THE RPOF Is At It Again - This Time Stealing Votes BEFORE They Are Cast!

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These fake voter guides are being sent to voters in six Florida counties, to date. They list the candidates who are supposedly endorsed by Trump and DeSantis, and they are advocating for candidates who are NOT real MAGA supporters.
Those who ARE legitimately MAGA, have been attacked by the legal team of the RPOF, as you remember, and disallowed from membership and even meeting attendance at the county RECS. Is that why April Culbreth, above, has closed the Manatee REC until after the primary, August 20th? Too many MAGA people wanted to help?
The guides come from “ MAGA PC”, with an address of Venice, FL, NOT the real MAGA PAC in Alexandria VA. Search MAGA PC, and you are led to a “MEGA PC” desktop app. Nothing “MAGA PC” is found. The address in Venice belongs to State Sen. Joe Grueters’ accounting firm. Why would any high-ranking member of the RPOF send a widely distributed list of people to vote for, which contains the disclaimer that it has nothing to do with the RPOF?? And, why are none of these real MAGA candidates?
These voter “guides” are being sent to voters in Manatee, Hillsborough, St. Lucie, Brevard, Lake, and Sarasota Counties. So far. They contain full lists of the people whom the RPOF - NOT Donald Trump. - wants elected. Guaranteed.
BUT, WHAT OF THE INNOCENT VOTER who receives this in the mail?? They glance at a picture of Trump, see the word, “MAGA”, and start marking their ballot, without noticing the subtle deception on the guides.
As Blake Fortenay says in the TC Palm, “A reasonable person could look at the candidates listed on the sample ballot and assume they all have been endorsed by Trump and DeSantis. It just isn't so. With the exception of Rick Scott, who is running for re-election to the U.S. Senate, none of the candidates listed on the sample ballot have been endorsed by Trump.”
Check the asterisks. Double red stars are said to indicate endorsement by Donald Trump, yet NO listed candidate has double red stars by its name, even as the MAGA name is featured clearly.
Donald Trump has a HUGE number of supporters in Florida. He won the state in the recent Presidential primary with 81.6% of the vote. People see his logo and picture, and they mark the ballot as suggested. DeSantis finished behind Nikki Haley. Is DeSmallman piqued?
These voter guides demonstrate underhanded moves by the RPOF to cut into Trump’s following — Kind of like removing Peter Feaman from natonal delegate committees with any powers.
As Soros said, DeGov is ruthless and ambitious. We’re seeing that.
The “small-print defense” on the voter guides is careful to state that these guides make no representations:
Why send out something that you clearly do not stand behind??
To clarify, it is so that they can lie and not be punished for it. These endorsements are not coming from Donald Trump or the real MAGA, as best anyone can tell. If caught, the purveyors of the lies don’t plan on taking a fall for their illicit attempts.
This reference to “Fake Republicans” on the voter guides are all we need to see, to tie this subterfuge in to Tallahassee. As you recall, THEY are the ones who are trying to excommunicate MAGA Republicans from the state party.

Customarily, an election is stolen after the votes have been cast. The FL RINOs are trying a new tactic. They are trying to steal the vote BEFORE people cast their ballots!
Spread the word, Florida. Every voter needs to understand that these are NOT Trump’s endorsements, and who is behind it. Sounds to me like it is a VERY good time for some house cleaning of the politics in the Sunshine state.