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Power And Money In Florida Republican Party

January 19, 2025

Manatee County Citizens Are Demanding Their Rightful Seat At The Table

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As much of the world is anticipating the return of a measure of sanity with the inauguration of Donald John Trump as America’s 47th President, there are still ample pockets of rot, wherein politicians think they can play the money/Power./money game unimpeded. Frankly, it is an age old problem and, as long as man knows greed, will never be completely out of our lives.

If there was a good thing about the last Obama-Biden years, it is that people are waking up to the reality of power and what we must do to deal with it; how terrifying it is when it gets away from us. Don’t get me wrong…the election of one American President is not going to fix the world; I get it. But, when WE stand up and demand a seat at the table, like Manatee County is doing, we can be a part of the game, rather than just a tool for someone else to use to their ends.

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In DeSantisville, they think they have that table to themselves - themselves and their friends. The RINO/Globalists in Tallahassee don’t realize how obvious they are, or what message is being sent by the change of power in DC this year.

Here, is the next chapter of the story of the attack on MAGA Republicans, Power style, with the America First patriots of Manatee County. And EVERYBODY is seeing it.

First, a quick rewind to previous parts of the story. There were unfounded accusations against MAGA members of the Manatee Republican Committee. The perp of the problems turned out to be a RINO. Instead of investigating further (or, really, at all) the RPOF simply shut down the REC - the mostly America-First REC.

If you remember, Manatee county residents then went on to elect MAGA Committeeman and Committee woman, Trent Wayman and Jacki Heisse, to represent them in state political meetings, despite the closing of their County Republican Executive Committee by the RPOF. Kind of an “in your face, Tallahassee”.

This, of course, was a period of time when all Conservatives in the state should have been working together for a Trump victory. Instead, the Tally troops put MAGA Republicans in their political crosshairs, where they remain, which made Evan Power’s apparent disdain for things”constitutional”, all the more apparent.

Here’s the next chapter of the story.

In the days running up to the biennial meeting of the RPOF, Jan. 9-10, 2025, Wayman and Heisse heard that they were not going to be included in the roll call lists and voting privileges for the meeting, so they immediately reached out to Chr. Power and Ex. Dir, Bill Helmich. They were ignored.

This continued for three days as they reached out to National Committeewoman Kathy King, who was also unable to get a response. Finally, Ms. Heisse ran into Sen. Joe Grueters, a National Committeemen, and put the question to him. It took only three hours, then, for the Manatee Committee persons to receive texts saying that Power and Helmich wanted a meeting, before the statewide meeting began, re: the state of the Manatee REC.

The duly elected Representatives of the people of MANATEE COUNTY were then informed by Evan Power and Bill Helmich that they were “fully credentialed” to do everything at the biennial meeting EXCEPT VOTE.

THE LEADERS OF DESANTIS’S STATE PARTY ORGANIZATION DISENFRANCHISED AN ENTIRE COUNTY OF FLORIDIANS! This was pointed out to them by Trent Wayman and Jacki Heisse, but like all else, was ignored. The Committeeman and Woman attended the RPOF meeting regardless.

Why is this happening? You know, if you’ve been following along. It is all about what it always comes down to - Power and money. Follow the stench. Power and money.

The Cliff notes to complete this chapter are that the developers who had plans for the land in the county had their favorite candidates who were more “favorable” to their future plans, which included higher density development.

The former chair of the Manatee REC, April Culbreth, held one meting all year, and was the reason the disagreements among committee members reached the sheriff’s office, but she was one of the RPOF favorites. She is also a supporter of development. Of course.

April Culbreth and her fellow developer candidates, were soundly defeated by Manatee voters. She had done little for the state Party, but it matters not. Those friends of developers are still the favorites of the RPOF. Developers will do well for the Party, on the road to what they want, be assured.

One plus one equals two. Always has, always will.

Moral of the story is that strong people, empowered by what ‘s good and right, don’t give up. Politicians, to be truly successful, need to learn to listen then lead, not just put fingers in ears and push.

Look at the November election.

Removing constitutional rights is the thing of the Globalists who act against America and Americans. We’ve come to expect it in the severely infested states that lean Left. People still have trouble believing that such behavior comes from states like Florida, which is considered “Republican”. But it does. Just know the Manatee Story.

The “Republican” Party of Florida (RPOF) is still at it, and, my guess is that they will continue until they run into the brick wall of citizens who say NO. County by county it is happening. Whereas Trump’s landslide victory in November didn’t seem to faze some of the politicians, it left a hyuge mark on Americans.

Evan Power, just elected to his second term as chair of the RPOF, is still trying to silence America First voices. As they get louder, his position will get weaker.

Mr. Power will meet his match, and it may be sooner than later. I’ve always wondered how people who live by “hook or crook”think they will remain on top of the heap. There is always going to be a crook, or a bunch with hooks, who will drag the player of the week, down and out of power.

What Americans need to remember is that we are empowered by that wonderful founding document of ours, and we can wield that document to remove those who would bring us down. We must never lose sight of that.


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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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