• The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Tragic Reality Of Biden's Presidency And The Culprits Behind The Deception 

    July 4, 2024
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    The tale of the emperor's new clothes, penned by Hans Christian Andersen, is a cautionary story that highlights the dangers of deception and the folly of unquestioning obedience to authority. The story's central theme is the collective blindness of a nation to the truth, perpetuated by a desire to maintain the status quo and avoid challenging those in power. In an eerie parallel to this classic fable, the current state of American politics resembles a similar scenario, where the emperor, in this case, President Joe Biden, is exposed as a figurehead incapable of fulfilling the duties of his office. The media, the President's cabinet and spouse, and the American public, particularly those afflicted by Trump derangement syndrome, have all played a role in perpetuating this farce, with disastrous consequences for the nation. 

    Biden's Poor Debate Performance: The First Warning Signs 

    The initial signs of President Biden's mental decline were evident during the presidential debates in 2020. His performance was lackluster, marked by frequent verbal gaffes, memory lapses, and a general inability to articulate his policies and vision for America. Despite these glaring deficiencies, the mainstream media chose to ignore or downplay these concerning signs, instead focusing on ridiculing and demonizing then-President Donald Trump. This blind allegiance to a particular political agenda and the relentless pursuit of a specific narrative led many to overlook the troubling signals that should have raised alarm bells about Biden's fitness for office. 

    Jill Biden's Complicity in Hiding the President's Condition 

    As Biden's mental faculties continued to deteriorate, his wife, Jill Biden, played a crucial role in concealing the severity of his condition from the public. The first lady went to great lengths to shield her husband from scrutiny, often intervening during interviews or public appearances to correct his mistakes or redirect the conversation. This pattern of behavior was an apparent attempt to mask the President's cognitive decline, further perpetuating the myth that he was a capable leader. 

    The Mainstream Media's Culpability and the Biden Cabinet's Deception 

    The mainstream media, long known for its left-leaning bias, played a pivotal role in propping up the false image of a competent and capable President Biden. Instead of fulfilling their responsibility to hold the President accountable and scrutinize his actions and policies, the media chose to disregard the obvious signs of Biden's mental decline. This dereliction of duty enabled the President's cabinet, a group of individuals with their own political agendas, to capitalize on Biden's diminished state to advance their nefarious policies. 

    These policies, which include open border immigration, the dismantling of America's energy independence, and the erosion of individual freedoms, have wreaked havoc on the nation, causing economic instability, social unrest, and a general sense of despair among the American populace. The Biden cabinet's ability to manipulate a mentally incapacitated president to further their own interests is a clear indication of the corruption that has infiltrated the highest levels of American government. 

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    The Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Divisive Haters 

    The role of the American public, particularly those afflicted by Trump derangement syndrome, cannot be overlooked in the unfolding tragedy of Biden's presidency. This phenomenon, characterized by an intense and irrational hatred for former President Trump, drove many to support Biden's candidacy solely based on their desire to remove Trump from office. This blind allegiance to a political agenda, fueled by hatred and division, led to the election of a president who was clearly unfit for office. 

    The consequences of this decision have been catastrophic for America, with the country now grappling with a multitude of crises that threaten the very fabric of its society. The hate and division that permeate the nation are a direct result of the actions of those who placed their political vendettas above the well-being of the country. 

    The situation in which America currently finds itself is undeniably precarious. With a president whose mental faculties are in question and a world full of adversaries, the nation must have a strong, capable leader at the helm. In this context, the 25th Amendment, specifically Article 4, provides a mechanism to address this crisis. 

    Article 4 of the 25th Amendment outlines a process by which the Vice President, along with a majority of the principal officers of the executive departments and Congress, can declare in writing that the President cannot discharge the powers and duties of his office. Upon such a declaration, the Vice President would immediately assume the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the office as Acting President. 

    Given the current state of affairs, it is evident that invoking the 25th Amendment to install Kamala Harris as Acting President is a necessary step to safeguard the nation's interests. While Harris may not be the ideal candidate for many, her cognitive abilities are not in question, and she possesses the mental acuity required to navigate the complex and dangerous geopolitical landscape that America faces. 

    The crisis at the southern border, exacerbated by Biden's lax immigration policies, has allowed terrorists and criminals to infiltrate the country, posing a direct threat to the safety and security of American citizens. This situation, coupled with the growing tensions with adversaries such as China, Russia, and Iran, necessitates a mentally capable president to make sound decisions and lead the nation through these challenging times. 


    The emperor has no clothes, and the consequences of this deception are all too evident in the state of America today. From Biden's poor debate performance to the complicity of his wife, the media, and his cabinet, the truth about the President's mental decline has been systematically hidden from the public. The millions afflicted by Trump derangement syndrome and the divisive haters who put a mentally diminished Biden in the White House in 2020 should now be ashamed of themselves for causing the hate and division that now exists in America. 

    As the nation grapples with the fallout of this deception, we must learn from this cautionary tale and strive to hold our leaders accountable, regardless of political affiliation. The health and well-being of the nation depend on our ability to recognize the truth, even when it is uncomfortable, and to demand better from those entrusted with the responsibility of leading our great country. 



    Douglass Ross

    Douglas J. Ross is originally from Wisconsin and is a long-time resident of Miami, Florida. He is a veteran Navy pilot from the Cold War period, having graduated from the US Naval Academy. After retiring as an international airline Captain, he now works as an Investment Advisor and also volunteers with Patriotic groups like the Convention of States and the Association of Mature American Citizens. In his free time, he enjoys writing.

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    Ed Vidal
    3 months ago

    We are in the last stages of the Obama Califate. Let’s stay strong through victory in November and inauguration in January 2025!

    3 months ago

    "Given the current state of affairs, it is evident that invoking the 25th Amendment to install Kamala Harris as Acting President is a necessary step to safeguard the nation's interests. While Harris may not be the ideal candidate for many, her cognitive abilities are not in question, and she possesses the mental acuity required to navigate the complex and dangerous geopolitical landscape that America faces."

    Kamala is the BORDER CZAR! Biden/Harris are NOT calling the shots anyway!

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