• The Heart Of Communism Lies In Sunny Isles

    March 15, 2024

    Figure 1Miami-Dade Schools Police Cruiser holding Sunny Isles Commissioner Stuyvesant 

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    On a day when the highest level of the Biden Administration is under scrutiny for treason, graft, and constitutional violations, the lowest level of political organization, the PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) in Sunny Isles, Florida, is suffering from the same maladies.  Sunny Isles Commissioner Fabiola Stuyvesant was arrested at the Sunny Isles Middle School PTSA meeting for speaking about the corruption of the Executive Committee of that very PTSA. 

    Commissioner Stuyvesant has been working to expose corruption in Sunny Isles since her election and has been experiencing obstacles at every turn.  The March 13, 2024, PTSA meeting was an opportunity for her to tell the community and the media about this corruption. 

    Figure 2 Commissioner Fabiola Stuyvesant being interviewed about the corruption in the Sunny Isles Middle School PTSA ahead of the Emergency Meeting held 03/13/24 

    The well-attended PTSA meeting was called partly because of these discrepancies made by the previous Executive Board from 2022/23 and the current Board. One question concerned the very validity of the current PTSA board. The meeting started almost an hour late amid a cacophony of noise.  The current interim acting PTSA president barely maintained a semblance of control and had to be reminded by an observer to have the Pledge of Allegiance to start the meeting. Roberts Rules or any other rules of meeting order were nowhere to be found. 

    The first intelligible agenda item concerned the ratification of the last meeting minutes from May 2023.  

    Figure 3 Information Boards detailing PTSA Corruption 

    This meeting included the election of the new board membership for the 2023/24 school year, and the election of the new Vice President was the issue as the purported winner stepped down. The new Board disregarded that an active parent member volunteered to run for that position and was not allowed to. After much discussion and attempted forced votes by voice and hand, a point of order was forced upon the interim president to do an actual ballot count. Amid this ballot count, Commissioner Stuyvesant and another parent motioned to move on to the business of unauthorized payments that had previously been made during the previous school year to the tune of over $20,000 not approved by the PTSA's budget. Commissioner Stuyvesant was warned not to speak. She continued as she thought it fair that she would be allowed to speak, and it appeared the meeting would close without hearing the most important business at hand. She was then forcibly removed along with the other parent to be handcuffed and put in a Miami-Dade. Public School District police cruiser. The meeting then abruptly adjourned as the teachers who had been forced to stay for the meeting after a long day at school abdicated and left.  

    Figure 4 Commissioner Stuyvesant being forcibly removed from the meeting amid children crying 

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    Additional items noted in this meeting were the following. Children were told that they had to vote separately from their parents and that their parents could not assist them in voting. These rules would be appropriate for the Stalinist USSR or the Maoist Cultural Revolution. The quorum rules were very nebulous, including or not including the children. Additionally, proxy voting was not allowed. We find that the PTSA meeting rules to be cryptic and non-democratic. The PTSA state representative present clearly favored the Board in place. Overall, this PTSA meeting was run by an anti-election integrity group. We do not know the charges made against Commissioner Stuyvesant and the other parent who was removed from the meeting. Still, the commissioner was released later that evening with the prospect of a future hearing before a judge. Corruption needs always to be routed out, but the violation of our fundamental First Amendment Constitutional fights can NEVER be tolerated. 

    Figure 5 Shows Misappropriated Check for over $20,000 more than budgeted or expected for the goods received; actual retail value@$1000 



    Douglass Ross

    Douglas J. Ross is originally from Wisconsin and is a long-time resident of Miami, Florida. He is a veteran Navy pilot from the Cold War period, having graduated from the US Naval Academy. After retiring as an international airline Captain, he now works as an Investment Advisor and also volunteers with Patriotic groups like the Convention of States and the Association of Mature American Citizens. In his free time, he enjoys writing.

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    7 months ago

    One party local rule happens when local elections are set in Spring or off-cycle years. Ostensibly for “more informed on local issues” voters. Which means only 3% of the local population actually elects political and judicial leaders, the definition of an Oligarchy. That same pattern happened for decades in Dem-run, corrupt cities and states nationwide.
    The solution: move local and state elections to the general calendar schedule with national elections. When the MAJORITY of voters vote.

    7 months ago

    The attack of our Republic has centered on three things and education of our children is one. Parents were arrested in Loudon County, VA, five years ago for standing against porno books in their schools. Fabiana has good company, sadly.

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