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July 13, 2024

Vote By Mail is not secure...It's a fraud...

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Editor's Note: We contacted the office of Julie Marcus for comment and were told to contact her campaign. We contacted the campaign of Julie Marcus by email for comment and did not receive a response.

The current Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus claims that she is transparent… This is just not so… As usual I am bringing the receipts. You can decide for yourself and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Today we will look at Vote By Mail… Integrity… Transparency… Or in the case of the current Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections the lack thereof…

Julie Marcus makes many completely false claims. Here is one obtained directly from her campaign website.

Below is a heavily redacted copy of the Mail Ballot Daily Transfer Sheets For the 2022 Pinellas County November General Election. These chain of custody documents were obtained via a public records request.

Here is a link to the full documents obtained from “Transparent” Julie Marcus.

There are several issues that were identified with the Pinellas 2022 General Chain of Custody records:

1) Pinellas reported 245,647 vote-by-mail ballots returned in the 2022 General Election.  Only 21,502 vote-by-mail ballots were documented on the chain of custody forms we received. 


Can anyone with a shred of “Integrity” or “Honesty” claim to be “Transparent” when they “Conceal, Alter, Obfuscate” official public records or official election records?

The reason for this discrepancy includes:

* We expected 311 dropbox chain of custody forms based on the number of drop boxes used and the number of days they were usable.  We only received 102 completed forms. There were some early voting sites with zero drop box chain of custody forms, including Gulf to Bay Tax Collector, EpiCenter at St Petersburg College, Walter Fuller Recreation Center, and the South County Tax Collector Office.  Many early voting sites only had 2 or 3 dropbox chain of custody forms when we expected 10-13 completed forms.

* There is a place on the chain of custody form for overnight seals. It's possible the drop boxes were not emptied every day, or that these seals were used to prevent deposits in closed hours. There is such heavy redaction, I can't tell. Can you?

* Of the 102 completed drop box chain of custody forms we received, only 69 had ballot quantities.  Forms used for drop box ballot transport from early voting sites did not even have a place on the form to enter the ballot quantity sent.  They only recorded the number of ballots received at the vote-by-mail counting center. 

Combined with lack of documented seals or the transporter controlling the seals - any number of ballots could have been inserted, deleted, or replaced in transport between the drop boxes and the vote-by-mail counting center. 

Unfortunately, this is a common BAD practice we found in many counties.  

Pinellas redacted many of the chain of custody forms including seal numbers, transport times, and dates so even the forms that have ballot quantities cannot be relied upon to show a valid chain of custody. We did not see this type of redaction in other counties. 

Why is the “TRANSPARENT” Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections hiding this information?

Why do you think that this is the case?  

Florida Statute 838.022(1)(c) appears to be the best explanation. 

Pinellas had many more drop box locations than early voting sites. I've attached the list of sites. This was quite unique. This creates a massive opportunity for fraud.

If there is no valid chain of custody how do you legally certify an election? 

Remember that Julie Marcus and the people who “Endorsed” her won the last elections via vote by mail ballot.

They also obtained more votes for their races than a sitting incumbent United States President.

Based on the extensive work of Defend Florida in Pinellas County exposing her lack of attention to detail previously one might want to look closer…

So we did…And it’s not good…

Here are a few of the issues that we discovered:

There are 7,736 Pinellas County Voters that are listed on the VBM Ballots list due to receive a VBM Ballot on July 16th.. Problem however is that these 7,736 Pinellas County Voters moved out of state. PERMANENTLY…

Many of these 7,736 voters "requested" a ballot on June 23, 2024.

According to the National Change of Address and USPS Deliverability Databases:

4,328 Voters Moved Leaving No Mail Forwarding Address

7,736 Voters Permanently Moved Out of State

1,623 Voters Listed at Vacant Properties

3,260 Voters Listed had address errors that would prevent mail from being delivered to them.

2,794 Voters Listed had moved to a different address than what is listed on the vote by mail list.

2,786 Voters Listed have a non residential address.

5,971 Voters Listed Moved out of Pinellas County.

What reasonably prudent person actually believes that so many Pinellas County Voters who moved and left no forwarding address are actually going to receive their vote by mail ballots that are due to be sent on July 16th?

  • Where are all those vote by mail ballots going to go?
  • Are they going to go into a dropbox with no chain of custody?
  • What is the likelihood that so many voters would have moved without leaving a forwarding address yet requested a vote by mail ballot less than a month ago?



  • How much money is going to be spent by Julie Marcus sending out this batch of “Undeliverable Vote By Mail Ballots” ?
  • How many of these “Vote By Mail Ballots” are going to be harvested and cast?


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Chris Gleason

Son, Father, Teller of Truth, **Former Candidate Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections**

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