs? Why did the FBI and other intelligence agencies never inform Chief Sund of having deployed undercover agents, like Ray Epps and John Sullivan, in the crowds? Why did the Congressional January 6 committee never bring Chief Sund to testify? Why was the mainstream media never curious to interview Chief Sund? It took Tucker Carlson to finally interview him:

Arriving in the District of Columbia and then at The Ellipse

My friends and I arrived in the District of Columbia the day before the planned Trump rally, on January 5, 2021, and checked into our hotel, The Sofitel on Lafayette Square. Then, we went to listen to some of the speakers that were in town to participate in the rally, and returned to our hotel by 5:00 pm. The entire District of Columbia had been closed down by Mayor Bowser, so we drove to Maryland in order to have dinner with other friends who were attending the rally. The dinner, the company and the entire evening was lovely.

The next morning we woke up early to start our walk to The Elipse, the park south of the White House down to Constitution Avenue, where President Trump would be speaking. The line for coffee or breakfast was too long in our hotel, so we began our journey without any food. Luckily we had water with us. Over a million patriots who care about our Constitution and the integrity of our elections showed up in Washington on their own, at their own personal expense and investing their own time. None of this was ever reported by the mainstream media.

The scene was unreal and inspirational. As we walked to The Ellipse, in every direction that I looked, to my right or left or back or front, all I saw was a sea of people until I could see no more, from all ages, ethnicities and income levels, walking peacefully, waving their flags, singing patriotic songs, praying or helping each other. It was an amazing sight, and it made me proud to be an American.

The size and magnitude of the rally was huge! You can listen to the comments of the tape recordings of District of Columbia police on that day commenting on the size of the crowds. They too could not believe their eyes. I have never in my life seen such a large crowd of over a million people. Again, the dishonest mainstream media never reported such numbers.

My Canadian-American friend who had travelled with me from Miami to attend the rally had never been to a political rally before, and she could not believe her eyes, but she was most impressed by that fact that in spite of the over a million people in attendance, there was not one iota of trash anywhere on the grounds. This is true of every Trump rally, because Trump supporters are individuals who are respectful of their surroundings, environment and others.

We arrived at The Ellipse at about 11:00 a.m. It was already full, but we found a space where all four of us could stand. We were far but we could see the stage. A woman with her granddaughter were standing next to me. They had traveled from California to attend. It was just incredible to witness how much people care about the integrity of our elections and love America and our freedom of speech. Finally, President Trump arrived and spoke to the crowd.

Walking Peacefully and Patriotically to Capitol Hill

The program stated that we were to walk over to the Capitol and be there by 1:00 p.m., so we left our post by The Ellipse at about 12:40 p.m. to start our walk to the Capitol. Again the walk was joyful. The people were singing, praying, waving their flags. They were just happy to be there even though it was winter.

We noticed that none of the mobile phones brought by my friends had any reception except mine. We arrived to the front of the Capitol at about 1:30 p,m. and stood on the lawn on the east side of the Capitol. My back began to hurt and my stomach began to rumble from hunger. At about 2:00 p.m., I began to hear explosions and see smoke from gas bombs that the police, situated on top of the steps, were throwing at the peaceful crowd below. Sirens sounded from police cars, ambulances and fire trucks that began to arrive. A demonstrator, who we later learned was Kevin Greeson, had a heart attack and died from a gas bomb landing near where he was standing. Another demonstrator, Benjamin Philis, had a stroke and died from the commotion around the Capitol.

In addition, at about this time Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd, an Affirmative Action and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hire, wrongfully shot and killed Ashli Babbit inside the Capitol. Ashli was unarmed, a petite woman, 35 years of age, and a veteran who had served our military honorably. She posed NO threat to this officer, but he shot her through the throat at close range. There is NO justification for Officer Byrd’s actions. The Capitol Hill police department kept his name secret for the longest time, and no charges were filed against him. It turns out that the year before he had been reprimanded for leaving his service pistol in the bathroom after relieving himself. Instead, around a year after this rally in the Capitol, he was promoted and interviewed glowingly by the mainstream media.

Officer Byrd was treated very differently from the officer who was accused of killing the drug addict and career criminal George Floyd. Floyd was given a royal funeral, and his family collected $29,000,000. In contrast Ashli Babbit and her family were derided by the mainstream media, and her funeral was ignored. The contrast could not be more stark.

The fourth and last casualty that day was also a demonstrator, Roseanne Boyland, who was trampled by a crowd that the police had pushed into a tunnel. Some of the patriots tried to save her, but the police did nothing to help save her. Another demonstrator was pushed off from the top of the Capitol steps for no reason by the police. The man felt to the ground and suffered a bad knee injury,

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who the Democrats elevated to hero status “a la Hamas style,” got home the evening of January 6, and he texted his brother that he was home and was all right, not even a scratch. The following day, Brian suffered a massive stroke. He died of natural causes, but the FBI and Democrats right away went into a full disinformation campaign and reported to The New York Times that a Trump supporter had hit him with a fire extinguisher over the head at the rally. The mainstream media right away began to report unverified stories and a completely fabricated lie.

Today many Americans, including some of my friends and other journalists, continue to believe that Officer Sicknick was killed by the demonstrators on January 6. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats and the mainstream media don’t care about the truth. All they care about is power and they are willing to gaslight and lie in order to maintain their power with the help of the mainstream media.

Trump is not a threat to democracy; he is a threat to Democrat party power!

Democrat Propaganda Machine

It is sad to witness our nation so divided and void of morals and spirituality because Democrats thirst for unlimited power. The constant gaslighting and propaganda, with the help of their allies in the mainstream edia, including social media controlled by Silicon Valley, has resulted in a mental health crisis in America.

Democrats led by Speaker Pelosi brought the dead body of Officer Sicknick, as a propaganda tool, to the Capitol Rotunda to further their lies and pretend that he had been a victim of the January 6 rally. To this day many of my fellow Americans believe that Officer Sicknick died in action defending the Capitol, but this is a lie. He died at home the following day from a massive stroke.

The only fatal victims at the rally on January 6 were demonstrators: (1) Ashli Babbit; (2) Kevin Greeson; (3) Benjamin Phillis; and (4) Roseanne Boyland. May they rest in peace, and I pray their lives were not lost in vain. The election integrity legislation which every Democrat voted against should be passed in their memory. They lost their lives defending election integrity.

President Trump had held some 500 rallies since declaring his candidacy for President in June 2015, and none had experienced violence by his supporters. Some violence against his supporters had occurred or been threatened, but not by his supporters.

Political Persecution of Protesters

Furthermore, if the rally on January 6 was an insurrection, then why were there no arrests that day? There were no arrests because none of the demonstrators did anything that warranted an arrest. Some insurrection! Especially considering that none of the so-called insurrectionists were armed. The first arrest of January 6 demonstrators, based on the fake insurrection narrative, started on July 27, 2021, more than six months later. Obviously this was a coordinated effort by the White House, the United States Department of Justice and the FBI.

About 98% of the January 6 demonstrators that were falsely accused by the Obama-Biden-Harris DOJ had no prior criminal records. The DOJ took what amounts to a Constitutional right of free speech for citizens to address their grievances to elected officials, or at most a minor infraction of trespassing and without prior criminal records, and turned them into alleged crimes. Instead, these are innocent Americans. The DOJ turned minor infractions into conspiracy theories and crimes.

The following are some of the manufactured charges from the DOJ: (1) Conspiracy to obstruct law enforcement officers. (2) Conspiracy to injure law enforcement officers. (3) Conspiracy to obstruct a Congressional proceeding.

Notice the term “conspiracy,” because the charges are not based on a specific action or act, such as that: “Mr. Brown hit Officer Kelly causing an injury.” No, the charge is “conspiracy to injure,” not a specific injury. Basically, the fact of being present or attending or entering the Capitol was turned into a conspiracy. Yes I attended the January 6 rally, but I was not part of any conspiracy, and neither were the others who also attended. Perhaps there was a conspiracy by the Democrat opposition to turn his peaceful rally into a riot, but I am not aware of any investigation or effort to discover the real conspiracy.

I am sure that most of the patriots who entered the Capitol had no intention to cause any harm, and as a matter of fact did not. I encourage you to watch the Capitol video recordings that have been made public, where you can see the Capitol Police officers actually opening doors and giving the demonstrators tours of the Capitol.

See here a list of all the persecutions:

Select Congressional Committee

The Select Congressional Committee to investigate the events of January 6, 2021 was a complete farce and a kangaroo court. The DOJ has behaved in ways worse than the Gestapo and KGB combined. Listen to Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s interview with Tucker Carlson, or read his book. He smelled foul play, and as result was dismissed from his post the day after this rally.

The three people who knew most about what happened on January 6 were: (1) Chief Sund, who was forced to resign the following day as collateral damage, to cover up for Speaker Pelosi, the Defense Department and the FBI. (2) Mike Stinger (now dead). (3) Paul Irving, second in command after Speaker Pelosi for the protection of the Capitol, who left the department on January 8, 2021, and disappeared. These three individuals plus Pelosi were never questioned by the Select Congressional Committee. How is it possible that the Committee investigating the events on January 6 never questioned or interviewed the four people that knew the most?

There is something very fishy going on. Who is responsible for the riot on January 6? The FBI, who had 200 undercover agents infiltrated among the crows in the rally, and often leading in the incursions into the Capitol building? Or our Defense Department, who were more concerned with optics and refused to prevent disorder or provide protection for the Capitol? The leadership of the Democrat National Committee? The paid agitators in the crowd dressed as Trump supporters?

In the meantime the leaders of the House and Senate agreed to certify a presidential election on January 6, 2021, without a quorum as required by the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, and not concerned that 39 States violated their own elections statutes. When 39 States violate their own election statutes, there is no integrity or validity to such election.

Compare the actions of Vice President Pence in 2020 with the actions of Vice President Thomas Jefferson after the presidential election of 1800. Jefferson actively interviewed the Electors and challenged their positions, in order to ensure that there was a truthful final count. Pence failed to do any of that, even though, as the challenge presented to the United States Supreme Court by the Attorney General of the Great State of Texas pointed out, several of the States had failed to comply with the Constitutional requirements for presidential elections. These requirements include that only the state legislature may make the rules for such elections.

Why is the mainstream media not watching and holding elected officials and government bureaucrats accountable? Is it acceptable to the mainstream media for the powerful to break the law? Are the mainstream media responsible for the chaos caused by their not doing their job?

The DOJ has violated the civil rights of 1,488 innocent Americans by inventing charges and then denying them a fair trial on a speedy basis. Many of these defendants have been held without bail for long terms. None of these innocent targeted Americans could have a fair trial in the District of Columbia, and the few who early on requested to move their trial to a different jurisdiction were denied.

As I read the manufactured charges on each case, I can’t help but see the evil of the DOJ, this entire administration and others in power to intimidate their opposition, and to inflict pain in order to crush innocent Americans who care about election integrity and the rule of law. Meanwhile those breaking the laws, illegal aliens entering our nation unchecked, BLM protestors burning our cities while Vice President Kamala Harris raising funds to bail them out of jail, and Antifa rioters and arsonists, not being persecuted or brought to justice.

Nothing is sacred to Democrats and their lust for power. We know weaponizing and politization of our justice system is wrong, and that is not an activity that will be covered under their immunity for public duties immunity, but they will be liable personally on criminal charges.

The mainstream media’s role should be to investigate, give us the facts and tell the truth, not to take sides or participate in producing progressive propaganda. Instead, the mainstream media just repeats the woke progressive lies. When the mainstream media lies, democracy dies. The mainstream media has failed us miserably and is a big reason for why our nation is in such trouble.

On January 6, 2021, when President Trump learned of the disturbances at the Capitol, he tweeted his followers and asked them to go home peacefully. By 6:00 p.m., even before the National Guard had arrived, everyone had gone home peacefully.

What I saw on that day on and around the streets of the District of Columbia, The Ellipse and the lawn at the Capitol was peaceful protesters confronted by police brutality. That is the true story of that day.

After the Rally

I walked back to my hotel at about 2:30 p.m. One of the men with us offered to walk back with me to keep me company and protect me, and the other man with us stayed with my other friend. Our two male friends were real men and kept us safe. After we walked for a while, we found a restaurant that was open and serving food, so we stopped to get lunch/breakfast at about 4:00 p.m. and ordered food to go to take to our other friends. We arrived back to our hotel at about 5:00 p.m. and my phone began to ring. My secretary and my daughter were calling to make sure that we were all safe, because TV images were beginning to appear on all channels. My secretary sent me some of the images via What’sApp, and the minute I saw these images, the following came out of my mouth: “Tactical Deception!”

The last point I want to make is how truly disgusted I am with the current Obama-Biden-Harris administration, and in particular with Attorney General Garland, for their blatant disregard for the rule of law and the demands for justice, and their politization of our judicial system. They have wrongly charged 1,488 Americans with illegally entering the Capitol, but the millions of illegal aliens that are entering our nation are given airplane tickets, hotel accommodations, mobile phones and spending money.

Democrats have destroyed the sanctity of lawyer/client relation, shredded our Constitution, and weaponized our justice system against their political opposition. They refuse to support legislation to strengthen our election integrity by requiring proof of United States citizen in order to register to vote, voter ID to cast your vote, cleaning voter rolls continuosly, and declaring the Tuesday of every presidential election a federal holiday, so that all citizens can cast their votes, on one day, on paper ballots, and one lawful vote for every citizen.

The Obama-Biden-Harris administration could have brought our nation together by supporting legislation to fix the broken trust in our elections. Instead they punished our citizens who were demonstrating for election integrity. President Biden and Vice President Harris had the opportunity and power to do this, in order to bring our nation together and heal our divisions. Instead, they chose more vitriol, political persecutions, division and evil.

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Ines Flax

Inex Flax is President of the Federated Republican Women of Miami Beach, and a top residential real estate professional on South Beach. She was born and grew up in Nicaragua, immigrated lawfully to the United States in 1972 in order to attend college, and became a naturalized United States citizen in 1980. She has been a Reagan Republican ever since.

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Know Bull Savage
Know Bull Savage
5 months ago

just getting started reading but ZERO pipe bombs "went off". Those were duds, oddly similar FIB training devices, supposedly placed the night before with 1 hour timers but reading 15 Minutes to Boom when " discovered" the next day near noon. Discovered just in the nick of time to draw down already- thin police lines at the capitol

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