• The "Do Or Die" 2024 National Election

    September 8, 2023
    Image by David Lienemann
    Public Domain

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    Guest post by Paul S. Gardiner

    This article describes a very important action for military veterans and patriotic Americans in general to take regarding the 2024 national election. As briefly explained in a short video by retired Lieutenant General Mike Flynn, America's military veterans need to become "voting force multipliers" to help patriotic, conservative candidates win high public office. General Flynn's message applies not only to veterans but also to all concerned Americans who cherish their unique American freedoms. Below is a brief discussion about the critical importance of the 2024 election and how to become a voting force multiplier to influence the outcome of the election.

    The upcoming 2024 national election truly is a "do or die" election determining in large part the survival of America's constitutional republic. If the current radical far-left (some say communist) dominated and controlled democrat administration remains in power another four years, treasured freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and freedom/right to own and bear arms most probably will be severely limited or even effectively disappear.

    It appears that the ultimate goal of the current democrat administration and party is to establish an enduring one-party totalitarian government allowing little or no dissent, etc. Thus, the 2024 national election is a "must win" where freedom-loving, conservative Americans win political office at all levels of government but especially at the national level including, of course, the presidency.

    The America First Policy Institute predicts that there are basically 19 counties in the nation where voting will decide the 2024 national election. It is in these key counties where the active participation of veterans (and other patriotic Americans) is especially important.

    Of the 19 counties, a change in voting of less than 1 percent in 11 of these counties, i. e., more people voting for conservative candidates (republicans), can cause conservatives to win the presidency along with perhaps both the US Senate and House of Representatives. The 19 counties are listed below with the 11 "high priority" counties identified by an asterisk:

    (1) Maricopa County, AZ (Phoenix) * 10) Clark County, NV (Las Vegas) *

    (2) Duval County, FL (Jacksonville) (11) Guilford County, NC (Greensboro) *

    (3) Pinellas County, FL (Tampa)  (12) Wake County, NC (Raleigh) *

    (4) Miami-Dade County, FL (Miami) (13) Cuyahoga County, OH (Cleveland)

    (5) Cobb County, GA (Atlanta) *  (14) Bucks County, PA (Philadelphia) *

    (6) Fulton County, GA (Atlanta) *  (15) Chester County, PA (Philadelphia) *

    (7) Gwinnett County, GA (Atlanta) * (16) Montgomery County, PA (Philadelphia) *

    (8) Macomb County, MI (Detroit)   (17) Allegheny County, PA (Pittsburgh) *

    (9) Oakland County, MI (Detroit)   (18) Milwaukee County, MI (Milwaukee)

          (19) Waukesha County, MI (Milwaukee)

    Veterans (and other patriotic citizens) can become voting force multipliers by simply talking---speaking out and talking to people within their spheres of influence such as family members, neighbors, business associates, friends, etc. As General Flynn suggests in his video, veterans can voice their disgust about what has been allowed to happen to America along with the absolute need for a drastic change in national direction.

    Following is a suggested short narrative for a veteran and others to use when conversing with people in their spheres of influence:

    "You know, I am really sick to my stomach about what is happening to my country these days. I am definitely much worse off now than I was just three years ago.

    Inflation is so high, our borders are being overrun by illegal aliens, drugs, and child smugglers; our children are being taught to hate America; and many veterans are telling their kids not to serve in our woke military---it's an absolute disgrace. .

    America needs to be run by people who truly love their country---their America First policies are what really matter, not how they may make me feel or how they look on TV!

    I'm going to vote for candidates based on their policies even if I don't like what they say sometimes or how they act. I want people in office that will do what's best for me, my family, and America, and I hope you will do the same!

    The radical, far-left democrats running our country must be replaced by freedom-loving

    people--- republicans who will stand up for America and America First policies."

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    In conclusion, there is a critical need for America's veterans (and other patriotic Americans) to strongly speak out as voting force multipliers prior to the November 2024 national election. Veterans and others need to perform this very important service in spite of the fact that the election will undoubtedly be fraught with much cheating that hopefully will be overcome.

    By actively voicing their opinions to people within their spheres of influence, veterans may be able to persuade enough people (who otherwise would not vote for republicans) to vote for conservative candidates, i. e. republicans, so that they win high public office. America desperately needs public servants who will fight hard for America First policies such as limited government, capitalism, secure borders, energy independence, and other necessary aspects of a free and prosperous constitutional republic.

    Paul S. Gardiner is a retired US Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, University of Alabama, and the US Army War College.


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