Pinellas County Supervisor Conducts Illogical And Inaccuracy Testing

August 6, 2024

What happens when you are using voting machine tabulators that connect to the internet via modems, then make false claims that they are not...

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Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Office conducted “Logic and Accuracy Testing” this week. I was in attendance. This is where Julie Marcus is supposed to supervise the testing of the Electronic Voting Systems…

When I asked hard questions, Julie Marcus’s deputy Dustin Chase threatened to have me trespassed by the Pinellas County Sheriff. Is that really transparent?

Dustin, threatened a candidate for Supervisor of Elections who was asking questions about the legal, technological issues that impact the legality, security and accuracy of the counting of Pinellas County voters’ ballots and votes.

He did this citing a Florida Statute related to polling places. This very statute make it an arrestable offense for uniformed and armed law enforcement to be inside of polling places. This law was put in place during the days when the KKK and corrupt democrat law enforcement would try to intimidate African Americans from voting for Republicans.

There was a massive presence of uniformed and armed Pinellas County Sheriff Deputies there. This is actually an arrestable offense.

Does this seem like a form of intimidation tactic you you?

That is just more proof of lack of transparency at the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Office. Apparently, Dustin Chase and Matt Smith have a history of having critics of their lack of transparency trespassed by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. It was brought to my attention that Dustin Chase had Sheriff Gualtieri’s opponent trespassed from the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections office.

How does someone get trespassed from a public place? Is that even legal?

During the “public testing” Dustin Chase, was forced to admit that the tabulators did in fact have modems attached. Dustin was forced to do this because I exposed this with the help of whistleblowers and deeply concerned citizens. Julie Marcus has since retaliated against several of these brave patriots. This is not open and transparent. This is not legal.

Dustin Chase however, yet again falsely claimed that the voting machines did not connect to the internet via wireless modems or network devices.

Matt Smith (General Counsel Pinellas SOE) left, Dustin Chase (Deputy Supervisor of Elections) right.

The FBI and CISA disagree with Julie Marcus and Dustin the Cyber security experts…

Then later that same day…. The FBI and CISA issued a cyber security warning that the voting systems were vulnerable to cyber DDOS attacks. For the non-nerds this is an admission that they “DO IN FACT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET” as they have an IP Address…

Not connecting a computer to the internet via a modem (or any other means) will prevent it from being targeted by a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack 100% of the time.

This is because DDoS attacks rely on overwhelming a target's internet connection or online services with a flood of traffic from multiple sources.

If a computer or network is not connected to the internet, it cannot receive this traffic and therefore cannot be affected by such an attack.

How do they experts in cyber security at the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Office not know this?

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Chris Gleason

Son, Father, Teller of Truth, **Former Candidate Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections**

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6 months ago

How is the Sheriff related to these voting problems ?

6 months ago

Been an issue in FL for over a year. Glad to see Mr. Gleason on top of it.

Eli Dumitru
Eli Dumitru
6 months ago

What authority will arrest the criminals when the authorities are the criminals?

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