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Tammany Hall Shuns Election Integrity

June 16, 2023
"Tammany!", an editorial cartoon portraying the Republican party as hypocritical for decrying the corruption of the Democratic Tammany Hall political machine while many Republicans were accused of corrupt acts themselves.
Public Domain

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[Doral, Florida] - The Republican Executive Committee (“REC”) of Miami-Dade County created an Election Integrity Subcommittee (on which your columnist served as Vice Chairman) during 2021 at the direction of the Republican National Committee (“RNC”) and the Republican Party of Florida (“RPOF”). The RNC, in particular, was highlighting its new-found focus on election integrity, after having ignored it since entering into a court settlement in 1982. Even after this court settlement was dissolved just before the 2020 elections, however, the RNC remains clueless and outclassed on this subject. Accordingly, in preparation for the elections of 2022, both the RNC and RPOF prepared to address election integrity, including by directing county executive committees to form subcommittees on this subject.

The Subcommittee has been very active since its formation, including by attending a conference in Orlando during Spring 2022 organized by the nationwide Election Integrity Network led by Cleta Mitchell and supported by Jim DeMint. After this conference, the Subcommittee also connected with Florida Fair Elections, a statewide group, and American Values Voters--Thomas More Society, another nationwide group. All groups host weekly online meetings on such matters as Vote-By-Mail, legislative reform, cleaning up voter rolls, oversight of voting machines, vulnerable voters and citizen research. See: The Subcommittee also has worked with Defend Florida, County Citizens Defending Freedom, True the Vote and other election integrity groups.

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In addition to participating in these online meetings, the Subcommittee has been active as follows: (1) Meeting several times with the Supervisor of Elections to review the cleaning up of voter rolls and the reliability of voting machines. (2) Attending public sessions arranged by the Supervisor of Elections to review the logic and accuracy of voting machines. At one such session, a member of the Subcommittee was interviewed by news media, and he confirmed that the objective is to: “Trust but verify.” (3) Participating in independent cleanups of voter rolls, including those organized by Fight Voter Fraud and Sunny Votes. (4) Reviewing signature verification of Vote-By-Mail ballots by county judges and the Supervisor of Elections. (5) Successfully lobbying Secretary of State Cord Byrd to exit from ERIC--Electoral Research and Information Center. This center provides information to progressive groups on eligible but unregistered voters. (6) Reviewing and commenting on the legislative process for the new election integrity statute enacted in Florida this year, including writing letters to state legislators, the Secretary of State and the Governor. (7) Making a Public Records Request of the Supervisor of Elections for information on the records of voting machines. (8) Recruiting and deploying, together with the RNC and RPOF, poll-workers, poll-watchers and related workers during the election seasons of 2022.

In participating in all these election integrity activities, however, the Subcommittee is not limited from considering other related matters, especially when they so closely affect the Subcommittee’s core work, and especially considering that the REC itself seldom meets and does not follow a published schedule.

Accordingly, the Subcommittee has also considered: (1) The lawlessness of the REC in not complying with Florida statutes and RPOF rules by refusing to publicly disclose the names of its members. See: (2) The manipulation by REC leadership of the election procedures for Committeemen and women, resulting in over 40 pages of grievances filed with the RPOF, which itself constitutes an election integrity matter. Election integrity begins at home. (3) The need to recruit more members so that we can staff poll-workers, poll-watchers and similar positions. (4) The Bolshevik tactics of the Vice Chairman of the REC, reminiscent of Chicago Democrats, in leading a walkout to undo the quorum at the March meeting. See “Tammany Hall in the Tropics” above. (5) The vetting of potential candidates for county offices related to election integrity, especially the Supervisor of Elections and the Sheriff.

Now, however, the REC has removed the leadership of the Subcommittee, alleging that the Subcommittee has not performed its assigned work, and has strayed to unrelated matters. Those allegations are plainly false, of course but by decapitating the Subcommittee, REC leadership is free to play pretend-election integrity, especially with respect to its own elections for Committeemen and women.

The former leadership of the Subcommittee has founded a new NGO (non-governmental organization) to continue their election integrity work: “Election Integrity Brigade 2507 of Miami-Dade County, Florida.” This group is not affiliated with any political party, which is appropriate given that neither Democrats, nor Republicans In Name Only--RINO’s, are interested in real election integrity. They will not allow their election integrity work to be suppressed by REC leadership, and are eager to collaborate with the new leadership of the Subcommittee. The Brigade’s motto is: “Liberty Under the Rule of Law.” So they are now outside the tent pissing in.

Vote-By-Mail Delenda Est

In addition, the Carter-Baker commission, formed to review voting practices after the election of 2000, reported in 2005 that Vote-By-Mail is rife with fraud. See: Nevertheless, the REC promotes Vote-By-Mail on its web site. See: Real citizens don’t mail it in; they proudly show up to vote in person, preferably during early voting, without necessarily waiting for election day, unless they have a real excuse to vote by absentee ballot. Convenience is a plank on the road to serfdom.

Vote-By-Mail raises many questions: (1) Voter ID: Who is actually casting the vote? Is he alive? On the run from the law? Drugged out? Criminals can collect mailed VBM ballots and vote them as they want. (2) Chain-of-Custody: Who has access to that ballot? Is there undue influence exerted on the voter? Are voters paid for their vote, which can be seen by the payor? (3) United States Postal Service: Do you trust them to serve as the largest precinct in the country? What about all the scandals involving postal workers? Would you mail $1,000 in cash to yourself and trust it to arrive safely? (4) Signature Verification: This process varies wildly and is open to subjective interpretation. (5) Vote-By-Mail also facilitates ballot-harvesting, where that is lawful. Don’t mail it in.

Vote-By-Mail is different from absentee voting, which has been in effect since 80% of Union soldiers voted to re-elect Republican President Lincoln in 1864. Absentee voting requires a good reason for not voting in person, such as disability, military service or some other excusable inability to vote in person on election day. However, with the availability of early voting, if you cannot vote on election day, then there is a week or more of early voting, so there is less need for absentee voting.

In any event, you should not wait to vote on election day, because something unexpected may happen to prevent you from voting, involving events innocent and not so innocent. For example, during the last election day in Harris County, Texas, polling stations in more than 20 Republican precincts mysteriously ran out of paper by 10 am, and in Maricopa County, Arizona, there was a breakdown in counting by voting machines. Such strange coincidences can be avoided by voting early and in person.

Party Unity My Ass

REC leadership offered a prayer for party unity at the March meeting, but then the Vice Chairman led a walkout to undo the quorum, which is the opposite of party unity. See “Tammany Hall in the Tropics” above. It appears that the Vice Chairman and his minions do not heed prayer. Now they urge support for their candidates for Committeemen and women, and an unconditional amnesty on all absences, by claiming that they stand: “United for a GOP President in 2024.” Of course, all Republicans want that, but we are not united in submission to an REC leadership that itself undermines party unity. They have to earn that, and they have worked against it.

Don’t Tread On Me!


Eduardo Vidal

Eduardo Vidal is a lawyer and political activist. His family brought him when he was nine years old from Cuba to the USA, but now the rule of law has been eroded in the USA as well, and we are turning into Cuba and the rest of Latin America.

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