• Florida Patriots Gather On Saturday, July 6 Near St. Augustine For Gerry James

    June 29, 2024
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    Doral, Florida - American independence was declared at Philadelphia in 1776, but the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. President Lincoln proclaimed at Gettysburg in 1863 that America would have a new birth of freedom after abolishing slavery. President Reagan challenged the Soviets at the Berlin Wall in 1987 to: “Tear down this wall!”

    Accordingly, Americans must be continuously prepared to take up the torch of freedom against the tyranny of partisan establishments, woke progressives and the administrative state. This summer that battle is being fought around St. Augustine, along a line running from Ponte Vedra Beach to Ormond Beach, and inland into Putnam County.

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    On Saturday, July 6, during this long Independence weekend, the forces of grassroots conservative groups and the MAGA and America First movement will gather to go knocking door-to-door in support of Gerry James. He is the conservative candidate in the Republican primary election for State Senate District 7 on Tuesday, August 20, with two weeks of early voting.

    The Republican primary election in Senate District 7 is a three-way race among champions for three competing constituencies: (1) Representative Tom Leek for the insurance industry; (2) Former Sheriff David Shoar for the trial lawyers; and (3) Gerry James for the people. He is the conservative, MAGA and America First candidate.

    The Florida Republican Assembly will also host a meeting that afternoon in Ormond Beach to confirm their support for Gerry James in this primary election. The citizens of Senate District 7 understand that their future liberty and prosperity depends on breaking the RINO establishment’s grip on Tallahassee.
    To register for joining this patriotic event during Independence weekend, please go here. They will walk @ 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, based in James F. Holland Memorial Park, 18 Florida Park Drive North, Palm Coast, Florida 32164.

    Sign up for door knocking!



    Eduardo Vidal

    Eduardo Vidal is a lawyer and political activist. His family brought him when he was nine years old from Cuba to the USA, but now the rule of law has been eroded in the USA as well, and we are turning into Cuba and the rest of Latin America.

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