• Two Storms Pull Back The Curtain On DC

    October 10, 2024
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    Helene and Milton Spotlight The Horror Behind The Scenes

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    Remember the Wizard of Oz, behind the curtain, madly turning wheels and dials? He was exposed when the curtain was drawn back. So, too, our government, which has been trying to keep those curtains closed, and the proverbial wool over our eyes.

    Now, these two mega storms have given us full view of the lying, Luciferian power brokers infesting our nation’s Capitol. All their lies are exposed, and we know them for what they are. No media BS, no campaign fiction. The truth about them is right in front of us. These two storms have pulled back the curtain, and exposed the true evil behind the politics in our nation’s Capitol. America, meet your your real government.

    More importantly, we are seeing and feeling the strength of us little people, against the Wicked Witch. WE are our hope for the future. US! Trump always said, that they are after us, he was just in the way. Now, we can see that, with 100% clarity. Smart man. They have tried to murder him, and also, now, thousands of conservative Americans.

    Update, October 7, 2024.

    We are currently between the horrors of Helene, and the rapidly intensifying Milton, her caboose. The engineer is bringing them down the tracks directly at homes of rural America, Trump Country. First, both storms had to run over Florida, from their fueling station in the Gulf of Mexico. Bless the good people of that state; Milton seems aimed at that I-4 corridor where politics and business tangled in the primary season.

    Our attention - RIGHTFULLY SO - has been focused on the victims, and the truly incredible responses to their plight, from their fellow citizens

    While we learn more, we await the deadly assault of Milton into chosen areas of Florida’s west coast, where development, the people’s wishes, and politics recently clashed. As I write, the storm has become a Cat 5, and is going to come ashore with 12'+ storm surge in the Tampa area. The details will be different when you read this; I have had to change them four times while writing.

    The response of the federal government to the devastation is beyond horrific.

    The response of our fellow citizens has been divinely inspired. They are giving millions of dollars in time and donations - when the Harris/Biden government has made that increasingly difficult - and thousands of hours to try to mitigate the horrors on the ground. And there are horrors.

    Bodies hanging from trees and buried in the wash, now rotting. Small children running around, crying, hungry and looking for their homes and families.

    All week long, reports have been coming from Eastern TN and Western NC. Thousands of people were left with nothing; no power, no food, no potable water, no medical care for the injured. Nobody to gather the dead. No ability to communicate with each other or the rescuer/citizens. Whole towns were destroyed. I spent many summers with my children in Banner Elk, NC, which I hear is now gone.

    You can smell the rot of death, says one brave woman; vultures are circling, drawn by that smell. Most of us have never knows such horrors. I had trouble choosing links to share; there are so many tragic stories.

    General Michael Flynn believes that the death toll on East TN, and Western NC may well excede 2,000, not the 200 being advertised by the MSM. We may never know the full extent of the damage and loss of life.

    The world’s largest lithium deposit is in Kings Mountain, NC. This is an area that was hit hard by Hurricane Helene. The DOD contracted with this company Albermarle to get a lithium mine up and going starting in 2025. Guess who owns the most shares in that lithium mine? BlackRock and Vanguard. Coincidence? Guess they were in a hurry to get started?

    Representatives from each, are on the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the triumverate of Globalist power centers. Quick reminder, Gov. Glenn Youngkin of VA is also a member of this group. Youngkin had nothing to do with Helene, or its response, I do not believe, but I wanted to help you focus your trust in these times when it is so crucial.

    There is talk from the town’s people of Chimney Rock, the town nearest the lithiuim deposits, which has been all but wiped from the map, that it will be bulldozed immediately, even before cleanup of bodies and possessions are completed. Dozens of “news”sites deny this, but - sick, sad and sorry - it fits, with all else. It just fits. We will see.


    FEMA and other unidentified goverment workers - some even local sheriffs! - have chased away good samaritans, threatening them with arrest. FEMA workers have stolen and/or destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars of food and rescue supplies. Today, a man at an airfield in Waynesville, NC, told of two large black SUV’s “slow-rolling” the road into the airport. Minutes later, several FEMA helicopters flew in, low and slow, destroying skids of supplies piled on the ground with the downdraft from their rotors.

    AH, but worry not. Our government has offered $750/family and only to those who can prove residency, it is said. HOW THE HELL could a homeowner or renter, come up with documentation like that under these conditions?? Guess the victims of similar government treatment in Maui felt the same. The way you know it is true is the numver of pages of MSM links telling you it’s not. You have to read things, backwards, as in a looking glass.

    Remember what’s behind the curtain.

    Ah, but remember Katrina? How Obama, then a US Senator laid into the response of the Bush administration? Here is one of their own ragsPolitico, telling that story. I’ll summarize, in case you don’t want to click the link: “W” Bush sent $62.2 BILLION in disaster relief within 4 days of the storm, and aid followed for months.

    But that wasn’t enough; the population of New Orleans was majority, black, so FEMA did not do enough! I believe that racism may well have impacted the government’s decision; $100 billion or so for New Orleans but only aggression and a pittance for NC and TN?


    Remember the FEMA trailers?

    They cost, in 2005 dollars, $19,000 per trailer.

    • FEMA spent $2.7 billion to buy 145,000 mobile homes and trailers after Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast in August and September 2005, paying a bulk-rate price of about $19,000 per trailer, on average. FEMA STILL has 60,000 trailers in storage nationwide. Several thousand of them — exactly how many is not clear — were never used.Where are those for the people of TN and NC??

    During Katrina, the NM Gov. sent 200 of his National Guard to help the victims of Katrina, but the letter authorizing them to go didn’t arrive until 5 days later, and the New Orleans crows was incensed. NB: It is now 13 days, and counting that the FEMA authorization letters for help to the area, are being held back by both Mayorkas and Cooper, the Democrat governor of NC.

    You will never catch me praising a Bush, but the comparison is glaring.

    According to Democrat operative, David Axelrod, on his blog, the aid is being withheld because the area is mostly Trump supporters who will be having a hard time voting amidst the destruction. He says openly, that the liberals in Asheville (a town noted for them), are more worldly and will be able to figure out how to vote (for Harris, of course).

    I have to wonder if even THEY, the liberals of Asheville, will be changing their vote, having been treated to the same lack of help by their government. I mean, who in their right mind (ok, bad expression) would vote for someone who left them to die??

    Ah, but FEMA HAS been there, in NC and TN. Just not helping. There are many tales of their confiscation, aka theft, of rescue supplies being brought in by citizens, even threatening to jail those who were helping. In a Greenville, SC airport, there are ten FEMA helicopters just sitting there blocking a whole runway. The crews are just lounging under tents.

    In Waynesville, NC, unmarked helicopters destroyed stacks of supplies with their rootor downdraft, after the site was “slow-rolled” by the black SUV gang.

    Here begins the good news, where you see what REAL Americans are doing.

    A Zebulon,. NC, shop owner who works in an airfield northeast of Raleigh, reports what he calls the “NC Airlift”. ’ He tells of hundreds of private aircraft, landing and off loading supplies and volunteers, at his airport, and through out the state. It is now a battle to stay ahead of the government goon squads who are trying to destroy supplies as fast as they find them, but Americans give. It is our nature.

    Another friend tells me of a private helicopter company in Texas, who took their biggest craft to the storm victims, on repeated trips, loaded with help and supplies.

    This outpouring of American love and respect for their stricken fellow citizens knows no bounds. It also knows no party labels. As I have said for years, our two parties are Constitutionalist or Communist.

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    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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