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Doral, Florida - Christi Tasker is a candidate for Miami City Commissioner, District 2, which runs from the Edgewater neighborhood south through Downtown and Brickell Avenue to Coconut Grove. Election day will be this year on Tuesday, November 7, with early voting during the week before that. She is the patriotic, honest and competent candidate in this race.
Her opponent, incumbent Sabina Covo, won a special election in February this year, with full support not only from the local Democrat machine, but also from RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only) like State Rep. Vicki Lopez (District 113). In a field of 13 candidates, she won 29% of the vote with 13% turnout, and this special election did not require a runoff. At her first meeting of the City Commission, she was asked to lead everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance, but she did not know how to do it.
Sabina is an immigrant from Colombia, but that is no excuse. We need public officeholders who understand and believe in American exceptionalism. On the other hand, Christi is a true patriot. Her family has many members in public safety professions, including two fire chiefs and a fire marshall. As Frank de Varona, Bay of Pigs veteran, has observed: “Christi is one of the hardest-working freedom advocates I know.”
Christi is married, with children and grandchildren; she is a long-time homeowner on Brickell; and she runs her own award-winning social media and design business. Accordingly, she is not going into politics to make a living or improve her prospects.
Instead, she is a genuine good-government reformer exercising her civic-mindedness, and willing to invest her time and resources to improve the city. Christie’s business success is due to: her everything-starts-at-the-top attitude; her keen eye for detail; and her quick follow-through.
She has accused the Miami city government of being run by corrupt patronage players. The local press has called her the “corruption-fighting candidate.” She also has proposed a forensic audit of the city budget and all contracts, in order to ensure the delivery of reliable and efficient services.
The City of Miami is plagued by corruption and grifting. City Commissiones think that Miami is their own little Tammany Hall, where they can buy votes at nursing homes with by giving away chickens, or more broadly around Thanksgiving by giving away turkeys. We need someone who is not afraid to stand up to corruption and cronyism, and who will govern with common sense and integrity. Christi is that candidate.
Christi also knows what she is talking about. For example, she has pointed out that a lot of the flooding in downtown Miami, which is blamed on climate change and sea-level rise, instead is due to poor drainage and clogged-up drains. The drains can be cleared by frequent street cleaning, and drainage can be improved with deep tunnels and electric pumps, if necessary.
In addition to solving the flooding crisis, Christie has plans to address traffic jams, park space, unreliable trollies and trash pickup. She will also get the homeless off the street. Police are short-staffed and fire equipment does not meet standards. The city is entering into service contracts without adequate oversight.
As our own newspaper has observed: “Christi brings a common-sense business approach that is severely lacking in the City Commission.” See: https://miamiindependent.com/the-miami-independent-endorses-christi-tasker-for-miami-city-commission-district-2/. Christie can address the city’s third-world infrastructure problems, and help Miami fulfill its destiny as a first-class world city. She will make city services run smoothly, on time and with accountability.
Even The Miami Herald admits: “Christi Tasker is a Brickell business and marketing consultant and product designer, who was well-versed about the issues plaguing the community.”
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Christi is the only conservative in her race, but she has been shunned by the Republican party establishment of Miami-Dade County. See: https://miamiindependent.com/tammany-hall-in-the-tropics/. Instead, the local party has chosen to support the RINO mayor of Homestead, who has endorsed the Democrat County Mayor for re-election next year.
We have already noted above that the local state representative, backed by the Florida Republican House Campaign Committee, is a RINO who supported the Democrat incumbent. Grassroots conservatives cannot rely on the Republican party establishment to support conservative candidates or policies, or conservative issues like election integrity and voter registration.
Reform Majority
With Christi running in District 2, Manolo Reyes in District 4, and Miguel Angel Gabela in District 1, there exists the potential that next year, the majority in the Miami City Commission will consist of reform commissioners, who will stop doing business as usual.