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When Republican Elites Collude With Fake News, Question Their Message

August 15, 2024

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Guest post by Cathi Chamberlain

By now anyone with sense in the MAGA camp should know that the “Fake News” media are anti-Trump, pro-Kamala, WOKE-globalist-leaning-DEI propagandists, anti-Conservatives, CCP-blackmailed, Dem-controlled, and out to divide the Republican Party every chance they get, right?

So doesn’t it stand to reason that everyone in the Republican Party ought to at least agree that the “Fake News” media is probably not the best source to go to for accuracy?

What if I told you there are Republican leaders in Florida who are colluding with the “Fake News” media to try to convince voters that everything is perfectly fine in our state when it comes to election integrity? And in doing so, they’ve literally relied on an article written by “Fake News” to make their case that an entire group of Conservative America First Candidates exposing egregious violations by Supervisors of Elections (SOEs) in their respective counties should be discredited? That is exactly what happened in Pinellas County recently. When Republicans resort to using the “Fake News” to make a point, every voter in Florida ought to be asking, “What is wrong with this picture?”

On August 11th, the very left-leaning, progressive Tampa Bay Times (TBT) published an article entitled, “2020 election deniers vie for control of Florida’s ballot box: Trump’s claims of voter fraud in 2020 sparked candidates whose views the GOP considers extreme.” The article begins by saying that, “Governor Ron DeSantis and the Republican Legislature have been in agreement since 2020: Florida’s elections have been the smoothest and most secure in the country. But some members of their Party don’t believe it – and are running to do something about it.” That refers to the “Slate” of 13 America First Supervisor of Elections candidates I’m helping in Florida as they expose some pretty blatant violations by their respective Supervisors of Elections so some of the problems might actually get fixed before our upcoming elections. The article is well worth a read.

One would think that all Republicans would want to correct problems in our elections systems so we can have free and fair elections. Unfortunately that’s not the case. I and many others have uncovered substantial problems since 2020 concerning our voter roll maintenance, voter ID processes, machine internet connectivity, blank ballots, Vote By Mail issues, and on and on. And, as the Supervisor of Elections candidates have mostly agreed, Florida Statutes are being violated by the incumbent SOEs they’re challenging in their respective counties. But since 2020, Republican leaders from the Republican National Party, the Republican Party of Florida, and down to the county level Republican Executive Committees have ignored the problems as though they’ll disappear on their own. The question is, why

It’s ironic that it’s actually those Republican Elites that are the “election deniers.” And now they are resorting to desperate tactics to silence the “election truthers.” These “leaders” believe that if we talk about “fraud”, we’ll discourage Republicans from voting. The truth is, not fixing the problems is what will dissuade voters from going to the polls.

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Now some of these leaders are taking their desperation to a whole new level – colluding with the “Fake News” media to destroy their opponents. That’s exactly what just happened in Pinellas County when the Chairman of our Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee, Adam Ross, blasted out a mass text message to who knows how many Republicans in our county to share the Tampa Bay Times article referenced above. I could hardly believe my eyes when I read, “Paid for by the Pinellas Republican Executive Committee.” Aren’t they supposed to stay neutral in races where two Republican candidates are running in a primary race?

His text served as a hit piece against all America First SOE candidates in general, but specifically against our local SOE Candidate, Chris Gleason who is favored by most all of the MAGA voters I know here who fully understand the state our elections are in. The text message reads:

REPUBLICAN VOTER ALERT! Thanks to Governor DeSantis and our Republican legislature, Florida
is truly the gold standard for election security and integrity. But some don't support our conservative
reforms, and they're trying to undermine all of our work to protect your vote. Republican Party of Florida
Chairman says that the state's ballots were "counted accurately" and that the state has the nation's "toughest election integrity laws." Elections in Pinellas County and across our state are run with the strongest security and transparency measures anywhere in America. So please, make sure you vote in the important election on August 20 and support the great work that our Republican leaders have accomplished to protect our elections. Click here to read the full story: Reply STOP to Opt-Out Paid for by the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee.

The link to “the full story” lands on the TBT article. What’s interesting is that those “conservative reforms” and “election integrity laws” quoted in the text can arguably be attributed to the hard work of grassroots volunteers from Defend Florida, the largest election integrity all-volunteer organization in the state. Thanks to the tireless work we did in the years following the 2020 election and our lobbying of the Florida legislature, much of the laws passed were due to our efforts, hardly from any by the local RECs. In fact, most of the uphill battles we faced came from the same Republican Establishment that now loves to take credit for Florida laws being strengthened, people like Adam Ross.

While Pinellas Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus hides in her SOE cubicle avoiding questions from the voters she serves, skips speeches and events, does no campaigning and has refused debates with her formidable and highly qualified opponent, Chris Gleason, she is relying on her Establishment buddies to carry her through. That should infuriate every voter who cares about the very real problems we have in our Florida elections. It’s We the People who will pay the ultimate price.

I’ve seen the evidence being presented by Chris Gleason and the Slate of SOE Candidates from 13 counties in Florida. These Patriots have one thing in common: they want our elections fixed. That many everyday Floridians stepping up to run in today’s slimy world of politics doesn’t happen unless there are real problems. The Republican Establishment throughout our state are in panic mode. They’re not accustomed to being challenged. If even half of this Slate can win and are able to get inside the SOE offices, we can perhaps find out what these SOEs have really been doing for the past four years. Heavily-redacted Public Records Requests, overcharging for public records, refusals to meet with election integrity volunteers, non-transparency … none of this is normal behavior by someone with nothing to hide.

We can and must return our local governments to the people they serve. The Republican Establishment has shaped our local politics for far too long. Vote on August 20th in the Primary election for the America First Supervisor of Elections Candidate in your county if you’re lucky enough to have one running.

The Establishment can collude with the “Fake News” media all they want. That alone ought to raise a big red flag in voters’ minds. But, it doesn’t make their message true.



Cathi Chamberlain

Author, activist, podcaster, sought-after speaker. She is the State Ambassador and Pinellas Leader for Defend Florida. She also is the founder of Pinellas Watchdogs and has been a contributor on Salem Media Radio, talk show producer/on-air talent/writer for America Out Loud. Cathi currently coordinates a Slate of America First Supervisor of Elections Candidates representing 13 counties in Florida bringing exposure to the systemic problems with the state’s elections apparatus. Her newest podcast on Rumble, WARN2024 highlights average, everyday activist citizens in order to motivate activist wannabes to get off their couches for 2024. She can be reached at [email protected]

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John Dyai
John Dyai
6 months ago

Time to dump the RINOs for good. They should just go register Democrat already. That tallies to about... 90% of them. If Republican politicians want a role model, look to Thomas Massie, disregard the rest.

Cathi Chamberlain
6 months ago
Reply to  John Dyai

I wish I could disagree with your assessment of the Republicans but obviously we're in line in our thinking. I'd say closer to 75% but if we don't start calling them out and routing them out of the party, 90% isn't far away. I founded a group in Pinellas County called Pinellas Watchdogs and our mission is to do exactly that. We're growing in other counties. If you want to learn more about it, please go to

Jim Lampe
Jim Lampe
6 months ago

About a year ago I signed up w Defend Florida to verify some of the SOE data for Pinellas. They directed me to speak with Cathi Chamberlain who was the Defend Florida lead for that project. 

After working with her for a couple of months I can say she is a real Conservative; honest, intelligent, and dedicated!  I have seen her in action as a loyal Conservative, working against the wrongful actions of the Establishment GOP. Vote for the America first Candidate if you can!

Cathi Chamberlain
6 months ago
Reply to  Jim Lampe

Thank you Jim. Great to hear you chime in. Thanks for all your hard work in the background as well!

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