• "Republican Party Of Florida" Removes A County Executive Committee!

    September 9, 2024

    The Totallytarians Are at it again.

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    If you can’t beat ‘em, beat ‘em up, says Tallahassee. The power of local action terrifies those trying to control it.

    The people in Manatee County, FL, spoke with their votes in the recent primary election for state-wide offices. They voted for America First Republicans to replace RINO incumbents in their own Republican Executive Committee (REC), in the November general election. THIS WAS THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE.

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    That is how it is done in a free country.

    The primary win in Manatee removed the RINO candidates from their REC who were favorable to more development, and not allowing citizen participation. One so removed, April Culbreth, a friend of RPOF RINOS in Tallahassee, had refused MAGA Republicans’ participation in meetings, when asked to do so by the RPOF and their “cease and desist order” against all MAGA Republicans this spring. She also closed the REC office when the Fake Voter Guides were distributed, but left copies for distribution. She has done more. Read on. Ms. Culbreth was their willing tool.

    Refresh your memory on the twisted dealings of the RPOF, here in my Substack reprint in the Miami Independent

    The citizens voted her out - AS IS OUR CUSTOM HERE IN A FREE AMERICA. Gosh, did I repeat myself?

    So, the RPOF took action. As is the custom in totalitarian countries.

    The RPOF organization voted Manatee County, FL’s entire Republican Executive Committee out of existence (“temporarily”) behind closed doors at the Quarterly Meeting of the Republican Party of Florida. This, before their “Victory Dinner”.

    Read that again.

    At the quarterly meeting which preceded the RPOF “Victory Dinner”, held Sat., Sept. 7, 2024, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood FL (free donated space, btw), behind closed doors, removed the Manatee REC, leaving an entire county without Republican representation or - more importantly - ORGANIZATION facing into the November election.

    If you can’t beat ‘em, beat ‘em up. Not exactly government by the people. Is it?

    Evan Power-hungry/morally-starved , DeSantis’s new Chair of the RPOF, emailed members of the Manatee County Republican Executive Committee the day after the Victory Dinner. No questions, no attempt to clarify anything. Of course. Not even the courtesy of a phone call. He wrote of:

    “grievances filed about the actions of the Manatee County REC and its members. . .which now include lawsuits and police reports. . . . The RPOF Grievance Committee decided that it was impossible to understand the complex dynamics of all these grievances. What is important right now is that we work to turn out every Republican voter for the most important election in our lifetimes.”

    Those “grievances” and police reports were not about actions of the MAGA members of the committee, in truth. Truth…What an underused concept…but I digress. What he meant about turning out “Republican” voters, was, only those who will play ball with DeSantis’s team.

    One report was filed by a MAGA member about an IPad, left behind at a meeting, which was subsequently “dunked” in an obvious effort to destroy notes of proceedings therein. Another, was filed by a previous treasurer against April Culbreth, the RINO chair who was voted out in the primaries. Several others were for theft/aka improper use of Committee funds. ALL ISSUES taken to the law were about actions of the incumbent RINO Chair, April Culbreth. NONE were any type of malfeasance on the part of the MAGA Republicans.

    Yes, as the Saturday night speakers, which included DeSantis, Moody, Rick Scott and Petronis, all said, this was the “most important election” in our history. They must have meant the the most important election to steal. Americans are getting wise to their Globalist/Marxist ways.

    Manatee County learned what happens when the voter gets to choose.

    I have laughingly labelled the thugs in government in Tallahassee, “Totallytarians”. Appears my ‘snark’ is on target. The RPOF is beginning to resemble the Left, more and more.

    Please wake up, Florida. The DeSantis government is NOT your friend, unless you are a developer or a purchaser of political power.

    Yes, I AM including Ronald DeSantis in the accusations. He knows about this, from the removal of pro-Trump delegates to the national convention, to the cease and desist order to the Judeo-Christian MAGA Florida Republican Assembly (FRA) , to the removal of an entire county’s chosen Republican representation. He has done nothing. Since he’s not clueless, he’s complicit, in my book.

    Malfeasance is the doing of a wrongful or illegal act, especially by a public official or a person in a position of public trust, per dictionary.com. That is exactly what the RPOF has been doing to the true conservatives, America-First Conservatives, in the state. First the delegates, then the “cease and desist” order, which has been legally shot down. Now this.

    We may hear more about this, but the words of the RPOF are coming to mean less and less. Remember, “malfeasance”.

    The State Republican Party in Florida is resembling the left more and more.

    Be alert, Be aware, and let them know that YOU know, if you are a Florida resident. If you are not, watch for similar behavior in your state. Never trust something that is simply labelled “Republican”. The rot of Globalism is everywhere, and only WE can dig it out and throw it on the compost pile of history, where, some day, in some way, some of their BS can be recycled to strengthen and grow our Republic.



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    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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    Mad Celt
    Mad Celt
    4 months ago

    Why aren't crazies shooting the idiots in government offices?

    4 months ago
    Reply to  Mad Celt

    Because that is NOT the way Judeo Christian Conservatives behave.

    4 months ago

    I guess we will just need to get rid of the RPOF executive committee members as well as withhold any futre contributions to the RPOF

    4 months ago
    Reply to  Hank

    That is exactly how it is supposed to work!

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