WE ARE FUNDING OUR OWN DEMISE - $40 - 70 million a week to Al-Queda
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Think you’re fed up with the waste of our hard-earned money? What would you say to the FACT that we have been sending $40-$70 MILLION PER WEEK to Al-Quaeda, from our US State Department, through various non-governmental organizations, or agencies outside our law who can spend our money without our permission, for things of which we have no knowledge?? These are also knows as NGO’s -The concept came with UN Agenda 21, in 1992, in a “soft treaty” (not requiring Congressional approval).
Don’t fall for Green New Deal yap… NGO’s are not about social betterance. They were then in 1992, and are STILL today, about taking control of our government away from us. How dare we have a say in where our money is being spent? Yeah.
US Rep. Tim Burchett (TN2) laid it all out in September of this year:
“It is common knowledge that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete disaster, but lots of people do not know that the Biden administration has been sending cash to the Taliban every week since.” (emphasis mine)
Click on this link. Few of us are aware of this; we ALL should be.
Al-Quaeda is hell-bent - literally - to reestablish the caliphate (the religious/political organization behind the Islamic state) and they are USING OUR MONEY TO DO SO. We know that Al-Quaeda has waves of attacks planned all over the world - Africa, South America, the Middle East, Israel, even India, in order to develop the Caliphate.
This was a desire of some Muslims, before a first-term Congressman from Illinois named Obama took over our government. Barry helped.
Remember ten years back, in 2014, Obama “withdrew” from Afghanistan, hailing the moment as a historical moment for the US. He said we were “safer and more secure”. Obama didn’t even bother to actually attend the ceremony, as he vacationed in Hawaii.
The baldfaced claims to the contrary ranked among the most egregious deceptions and lies that U.S. leaders spread during two decades of warfare, said the Washington Post. In the absence of U.S. troops, the Islamic State — an al-Qaeda offshoot — swept through the country and seized several major cities as the U.S.-trained Iraqi army put up scant resistance. The WaPo said that Obama needed to have bought more time in order for things to improve. Instead he used our money to buy favor.
Included on that list of victims are thousands of American military personnel and contractors.
These were facts that former President Obama knew when he deliberately chose a policy of appeasement and cash payoffs instead of strength and accountability as the way to deal with Iran. Think palates of US paper money being lifted from aircraft in the darkness in the middle east at an airport. We all remember the $400 million, caught in the pictures, but Obama acknowledges giving $1.7 billion. His lies as to his reasons matters not. Didn’t then, really doesn’t not now.
Payments to the Taliban have continued, to this day, because Obama is the power behind the Biden “throne”
Remember Obama saying, “…my Muslim faith” one time during an interview? Oopsie! The fact chukkers jumped into action, of course, and took care of this “slip of the tongue”. Who forgets their religion?
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So, from the appearance of Obama forward, backroom support of the US for Al-Quaeda is a fact. The use of a braindead old man to bring to an end the best form of governance known to man, is almost beyond the ken! He fooled few, but got a “pity pass” from many.
Now, we are left, funding our own demise as a free republic. The terrorists, their trained troops and and their weaponry are completely paid for by us. For instance, part of our money has gone for teaching the construct of explosive devices that can escape the magnetrometer AND bomb-sniffing dogs, at US airports.
And, YES, Biden is happy to have the last days of his treasonous term highlighted, by awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal of “Honor” to, among others, Chef Jose Andres, a man who has been pictured with the second trump Assassin, Ryan Routh. As if Cheney, Hillary and SOROS weren’t bad enough. In your face, America.
NO further questions necessary.

as posted in Gateway Pundit.
Gosh! The Governor of Florida pompously declared that HE would investigate the Routh assassination attempt that occurred in his state; Remember? Seems like his crack team of investigators might have at least found THIS, if the media could…. Guess he got busy fighting America First Republicans in Florida. Just a little Sunshine-state aside.
There are over 1000 missiles which have been brought into our homeland since the Coup of 2020, each of which may be used in a terror event like NOLA or Vegas. We can credit this to the open borders which were among Biden’s first Executive Orders. Politico proudly lists some of the other EO’s he signed on Day One of his term in 2020: remove the “Muslim ban”; halting construction of the wall; removing Trump’s interior enforcement rule (deportations) and his forbidding the inclusion of “undocumented immigrants” - ILLEGAL ALIENS - in the US census. Every one of these made it easier to get where we are today — between Scylla and Charybdis, those two famous monsters from Greek mythology, who worked in tandem on the opposite sides of a narrow strait of water.
The good news is that Argo, Odysseus and Aeneas were able to navigate and overcome the dangers. WE CAN TOO - if we wake up to our reality, now.
Those missiles, wherever they are at this time, are waiting for use. Tomorrow, next week, at the inauguration when DC is full of party-goers, and/or in thousands of other cities and towns around the country? Wherever they can cause the maximum horror, of course. It is almost guaranteed that there will be more violence.
Just today, a young prosecutor in New Orleans took his own life with his own gun, at age 34. after the events of the weekend. Bless him; somehow I think he may have been overcome by the reality of events; at age 34, he had a long road to travel yet.
Thanks, Joseph Robinette Biden. All the more to despise you by. I hear your last “official” trip as our unelected POTUS will be to the Vatican. I’m thinking that your poor fried brain will not begin to be able to ask for forgiveness for your murderous actions because you can’t even remember them all at this point.
“…for they know not what they do…”? Hardly. The Lord knows what you’ve been up. Joe Biden to, quite purposefully, for over 50 years. But that’s God’s business, in the end.
Right now, though, we are nearly past the old man and his treason. Our deepest contempt towards one miserable lifetime crook, cannot match what we feel towards the Deep State: every knowing participant, and EVERY LOCAL AND STATE OFFICIAL WHO CHOOSES THE GLOBALIST PATH. There is such a thing as divine retribution. Prayers up.
The damage caused is sure to linger. Which brings me to the lat big question;
What on God’s Earth is wrong with our elected representatives?!?!?
We have been funding our own demise to the tune of $40 - $70 million PER WEEK! Our Congressmen and women know about and have kept silent. Many state Governors and Secretaries of State hang out in the back rooms of the Marxists, as well, running their electing fraud machinery. Elected judicial positions cannot be forgotten. That tells you how deep is the rot. Primary them all; pray that we have the chance. If they didn’t know, they SHOULD HAVE.
Al-Quaeda even makes a joke out of the fact that they move our money to their training camps, says Sarah Adams, as they use it to develop undetectable explosive devices that can pass through magnetometers and sniffing dogs. Our “elected” representatives know and do nothing.
It is well known inside and out of intell circles that Al-Quaeda has a plot to assassinate Trump. We’ve seen it fail twice, thanks to God, not the Secret Service. Why are there no organizations tracking these killers?? Simple: our government is too busy attacking innocent patriots and Grandmothers. “Intelligence” has nothing to do with any of this.
The US Congress, by their inaction, is party to these crimes.
Counterterrorism in our government does not exist, except against us “white supremacists” who know what gender we are. One hundred forty-five million US dollars from OUR POCKETS, going into planning to assassinate Trump, and kill thousands of Americans, as revenge for the death of Soulemani.
More than 1000 Al-Queda operatives. it is said, have come through border with missiles/weapons either flying or walking.
Soulemani was the figurehead of the Iranian revolution, so response to his death will, by their law, be to go after many more than just one man. Possibly the US Capitol building, around the Jan. 20 Inauguration?? Just one more hideous thought.
Al-Quaeda IS predicting 50-60,000 deaths. Wherever and whenever, they will to all they can to cause misery and death in the name of their leader. After all, it is known that Al-Quaeda planned 10/7 in Israel. Attacks on US Embassies are in operational stage. Our enemies learned from the peanut farmer, God rest his soul, that our embassies are easy play. Congress, in 1974 , was accessory then, as now.
Finally, this talk about those of the Islamic faith is not “Islamophobia”. This is about FACT. It is happening now, financed by us. If we have to pay for it, why can’t we speak of it, and tell the truth?
I am attempting to get the facts out so that there might be an increase in the numbers of us who keep our eyes and ears out for impending trouble in our towns and cities. This is why I am here, writing this today.
The victory of Trump at the polls is just the first of many victories we must have. The cabal of evil in our nation’s Capitol will not leave quietly. They are already showing us that.
Look for more violence in cities around the country. Look for attacks on our power and water supplies, our schools and places of worship. It may not just stop at violence. Today, Jan 4, 2025, people across the country reported a fog that is making them sick. The enemy will come at us from land, sea or air.
This is where you come in.
LOOK FOR things that are not as they should be. Crowds where there is no call for them; lights in buildings normally dark after hours; speeding cars or vehicles parked where they should not be; a couple of guys walking around a power generation station or water reservoir. Find a trusted sheriff or law-enforcement official in case you need to report something.
It is a near certainty that more violence like in New Orleans and Las Vegas is coming our way. Look for things that are not as they should be, as the missing bollards on the streets of New Orleans.
I, for one, will not waste another minute listening the the government goons like the FBI tell us who is and isn’t doing what. A white praying Grandmother is NOT going to start WW III.
Our first “call to action” is to be educated and aware of the fast-disintegrating society around us. The details being revealed in the days following the death events in both New Orleans and Las Vegas seem to be pointing to a terror network within our own government which is a very real threat to us all.
Mass killings have increasingly become a part of our society; US News gives us the numbers.
They remind us that violence has become a sick sad and sorry way of life. All part of the plan. The moral bedrock is one of the first to go when Marxism taints a culture. The greater level of previously intolerable behavior, the more we just look away, just giving thanks that is was not US, or someone WE love…. A society becomes accustomed to evil. THAT is part of the plan.
Please, don’t let that happen.
I have several podcasts which I might recommend that you listen to, or watch. Search the Sean Ryan Show, and Sarah Adam. They both warn of increased terror activity this year in our homeland. Then, there is always Steve Bannon and Alex Jones, who, like them or not, have been correct far more often than not.
Get informed, and get organized to get going. Get off the couch and out the door.
Quite literally, we have a country to save.
Nuke Tehran, first big step to eradicating Islam.
So many don't understand how so many government officials can be supporting Marxism. Why are you so afraid to acknowledge the evidence such as, in 2004, both presidential candidates, Bush & Kerry, were members of Skull and Bones. Yes, the wealthy kleptocrats do have Secret Societies. They swear allegiance to their Societies above all else. When they say they are "Globalists" that means One World Government. That is why they are using Marxism to destroy nation states in favor of the U.N.
I have written quite a lot on the RINO/Globalist/Marxist family from the Bush Globalist nursery. Hardly afraid; been at it for a number of years!.