• Tammany Hall Ignores Grievances

    June 26, 2023
    1893 US cartoon referencing Tammany Hall, caricatured as a Tiger. Published in "Puck"; cartoon by Frederick Burr Opper. Caption: "Lots of hunters after a very sick tiger"
    Public Domain

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    Doral, Florida - Miami-Dade County has a lot of conservative voters and activists, but the county Republican Executive Committee (“REC”) does not have room for them. We have already seen that the REC refuses to comply with Florida statutes, as well as state party rules, requiring that the names and addresses of its members must be kept on public file with the county Supervisor of Elections. This information was on the REC web site until last year, when it was taken down. The REC also shuns election integrity. Better opportunities for conservatives may exist in Broward County.

    Dirty Tricks

    In addition to this statutory violation, however, the REC regime uses other dirty tricks to maintain its hegemony: (1) This REC regime manipulates information about what openings are available for Alternates to move up to full Committeemen and women, and puts disfavored candidates at a disadvantage when openings come up. (2) The regime also manipulates the granting of excused absences for favored members. Three unexcused absences in a row are grounds for removal from the REC, and the excuses are supposed to be publicly debated, but seldom are. Instead excuses are granted silently, or in mass amnesty votes. As a result, there are likely many phantom Committeemen and women, with no-show jobs. (3) The regime does not announce publicly a regular schedule of meetings, so that meetings are scheduled at the whim of the regime, a further exercise of arbitrary and capricious power. (4) The regime interferes in primaries between Republicans, with money, manpower, advertising and more, favoring one candidate over other Republicans in good standing. This interference is supposedly prohibited by party rules, but rules are ignored by the regime in its quest to control its legislators and other office-holders.

    Grievances Ignored at County Level

    At the March meeting of the REC, members of the Election Integrity Subcommittee presented the Chairman with a grievance regarding the REC’s failure to comply with Florida states and state party rules. Florida Statutes, Title IX, Chapter 103.91(3) requires that: “Each county executive committee shall file with the state executive committee, and with the supervisor of elections, the names and addresses of its officers and members.” In addition, the County Model Constitution of the Republican Party of Florida requires that: “The Chairman of the county executive committee shall file with the state executive committee, and the Supervisor of Elections, the names and addresses of its officers and members within 30 days of their election.”

    Nevertheless, the REC refuses to comply, even though the Chairman and Vice Chairman ran for office at the end of last year promising to comply. As the grievance stated, such failure to comply generates an atmosphere of mistrust, and represents an attempt to maintain control of the county party amongst a small clique. Such tactics are reminiscent of Chicago Democrats, and also ignore and offend the grassroots conservatives who have turned to the Republican party for relief from the woke progressive politics of Democrats. These tactics limit the effectiveness of the county party to grow membership, conduct campaigns, and register new Republican voters.

    Appeal to State Party

    Following that meeting of the REC in March, an Alternate filed a formal grievance with the Republican Party of Florida (“RPOF”). That grievance observed that until about the middle of last year, openings in the REC were posted on their web site. Then the openings were removed from the web site, so a new prospect does not know to apply. In addition, an opening occurred in the position of Committeeman in the relevant District, but the Alternate was not informed, until after someone else had been elected to this position. This is a common grievance among several Alternates. Many Committeemen positions are filled by the REC leadership, without giving fair notice to all Alternates and the opportunity to compete.

    Finally, the grievance objected to the action of the REC Vice Chairman during the March meeting of leaving the room to prevent a quorum on a vote to release the required information. This grievance was filed by a retired military officer, who called the walkout intolerable, unethical, un-American and tyrannical.

    Other grievances were filed with the RPOF adding up to 40 pages and included the following: (1) Delays by the Membership Chairman in acknowledging the validity of forms filed. (2) Short notice by the Vice Chairman to an Alternate of an opening for her Committeewoman position, and favoring another candidate. Yet another Alternate in the same District received no notice at all. (3) A Cold War active-duty veteran was denied without explanation, and reported that his treatment was discriminatory and un-democratic. (4) An Alternate who joined in 2020 found that the Membership Chairman stonewalled about Committeewomen openings, and left a bad taste in her mouth. (5) A Republican candidate for the Miami City Commission was blocked from speaking to the REC or joining. This candidate also observed that party bylaws require more Committee positions given the number of registered voters in Districts. (6) Another Alternate was not informed about an opening in her District, while a favored Alternate was informed and sworn in without a contest. So far there has been no response to all these grievances, including no acknowledgment of receipt.

    In sum, the Republican Party establishment in Miami ignores the reason grievances of the many grassroots conservatives who have flocked to it in order to counter the woke progressive politics that have taken over the Democrat Party. Nevertheless, we conservatives have to deal with the RINOs before we can even get to the Socialists.

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    Eduardo Vidal

    Eduardo Vidal is a lawyer and political activist. His family brought him when he was nine years old from Cuba to the USA, but now the rule of law has been eroded in the USA as well, and we are turning into Cuba and the rest of Latin America.

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