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Things are happening fast. Just because we made it through Milwaukee, we cannot relax.
Joe Biden, hidden away at Rehoboth, supposedly “recovering form Covid” (still being used as a tool of control) is feeling the pressure campaign of the Left to get rid of him on the ticket, despite the fact that he holds the electors to win the nomination in August in Chicago. Rumors abound.
CBS’s Costa says the Biden team is “furious” at donors and Democrat leaders, as well as the obvious silence from Obama, his puppetmaster. Some are calling this a “coup” rather than a pressure campaign. Well, that’s just fitting.
One good Coup (2020) deserves another, I say. Learned that one from my folks, too.
The majority of Americans know that the 2020 election was stolen, blatantly, right in front of our eyes, and the Globalists did nothing about it. Now, the Globalists are at their tool of second-to-last resort. They are pushing out their failed candidate for POTUS 2024. Wondered if any of you see the black humor in this as I do?
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Among those who don’t mention the Steal of 2020 are the RINO sycophants from Fox News. I was stuck with that as my only source of coverage of the weekend’s events, and my stomach turned every time I heard about how Joe was “elected” in 2020. If Laura Ingram, Brett Baier and all weren’t saying that, they were announcing that”there are NO RINOS HERE in Milwaukee. Pretty eye-opening. After three days of Fox, I have not changed my mind about them one iota.
Victoria Newland has promised that Trump will never be POTUS again, just three days before the assassination attempt, and warned Putin not to count on it. She’s the true evil behind the scenes, and what she says has an unsettling way of coming true. Remember her statements that the Nordstream pipeline would NOT continue, right before we blew it up? This, in itself is sickening, and reminds us once again that the Heavenly Spirit is in charge. Victoria worships Lucifer.
As of now, there are rumors all over. One of the latest reports is that Joe will go but will NOT endorse Kamala. At least he’s still got SOME grey matter working… This report brings Newsome, and Whitmer into the discussion, and says that Kamala is looking for a running mate in Beashears (KY) and Shapiro (PA). If those two want to lose any more of their creds, just say, “yes”.
The following is a list of 11 potential replacements, taken from the latest CNN prediction. It gives a wide scope at the depth of their despair.
* Kamala Harris: She’s undoubtedly struggled as vice president but she’s still the most likely Democrat not named Biden to wind up as the Democratic nominee in 2024.
* Pete Buttigieg: The most naturally talented candidate in the 2024 field, “Mayor Pete” has also been front and center selling Biden’s infrastructure bill.
* Elizabeth Warren: The Massachusetts senator is still popular among liberals – and wouldn’t be splitting the vote with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders this time around like she did in 2020.
* Amy Klobuchar: Other than Buttigieg, the Minnesota senator was probably the best regarded of the losing candidates in 2020 – and her Midwest roots are always a plus given the electoral map.
* Roy Cooper: Term-limited out of office in 2024, the North Carolina governor has ample time to consider his next step – starting with his service as the vice chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.
* Mitch Landrieu: Being tasked with implementing the infrastructure bill is a big (and high-profile) job that the former New Orleans mayor has taken to with relish.
* Gina Raimondo: She made the leap from Rhode Island governor to Biden administration commerce secretary but doubts remain as to whether she is too moderate to win a Democratic primary in this moment.
* Gretchen Whitmer: The Michigan governor needs to win what could be a tough reelection race next year before she can turn to considering a national run in earnest.
* Phil Murphy: The record of New Jersey governors running for president isn’t great of late (sorry, Chris Christie!) but Murphy could use the next few years of his governorship as a testing ground for some national policies for the party.
* J.B. Pritzker: Pritzker has two things going for him – 1) He’s the governor of a major Midwestern state (Illinois) and 2) he’s very, very rich.
* Stacey Abrams: Abrams talked openly about running in 2020 before passing on the race; but she needs to win the Georgia governor’s mansion in 2022 before thinking too much about 2024.
Why not throw in a local abortionist?
On the Republican side, we have our candidate, thanks to the Lord God Almighty. I still fear for his life. I think he does, too. You can read it in his face.
The trash talk from the other side on this doesn’t even begin to cover the obvious that this attempted assassination was a planned event, and the Secret service played a part in its execution. Sorry for the choice of words, but that is what Saturday, July 13, almost was. One innocent American did suffer that fate.
The “lone wolf shooter” was reported to authorities one HOUR before the event began. He was passed through security with a range finder (?#@!). He was left to wander and climb the building’s roof, where he moved around efficiently and safely. This is the same roof when the DEI excuse for Secret Service head, stated that it was “too dangerous” for her crew to be.
Citizens were reporting this to police and pointing to the shooter on the roof for 30+ minutes before Trump was allowed to come out on stage.
It has now been found that he had another cell phone, and was using THREE ENCRIPTED OVERSEAS ACCOUNTS with which to communicate.
This kid did NOT act alone. Explosives, detinators, and other weapons were found among his personal possessions, both in his vehicle, a Hyundai Sonata, and at his home. I used to own one of those, and I cannot imagine how he carried the ladder, which he’d stopped to pick up at a Home Depot en route to Butler
CNN then threw in news of the “Iranian plot to kill Trump”, claiming that Crooks was not a part of that. Wow. Such amazing intell, so fast!
This information was stil not enough, however, for the Sec. Service to strengthen the President’s security detail in Butler. After all, Jill and Kamala were also speaking in PA that day, and Joe was hanging around playing POTUS at the Nato Summit in NY. Stretched thin. Add DEI and a lot of suspicious lack of prep for Butler, and I smell dangerous vemin involved. The DEI hire, Kimberly Cheatle, has refused questioning, says she will NOT resign, and even ran away from Senators Blackburn (TN) and Barrasso (ND) as they tried to corner her to answer their questions.
CHEATle and CROOKs. Could the probable perps be more effectively flagged?
I have already shown you the statement form the FBI marksman, Jonathan Willis, who, by his own testimony, had the killer in his sight for 5 minutes but was TOLD NOT TO ENGAGE. When he saw Trump go down, he disobeyed orders and killed the killer. That small delay allowed Crooks to kill one and injure two. I noticed his neck turn to look back at the speakers area, then quickly turn back to his weapon to fire. For his heroism, he was arrested then fired. The culpability for this death and these injuries is not hard to see.
This is NOT over.
The day BEFORE the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, an investment firm sold options on Trump company stocks, Short sales, put options, however you look at them, these people were literally betting that Trump would die and his companies become worthless. “Filing Error” my litter box!
No more should need be said. Too much stinks.
Yes, the RINO’s went into national hiding at Milwaukee, although some just couldn’t quite pull it off completely. You know who they are. DeSantis screamed, mostly about himself. Nikki Haley ws a bit more gracious. Whatley was unconvincing, as was his co-chair, from whom we NEVER heard a public sttement in the aftermath of her father-in-law’s horrible brush with death. I understand that many of you want to believe in Lara Trump, and I sincerely pray that you are correct, and I am wrong, but I just can’t get rid of the thought that something is still amiss. I read faces.
Trump has given himself over to the Higher Power, and is filled with resolve to do everything he can. Whatley, Lara, Hayley, DeSantis and others just didn’t have the warmth in their eyes which ought to have been there if they were truly happy to have Donald Trump safe and sound. Call me crazy. I hope I am.
God gave us a gift, by saving the life of the only person in position to save our Republic. That is the one thing of which we cal ALL be sure. We cannot squander it.
Before August 6 (90-days prior to the General on Nov. 5) we MUST clean our voter rolls in every county in this country. Some areas like Pennsylvania will make it purposely difficult; have already done so over the years since 2020. The facts speak for themselves there and point to many phantoms voting. Do everything you can. Some of the states with the highest numbers of electoral votes (FL AND TX) have been provided ways to do that, thanks to those who work outside the spotlight, for love of country.
Florida is in great shape, thanks to Kris Jurski’s The-Peoples-Audit.org and his army of incredibly hard-working citizen activists. Texas has that system of county-by county checks as well, if they will use it. GA, he reports is registering 50,000 new “voters” per month. That state had better get to the bottom of it, fast. Just because Kemp had the gall to stand before the crowd in Milwaukee and pretend he was for Trump, doesn’t mean that his state’s voting is clean.
I’ve heard that there is new hope in AZ, for honest voting.
Also, just received docs on a cyber attack which occurred this morning, 7/19. 2024. Companies affected include Amazon, Visa, Charles Schwab, Starbucks, Microsoft 365, GoTo, AT&T, Bank of America, XBox, Microsoft Teams, BetMGM, Toronto Dominion Bank, Google, Chase, Frontier Bank, Crowdstrike, Verizon, Microsoft Azure, and Delta Airlines. This, from the Angry American on Facebook. Stay informed.
Pray we must, but we can’t just sit back and rely on that to save this nation. Back to the Money Changers’ tables being overthrown. God expects us to help, and this is our last chance.
It’s not over yet.