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December 27, 2024

The Marxists Are Weaponizing the Judiciary Against US.

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Gahndi was a smart man. The unjust fear Justice.

They fear Donald Trump because they KNOW he will bring justice to them and theirs.

Of all the news and analysis I’ve read quickly in the last few days, as I was doing a little holiday kick-back, two articles suddenly became conjoined in my head.

First, another about Matt Gaetz.

I call your attention to an article in the Western Journal. PLEASE read it. Matt Gaetz is being framed by anti-Trumpers in his own state. AND WE KNOW THAT THERE ARE PLENTY OF THOSE!! Know the name, Joel Greenberg? Greenberg — a former tax collector in Seminole County, Florida — is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence for lying about another politician having a sexual relationship with a minor.

Please read this link.

Gaetz would be a fantastic Attorney General. He has the education, experience, and street smarts to bring it all, where and when we need it. The enemy knows it, too, which is why they have been throwing hands full of their own bull in hopes that it will stick.

A friend, a good Constitutional American, and citizen of that not-so-free state of Florida, shared knowledge (not rumor) of the incident outlined by the WJ, above, and its perp. I will not give you the name of my friend, as I have promised you all I’d never do that. What I was told, however, combined with some checking on my part, matched with the WJ article, so, it bears exposure.

Remember, Matt Gaetz has always been a strong Constitutionalist in Florida, and, as such, may have stoked some of the anti-Trump fires which have been burning in Tallahassee for years now. Trump was right to choose him. Sad as it makes me to say, Matt was probably right to step away from the nomination. He did so, I believe, to keep Trump’s nominations on track and free from the lying Left.

Many might have expected support from Gaetz’s Governor. That will never happen, though, as “Totallytarians” in Tallahassee have been trying to circle the wagons around Florida’s America First citizens for some time now. See The War of The Elephants, I wrote last May.

The attacks on MAGA Republicans in Florida, in the War of the Elephants, are being perpetrated by the Florida Globalists and we all know it. DeGov has NEVER believed in America First, and his staffers have said as much to many people. He never campaigned or fund-raised for Trump the candidate.

Before I get too deep in the litter box of Florida’s RINO/Globalists, here is the OTHER ARTICLE which tells us - loud and clear - that the enemy, needs to avoid strength in Trump‘s Justice Department. They clearly fear justice. I’m tempted to add, “duh”.

Ghandi was there, well ahead of 2024.

Chuck Schumer has told Politico’s Playbook that the judiciary will be the Democrats’ strongest “barrier” against Trump’s plans.

This is, of course, NO surprise to anybody who has been listening, but, it’s the holiday season, and even the best Patriots have the right (responsibility, even ) to spend good quality time with family and friends. Love conquers all, it is said; I am hoping that is still borne true in the days ahead. There is a lot to conquer, still.

The 119th Congress begins 1/3/2025. Schumer will no longer be a majority leader, so he is trying to pack the courts - (even declare Donald Trump an insurrectionist and unable to become POTUS!) Be reminded, they will stop at nothing. Two assassination attempts should have made that clear.

Make NO MISTAKE. The fact that SEVENTY-SEVEN MILLION of us voted for Donald Trump in November means nothing to them. The Left does NOT believe in the people’s choice, or anything that remotely resembles our US Constitution. They are Communists/Marxists/Totalitarians (“Totallytarians”, in FL), and the man we just elected as POTUS is their fiercest enemy. They will keep trying to destroy Trump - AND US - until they cannot anymore. The possibilities of reaching this point in time, fills the hearts of the world with anticipation and joy. Thoughts of hemp necklaces dance in our heads.

So, a good, Constitutional warrior like Matt Gaetz must be removed from Trump’s cabinet. They’ve decided that, for now, the lies will work. Like in so many other cases, it’s all they have.

I will leave you with one thought…where is Ron De Santis? He is the governor of the state from which Matt Gaetz hails, for for whom he has been a great US Representative.

DeGov has remained hidden - or so HE THINKS - as his RPOF attacks and removes Trump Republicans from the state party. He has done nothing but pontificate about going after the second Trump assassin. Remember, he did NOTHING as Mar a Lago was illegally raided in Aug., 2022. Now, today, on the brink of a new start for this nation, DeSmallman has said NOTHING IN SUPPORT OF MATT GAETZ, a good conservative Congressman from that Free State of Florida. It tells us all who DeSantis is, if anyone is still confused.

If you want the latest updates on the War of the Elephants in the Sunshine State, see

RINO Hunters

Happy Boxing Day

No, I’m not referring to the British and Canadian tradition of trading class roles on the day after Christmas, nor some American tradition on the day after Christmas, where we ‘box’ up gifts, to return for store credit…

Read more

15 hours ago · 2 likes · Robert Valenta

by Lee County MAGA Republican Robert Valenta. Bob says, in his piece, “I’m often asked why this is happening, and why the party would choose to divide, rather than multiply. The simplest answer is either they are really democrats trying to paint Florida blue, or they want control and power, and they don’t care if their behavior risks destroying the party.”

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I agree.

This is just the kind of abhorrent behavior that our Constitutional Republic does NOT need, as we fight to preserve our freedoms. The battle for the US Judiciary is a key to it all, but it is not the final battle, even if we could wish it were.

Matt Gaetz , as a person and a politician, stands head and shoulders over all the Commiescum, both in his state and outside of it. IMHO.

Chuck Schumer and DeGov are working together on this, and we cannot lose focus on that. I believe Matt Gaetz will come to the fore and make a big difference soon. They will do everything in their power to make sure he does NOT.

Prayers up! Our fine work at the ballot box was just the first of our duties to keep the Lady Liberty’s torch lighted for another 200+ years. Know the enemy, and don’t rest. Once again, it’s all up to us. Remember the overturned tables of the money changers in the temple…



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Kat Stansell

Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D” Follow her on her Substack Pat4evr/KatsMeow

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Ed Vidal
2 months ago

Blame RINO Governor Kemp, who let Democrats have two U.S. Senators from Georgia, when all other statewide office holders are Republicans!

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