• BREAKING: Palm Beach County Election Officials Caught Falsifying Machine Election Reports As Pressure Builds In Florida Over Discovery Of Massive Machine Election Fraud

    May 2, 2023
    Protestor at Palm Beach County recount during 2000 election aftermath.
    Image by Daniel Tobias

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    Pressure has been building in the 'not so free' state of Florida as activists have discovered a massive scheme that likely exists in other states across the nation -- the use of 'blank ballots' designated by election machines to 'readjudicate' ballots by software in large numbers.

    In other words, ballots are designated as 'blank' when cast, then the machine software decides who the voter should have voted for.

    For instance, in Miami-Dade County in 2020, 68,000 ballots were designated as 'blank' by election machines. In some precincts, the number equaled 20% of ballots cast. In the 2022 midterm election, this number went to essentially zero (400) as activists had begun making public the 'blank ballot' scheme.

    However, in 2022 some counties didn't get the memo. Broward County still showed 10% 'blank ballots' cast.

    This phenomenon obviously makes no sense. It is statistically improbably that 68k voters in 2020 cast blank ballots in Miami-Dade. The issue is rampant across Florida.

    After discovering this machine election fraud scheme, activists began asking for machine election reports across the state via open records requests.

    Legislators noticed, and just recently passed an 'election fraud bill', SB7050/HB7067 in Florida. Guess what? The bill removes statutory access by the public to the reports used by activists to discover and prove the massive machine election fraud.

    No reports, no fraud...right?

    However, reports recently provided by Palm Beach County, after a lengthy illegal delay, have added another wrinkle to this story -- illegal alteration of machine election reports by county officials.

    Here is an 'EL-45' report provided by Palm Beach County this week -- notice anything wrong? Look at the 'run date' -- 1984.

    More shenanigans were discovered on follow-on report requests.

    You can read evidence regarding Palm Beach County on the email string below:

    This EL45A Report was sent this morning from the PBC SOE Office

    Note the Run Date: 09/1/84 04:23am

    How and why would the report have a run date in 1984?

    After receiving this report we requested the EL52 and EL30A Report for the same election.

    Something interesting happened after the request. The EL45A File in the PBC SOE Portal Changed.

    This is what the NEW and improved report looked like:

    New Run Date, However the verification hash at the top of the page was gone.


    When we look at the EL52 we can see some interesting data.

    Fractional votes...

    And 125% Voter Turnout

    Where is Governor Ron's election crime unit? Where is the Florida attorney general?

    Don't look at what is happening in Florida....and across the nation...these aren't the droids you're looking for.

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    Patty Testa
    Patty Testa
    1 year ago

    This is amazing… we are the grassroots that collected raw data and anecdotals daily!! Thanks to all!!!🇺🇸🦅

    Bubba Eldridge
    Bubba Eldridge
    1 year ago

    It's more than likely that its rampant across the whole country, or we wouldn't be stuck with a lamebrain president like China Joe Biden.

    1 year ago

    I'm sorry but each state should NOT be allowed to have their own election process. That's what allows the "Deep State" to cheat like they do. If the election process were uniform across all states it would allow for easier auditing and more secure procedures such as SEQUENTIALLY NUMBERED BALLOTS. SNB's could be assigned to each registered voter and their vote would only count if it were on THAT ballot. Signature verification needs to be a 100% match too. To that end, beware of A.I. and it's ability to create a complex cheating scheme. The people behind cheating will fight election integrity to their last breath because they understand the consequences.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  anonymous

    It's a United States, not regions of a central government.

    Luz Nelly Uribe
    1 year ago

    Definitivamente esta es una Republica bananera, y definitivamente Trump won , no el mongolico que dizque es el presidente, nadie se lo cree

    1 year ago

    Put the ones who had control of voting machines in jail. Birds will sing

    Rick Morrow
    Rick Morrow
    1 year ago

    Remember that Iran hacked into the election equipment, but they couldn't change the votes? Remember that they just accessed the reports? Well here we have the reports being accessed.

    1 year ago

    The hacks who concocted this story are peddling in red herring. In fact, you're all barking up the wrong tree. Hell, you're even in the wrong forest. But ya'll can stay right there -- because we don't need hot heads mixing it up with the people who are actually working to fix our election issues.

    1 year ago

    Three's Company (CIA) : DEMinions und Konnechewa ?

    Mark Burns
    Mark Burns
    1 year ago

    Donkey party cheat to win

    1 year ago

    Reading the actual text of the law, it appears the file format specification was removed, and replaced with reference to a rule:

    1116 98.0981 Reports; voting history; statewide voter
    1117 registration system information; precinct-level election
    1118 results; book closing statistics; live turnout data.—
    1120 INFORMATION.—Each supervisor shall submit the reports required
    1121 by this subsection to the department no later than 10 business
    1122 days after the Elections Canvassing Commission certifies the
    1123 results of an election.
    1124 (a) Reconciliation.—For each presidential preference
    1125 primary election, special primary election, special election,
    1126 primary election, and general election, the supervisor shall
    1127 reconcile the aggregate total of ballots cast in each precinct
    1128 to the aggregate number of voters with voter history pursuant to
    1129 paragraph (b) and the precinct-level election results pursuant
    1130 to subsection (3) and submit a reconciliation report. The report
    1131 must be submitted to the department in an electronic format
    1132 pursuant to file format and specifications set forth by rule.

    Where is the referenced rule? Look for a solution there...

    Source: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/7050/BillText/er/HTML

    Christopher Germano
    Christopher Germano
    1 year ago

    DeSantis is a fraud. He's done some very good things but never investigated 2020 election and never prosecuted the fraudulent activities in 2018. He's done, many will not vote for him. RINO big time. Drain the swamp.

    Clifford Reid
    Clifford Reid
    1 year ago

    The Traitor Kalamaty Joe is NOT president of this country. Stop calling him president, and let us all refer to our country as a Republic rather than a democracy, and stop calling the bioweapon jab a "vaccine." Iy is not a "Vaccine, and this country is a Republic-a government of laws, NOT a lynch-mob democracy.

    Clifford Reid
    Clifford Reid
    1 year ago

    The states, by Constitutional law, are in charge of the federal elections. If the feds are in charge, we have no chance.

    1 year ago

    The EVID voter registration verification procedures are another election integrity issue that should be investigated throughout Florida.

    I signed up to be an EVID operator in Broward County for the 2022 election. EVID operators are responsible for verifying and possibly changing voter registration details, and for printing out instructions as to which ballot each voter should get. As soon as I received my training instructions I became confused. The instructions mentioned a two hour training, but the EVID operator job description called for a four hour training. This was explained as being a necessary simplification because it was so close to the election. The shorter training focused just on EVID operator responsibilities; the usual longer training covered other poll worker functions as well.

    After the training session I noted apparent contradictions between the procedures we had been taught to follow to handle voter registration changes at the polls, and the procedures described in the Broward poll worker training manual that we had been told to study.

    I called the "Placement Specialist" who set up my training to ask about the contradictions and was told that I was getting too hung up on details and that there might even be procedural updates on election day itself that I would find in the EVID machine box. The Placement Specialist said I sounded too confused to work as a poll worker and suggested that since this was my first election, and there were plenty of other workers with more experience, I should simply work as a guide to assist voters on election day. I had already invested two hours plus travel time in the formal training and many more hours studying the training manual. The differences I noted were real and potentially significant.

    During the conversation I mentioned that the inconsistencies I observed seemed to set the stage for election fraud. This led to a lecture about how there was no place for partisanship at the polls. I was also told that it sounded like I might not be able to get along with my election coworkers. I had not said anything partisan whatsoever, but I am registered Republican. I decided not to work in the election at all.

    Ever since hearing the claim that there would be plenty of experienced people at my assigned polling location, I have wondered whether Broward County actually wanted new EVID operators, or whether the call for them was a mere formality to meet some legal requirement. For good or bad, Broward County seems to rely on teams of long-time poll workers who know each other, and does not seem to want EVID operators asking questions about the process by which voters can update their voter registration details at the polls.

    Erin Aktas
    Erin Aktas
    1 year ago

    Palm Beach County is compromised in a big way. The voters are being strung along and manipulated and lied to!!!

    9 months ago

    Thanks go to the Jurski team for this. Because of them., many of the counties have cleaned up their act.

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