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The MIA Governor May Be Back In Tallahassee Soon...

September 5, 2023

A DeSantis PAC Founder promotes Trump

Image by Gage Skidmore

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As reported by News Nation on Sept. 1, the founder of the “Ron to the Rescue” PAC, John Thomas closed that PAC and came out in support of Donald Trump – both in the same interview.

The PAC had collected over $50 million from “wealthy donors” in hopes of rescuing Ron. However, they'd decided that his failure to launch had become a permanent condition, and rescue was not possible. Major donors pulled out.

This super PAC was never formally affiliated with the Governor's campaign, which had accused this group of “looking to grift” off of DeSantis. Personally, I don't understand how one “grifts” off of a failing candidate, but oh, well. . . .

The Governor's campaign officials claimed that DeSantis had out-raised Trump in Q2 of '23, a statement that may only be true if his remaining 2022 gubernatorial campaign fund – which was switched to the Presidential campaign – is counted in. That $82.5 million was transferred in May, under a newly written rule in the Florida Political Committee Handbook, issued by the FL. Dept. of State.

The rule they replaced dated back to 2016, and read, “A Florida political committee must use its funds solely for Florida political activities.” That was changed to read, “A Florida political committee may make contributions to an out-of-state political entity that engages solely in non-coordinated expenditures.” Is this the group that drops the word, “grifting”?

Citizens have a right to a grievance, emotionally, if no longer legally. They gave their donations to elect a governor, who has since abdicated his responsibilities, and broken his promise to serve out the term for which they supported him.


Florida has several major issues which need remedy, and leadership to find them. The top five seem to be as follows.

First, the issues with homeowners'insurance, on which I wrote last week. DeGov has all but turned his back on the insurance crisis, whch began when his term started in 2019. Outside insurers are coming in to relieve homeowner's problems, but this is small relief and will take a long time.

Second, the medical freedom issue. This past spring, citizens wrote and proposed a bill with the help of several constitutional members of the FL legislature, asking protection for their God-given rights to decide what is good for their own bodies. They asked, in the proposed legislation, that their medical freedom be considered a “civil right”. Tallahassee didn't like that, so rewrote bill, and passed it quickly. THEIR version of medical freedom, in a nutshell, was to make every Florida citizen subject to the mandates of the federal government and the World Health Organization (WHO). That is NO different that the original pandemic scam.

Currently, ten counties have adopted a “Ban the Jab” resolution, asking immediate cessation of possessing and/or administering the Covid vaccine, including penalties for violations. Dr. Joseph Sansone of Seminole County wrote the 88- page resolution with valuable input from national activists Karen Kingston, Naomi Wolf and Dr. Elizabeth Eads. It has been presented to Tallahassee, but there has been no response as of this writing.

No. 3 is the Disney issue. The original Reedy Creek Board announced and adopted a contract giving control of Disney lands to an international power group, just days before the special district was dissolved. This is currently in the Florida Supreme Court. If Reedy Creek/Disney is successful, the 25,000 acres could be redeveloped, and/or sold without state approval. This means that, should “stack and pack” apartment towers and “15- minute cities” (both UN Agenda 2030 goals) be built on even a part of the Disney land, civil services in the area would be completely overwhelmed: water, waste, law enforcement, roads and traffic control, etc. Area merchants could be replaced by merchants inside the new UN cities, and their customer base and supply lines challenged. Since the CIA had a hand in helping the original Disney World be created, and considering the power of that organization today, Florida has real problems that need a full-time Governor AND MORE. The link below is fascinating, and, once again, from the “other side”.

Fourth, Florida has huge problems with child trafficking. This luciferian venture was going on long before DeSantis took office, but has only worsened. The state was listed as third in the nation for this in 2019– an issue on which no one wants their state to be in the top ranks. Current figures are listed as “unavailable. Several tables show a decrease from 2019 – 2020, which is attributed to the lockdowns nationwide. Numbers don't matter; children do! As long as there is one, we have a problem. Our current national situation with migrants flooding every border makes trafficking an enormous issue requiring top focus from every state.

Finally , not last and certainly NOT least, is the integrity of Florida elections – or lack thereof. Massive voter roll manipulations have been discovered and PROVEN by grassroots teams around the state. Tallahassee was presented with this information, before the 2022 Midterms; they postured but did not really address the subject. As a matter of fact, Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, admitted to loving and using ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), the proven collection vault of phantom voters. He stated that Florida would never quit its ERIC membership. Just days after his expressed fondness for the organization, Florida and ten or so other states exited the group, to national fanfare, declaring they had “lost confidence” in the ERIC system. Hold on...Cord Byrd “lost confidence” in ERIC just weeks after speaking openly to grassroots volunteers of Tallahassee's eternal love for and use of the system ? Riiight.

Of course, we strongly suspect that this dog and pony show of resignations occurred at the suggestion of the National Assn. of Secretaries of State, and David Becker, ERIC's founder, who addressed session of the meeting this past March. The artilficial intelligence data base of ERIC had all the personal information about every citizen in every member state, and that was deemed to be enough to vote fraudulent ballots for years to come. Your information from your voter regisatration, drivers' license aplications and renewals, etc., is NOT returned when a state drops its membership in ERIC.

The Election Crimes Unit for which Floridians are paying $1.4 million this year, has so far only tagged a few felons trying to register to vote, and had a lot of pressers on the subject. NO efforts have been made to resolve the massive voter record manipulations discovered by Kris Jurski's People's Audit, other than by a few individual county Supervisors of Elections.

To solve election issues, DeSantis's Tallahassee team passed legislation mandating machine voting - which even the RNC has resolved against, made hand-counting illegal, and made audits, canvassing and other verification procedures only allowed by state officials. This only hides fraud, instead of cleaning it up.


The way Gov. DeSantis addresses issues which are crucial to his citizens, is curious. Last week, we looked into his solution for the insurance crisis, which was to legislate against the homeowner and in favor of big business. His solution for voting irregularities smacks of the same...a mandate for machines which are involved in fraudulent voting across the nation, and against any real verification of results. Not the way I'd play ball, but I'm just a nobody, sometimes brutally honest, but always standing on the side of our Constitutional bedrock.

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Florida has more issues that are important, including high property taxes and skyrocketing crime, each of which are serious, and require leadership to address. Each issue noted, is in dire need of real leadership that is dedicating full faith and effort to its resolution.

Maybe Governor DeSantis doesn't have answers to these problems, or maybe he doesn't want to. Maybe he thinks that his sleights of hand serve as solutions. Maybe to him, they do.

Perhaps, serving his constituents was never his intent, and he has only used Florida as a stepping stone to higher power. Fact is, however, he gave his word to stay and try.

Whatever, his reason, he isn't looking good to the people right now – out on the campaign trail or here at home. Neither national nor state voters are feeling good about him, and it is obvious why. Wouldn't you think a career politician would care about this? Or, maybe he's indicating that he knows our votes don't count anymore, and that's ok with him.

God bless and protect us all. ***

As a postscript, I'll have to add that, maybe He is. Another of Ron DeSantis's big-name supporters has spoken out in favor of Donald Trump. Ed Rollins, the former co-chair of the
original :”Ready for Ron” PAC, formed in the spring/sumer of 2022, just declared that Trump was unbeatable. “No one in the Republican primaries is going to beat, defeat President Trump,” said Rollins.

I'm thinking that this just may bring that missing governor back home to the peole who elected him.


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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow
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1 year ago

Check your links they don't work which makes the article suspect.

1 year ago
Reply to  Concern

Thank you for letting us know, the problem is fixed.

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