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We are living in the midst of a Second American Revolution. Praise God.
The war is fully engaged, this time with the tyrannical forces of the Left, the enemy within, and the outcome is far from certain. Will they resist the necessity of massive reform of governmental excess long enough to cause the country to sink into bankruptcy, the dollar destroyed, to bring on the long dreamed of collapse of the capitalist system followed by the consolidation of a Communist paradise on the ashes of the American Republic?
I recently picked up a bracing book by the always insightful W. Cleon Skousen, titled The 5,000 Year Leap, A Miracle That Changed the World, a paen to the First Glorious American Revolution. What amazed me were the numerous parallels between the Founders’ and our present time.
Students of the Communist scourge will recognize Skousen as the author of The Naked Communist, which concisely listed in 1958 the American Communist Party’s strategic plan how to take over America, dating from the 1930's. For a rally to commemorate the Victims of Communism Day here on Miami Beach, I recited the list of 45 action items, which to everyone’s astonishment were all nearly completed – only 5 or so goals were too obscure to be considered met.
Not too surprisingly, many goals were accomplished in the past five years, starting from the Left’s global rush to tyranny after the unleashing of the Chinese bioweapon (funded in part by the US Deep State) in 2020 and the attempted complete control of our population through jab mandates in 2021.
Make no mistake. We have just lived through – and in some ways are still living through – the most tyrannical regime in American history. And not just the jackboot raids against all types of American patriots, from those who “trespassed” in the People’s House to those who prayed outside abortion mills.
Taxation without representation? With stolen elections rampant in 2020 and 2022, Americans were denied representation and told by the Leftist marauders to shut up, get used to it, or go to prison.
The thorough persecution of political opposition – starting with censorship of internet communications deemed “misinformation” (or subversive) and culminating in the largest campaign of persecution of a political opponent, Donald J. Trump, in world history – was worse than anything even conceivable by our Founders, such were the naked, raw powers of Big Tech, Big Government, Media and Business, all in cahoots against the people.
The miracle of the current American Revolution is that it has been non-violent.
But, as Skousen points out in this foundational book, which outlines the 28 major principles of the Founders that made the 5,000 year leap possible, the First American Revolution was only possible due to the moral uprightness of the citizenry (Principle #2).
In other words, the First American Revolution was only possible because of the First Great Awakening (from the 1730s-1740s). Likewise, the moral underpinning of the Civil War came largely from the Second Great Awakening (first half of the 19th century).
And the Third Great Awakening? Can it happen concurrently to the Second American Revolution? I pray so.
The long slide into Leftist (as well as Uniparty) tyranny is clearly coincident with the nation’s steady decline into Godless immorality, which I would date from 1962 when prayer was banned in public schools.
This is why Christian Nationalism – which, of course, is a perfect description of both the Pilgrims’ and Founders’ project – is so essential to the current moment.
Skousen shares many Founders’ famous quotations, including one of Benjamin Franklin’s most clear-sighted warnings:
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." [p.49, Skousen]
Is your pastor brave enough to touch on these topics? If not, why not? Is it the Johnson Amendment still threatening the church’s pocketbook?
With Leftist Tyranny and the Deep State in retreat on all fronts, a last redoubt is with the rogue, lawfaring judges who are barring Trump from doing exactly what he promised to do during the campaign and is well within his Article II responsibilities. If one can believe it, one radical judge even barred the Treasury Secretary from inspecting Treasury’s payment system!
They say that during the First American Revolution, one third of citizens were Tories, one third American Patriots, one third on the fence. In prior elections, it is fair to say one third were committed Leftists, one third committed Rightists, the last third the squishy center, often underinformed or swayed by media propaganda.
Last November’s landslide (both electoral and, by recent standards, popular) saw the American people begin to throw off the shackles, the sleeping giant awakening.
Now, as Trump’s revelatory attacks on the Deep State amaze even dedicated Rightists, the ground is rapidly shifting – away from tyranny and toward hope.
In recent days, Americans are realizing that the US Government is far more corrupt and corrupting than anyone could have imagined. USAID is the least of it.
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Trump, the modern (and non-violent) Washington, has a project which, if enacted, will turn back more than a century of greed and corruption. Think of it. He wishes to turn us back to both Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctine, focusing on our hemisphere, and avoiding all overseas “foreign entanglements” – at last! How about returning the Panama Canal to US control? He would also like to abolish the IRS and the income tax, reverting (largely) to tariffs, antecedent to the 16th Amendment of 1913. Lastly, and most importantly, he wishes we return us to our Christian roots and spiritual foundations – starting this last week with rooting out extensive anti-Christian bias and persecution in our governmental behemoth. We are a Christian nation and – the Lord willing – will always remain so.
The scope of Trump’s and MAGA’s ambitions are breathtaking. Leftists tyrants will rue the day they so maniacally tried to destroy Trump – taking away his freedom, his business, and even his life – for it has only strengthened him and increased our determination to excise the terminal cancer from the body politic. As my chiropractor recently said, “When you aim to kill the king, kill him. Otherwise…” Righteous anger within our movement and within America is only increasing.
Never forget that the risks to the man have been enormous, beyond any normal human being’s ability to withstand: had Trump lost the November election, make no mistake, he would be rotting in jail right now for the rest of his life.
Pray for the man, for the movement, and for the Second American Revolution. Speak to your pastor, priest, or rabbi, enjoining them to take a stand. The war is only now fully engaged and all winter patriots must rededicate themselves to a successful and near term completion. Short of Jesus Christ’s soon return, it is our only hope.
Ben Batchelder is the author of four extended travel yarns and has been a Contributor to The Miami Independent since its inception. Contact him at his author site benbatchelder.com
Civil Wars are always bloody affairs. A second Revolution would be as bad as or worse than the worst battle we have every been in. The population of the US in 1860 was about 31.5 M. About 650,000 died in CWI. Today the population is about ten times what is was in 1860. That means a death toll of 6.5 M.
Agreed Vetmike. That is why I wrote "The miracle of the current American Revolution is that it has been non-violent." I pray it stays that way, but the radical Left rarely gives up without a fight.
Great article, ty!
Many thanks, Amy, it is so encouraging to know there are grateful readers. Stay strong!
Mr. Batchelder, you're mostly right but you put to much credience in Trump as the problem solver. After his 4 year stint, it is possible that the new R or D replacing him could undo most if not all. The final solution lies with the states doing exactly the same thing but through the Constitution. That change will come from the States using Article V's 400 year-old convention process. Over 650 recorded events show us the process has been successful. A cos to limit Congress? About to happen.